Supreme Lord

Chapter 1932

After witnessing Shengyang Gong scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, the representatives of the giants gathered in the Lingluo Tianyu are in danger.

They want to move, but they dare not move.

I want to run, but dare not run.

I want to fight back, but I dare not fight.

Don’t even dare to ask for help.

In the face of Gu Qingfeng, who is like Death God, they dare not do anything and can’t do anything. The only thing they can do is to wait and wait for Gu Qingfeng’s trial.

“Can the fairy officials of Lingluo Tianyu Xianting Mansion be there?”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, and the more than a thousand fairy officials of Lingluo Tianyu were scared the soul flew away and Scattered, Shengyang Gong still has people who can ask for help, but they don’t even have anyone who can ask for help, so they can only froze there, not knowing what to do.

“Kneel down!”

Gu Qingfeng deeply shouted, with a bang, more than a thousand immortal officials are still going on somehow, they knelt in the air, this kneeling, The kneeling seven orifices are bleeding, the meridian is completely broken, and the cultivation tens of thousands of years is also kneeling. The cultivation base disappeared, Essence, Qi, and Spirit disappeared, leaving only a dying breath.

“Capital crimes can be avoided, living crimes cannot be escaped. Today, I will be a cultivation base, such as a small punishment. I will lie in bed for the rest of my life and think about what is the price and what is the consequence!”

Though these fairy officials are not dead.

But it’s just not dead.

Not only the cultivation base is abolished, but people are also abolished. In the second half of my life, I will not talk about cultivation. Whether I can live my own life is still unknown.

“Whose person, take me away!”

Gu Qingfeng raised his hand, and the dying thousands of immortal officials were like leaves and were thrown to the Lingluo Tianyu all directions. in the corner.

“You are no exception! Kneel down for me!”

Another shout.

In the emptiness of Lingluo Tianyu, there are more than ten thousand representatives of the giants of all parties, kneeling on the ground with a bang, just like the fairy officials just now, they are all seven orifices bleeding, meridian After all, a cultivation base disappeared, and all became useless.

“Where did you come from, where did you go back!”

When Gu Qingfeng raised his hand, more than ten thousand dead people were like as the autumn gale sweeps away the leaves, horizontally Fly out.

“The same for you guys! Get out of me!”

With a bang, those innumerable elders didn’t even have the chance to kneel down, and they were knocked off by Gu Qingfeng on the spot. The words, the shock is not bleeding from the seven orifices, or the blood and flesh flying, or the cultivation base is lost, or the fortunes are cracked, leaving no one behind, all flying out.

Looking at this scene.

Those who are staring at this place hiding in the world are shiver coldly scared, both fortunate and afraid.

Fortunately, I didn’t participate in the crusade against You Emperor, otherwise… I would definitely be like these people, losing their cultivation base and becoming a useless person.

Death is not terrifying.

terrifying is half-dead.

not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death, lying in bed for the rest of my life, the fleshy body and spirit have suffered endless pain and torment.

Thinking about it, I’m afraid.


In addition to rejoicing and fear, there is more fear, fear of the terrifying power of Youdi that is unpredictable.

Most of the representatives of these giants are immortal dao celebrities who have climbed the ladder of Ancient Era, and their cultivation base strength is out of the ordinary.

Those proud avenues are even the rookies of the world, including Shi Que, Fang Ying, and Yunfan. Among them are the ten great gods of the Great Wilderness such as Shi Que, Fang Ying, and Yunfan. Each of them is a great good fortune. Human, and in front of Emperor You, he couldn’t even stand firmly, and he drank it with a loud voice, and then wasted.

How can people not be afraid.

Black liquid on the mountain.

Looking at this scene, the old beggar looked up and took a sip of Dragon Cauldron wine, and said: “This kid’s methods are really amazing. He must have seen that these great destinies are those giant Old Ancestors. He dug the pit, so this kid didn’t jump into the pit, but the motherfucker directly scrapped everyone else.”

“The old man pondered the hearts of those giants Old Ancestor. They were all dripping blood. They were expecting this kid to have murderous intention on those Dao Dao’s destiny to force immortal Dao and Heavenly Dao to come out. I’m afraid that no one would have thought that this kid would play such a hand, so he didn’t say anything. Everyone was scrapped. Immortal Dao wouldn’t care about the lives of these people. Heavenly Dao didn’t care much. What should I do? Go out and save it. It’s not worth it to give up all the previous work, and this kid has realized Slaughtering Dao. Someone must die, even those Old Ancestors can’t be saved. They can only look at their own discipline of grand disciples and become useless…”

Old Beggar exclaimed: “These giants Old Ancestor gave this kid a chain set with his front foot, and the kid’s back foot was pricked in the heart of the giant Old Ancestor. This is really an expert trick. The trick is fatal. It is wonderful!”

“But… …” As soon as the conversation turned, the old beggar looked at the only group of destiny people left in the void, and asked suspiciously: “Does this kid really dare to take action on these destiny?”

black liquid Empress indifferently said: “I said, the thing about All Heavens Myriad Realms, only he thinks and does not want to, never dare or dare.”

“black liquid sister, you didn’t understand the old man It means that to obliterate the destiny of the Dao Dao, it is not only the guts, but also the ability to do it.”

“You mean, my big brother, the emperor You, does not have the ability to obliterate the destiny of the Dao Dao?”


“It is easy to obliterate the destiny of these avenues, and it is not too difficult for this kid. The key lies in the nine days immortal dao and the mysterious Heavenly Dao.”

The old beggar continued:” Even if this kid really dared to do something to Dao Tianming, nine days immortal dao will you agree? Heavenly Dao Union agree? Nine days is notorious for protecting the shortcomings, and in the future, I will count on these avenues to rule Heaven and Earth. Impossible to ignore it. As for Heavenly Dao… the old man doesn’t know the pulse of Heavenly Dao, and he doesn’t know what Heavenly Dao is. What is your plan, but one thing is certain. If Heavenly Dao wants to return to the position of the head of the avenue in the modern and ancient times, it shouldn’t allow anyone to provoke Heavenly Dao’s hegemony, even more how, the old man is still in Lingluo Tianyu. I found several Law Enforcers from Heavenly Dao, and they should have come for this too. “


Old Beggar analyzed: “Ten thousand steps back, even if the nine-day immortal dao really gave up these great destiny, Heavenly Dao also ignored it. , Those Old Ancestors who are dormant in the dark will not allow this kid to obliterate them, and they will certainly take action desperately. “

“So, if this kid wants to obliterate the fate of Dao Dao, he must pass three levels. The first test is immortal dao, the second test is Heavenly Dao, and the third test is the giant Old Ancestor. Any shot of Dao hurdles, this kid is unlikely to obliterate Dao’s fate. “

black liquid Empress asked lightly: “Do you want to make a bet?” “

“What to bet on? “

“I bet my Youdi big brother can obliterate these great destiny. “

“If you lose. “

“If the great aunt loses, I will give you the black liquid mountain that you have been watching for a long time! “

When he heard this, the old beggar got up with excitement and asked, “Is this true?” “

“Of course, but… if you lose… you must be great aunt. “

“What’s the matter. “

“What’s the matter, I will tell you afterwards, how is it, old beggar, do you dare to bet?” “

“Wait! “Old beggar stroked his chin and stared at the black liquid Empress, skeptically: “How does the old man think this is like a pit!” “

black liquid Empress shrugged, noncommittal, and said: “The good show is about to begin, do you gamble or not.” “

“Good! old fogey bet with you! I don’t believe that this kid can turn the tide! “

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