Supreme Lord

Chapter 1933

The Lingluo Tianyu shrouded in darkness is full of deathly silence.

The representatives of the great big shots are dead, maimed, and useless. They have already flown out and disappeared.

Only ten people remain in the vast void of heaven.

And all of them are the destiny of the Dao, among them there are four Dao Thrones and six Dao Star Monarch.

There are not only the Immortal King, but also the Demon King.

Behind these Dao Destiny are giants who have inherited the Megatron Wilderness since ancient times, either 36 caves or seventy two blessed land.

At this moment.

Although the ten Dao Destiny is safe and sound, there is no injury on his body, but their faces are more ugly, and their expressions are more panic. Even though they all have a powerful Dao Body, they also have Law Power. Have the destiny guardian.


Faced with the endless darkness, endless silence, and endless killing, and the cold and domineering Gu Qingfeng.

They still dare not move.

The endless darkness enveloped them, making them not knowing what to do, just like being lost in the darkness, not knowing where the light is.

The infinite silence shrouded them, making them afraid to break, as if they would wake up the sleeping Death God after breaking.

The boundless killings made them dare not resist, because after being covered by the killings, they felt as if a butcher knife had been placed on their necks. As long as the butcher knife was swiped, their The head will fall and life will end.

That’s true.

They have never felt so scared.

This is the first time.

What to do.

No one knows what to do.

Fortunately, they know that they are the destiny of the Great Dao. Immortal Dao will not allow themselves to die, nor will Heavenly Dao, and their Old Ancestor will not allow themselves to die like this.


Gu Qingfeng ignored the ten great destiny behind him, but stood quietly in the void, with the breeze blowing, the long hair like ink on that plain face Dancing wanton, Shengxue’s white clothed also followed Feng Feiyang, he opened a jar of Hell’s impermanence wine, raised his head and started drinking.

Ling Luo Tianyu is getting quieter and quieter, a little scary.


Behind this silence is the undercurrent of chaos and countless murderous intentions from all directions, above heaven under earth.

At least.

The black liquid mountain can be seen no matter whether it is the old beggar or the black liquid Empress, since Gu Qingfeng still went out the representatives of the great big shots, leaving only ten Dadao destiny, one after another murderous Intention, one after another Divine Consciousness appeared one after another, without exception, all were shrouded in Gu Qingfeng’s body.

“The long-awaited show is finally about to begin.”

Old beggar rubbed his hands in excitement, and said: “Head-on-head confrontation, this time the old man fell We need to see if this kid has the courage and the ability to kill Dadao Mandate.”

“The Old Ancestor Fang definitely worked hard in this long-planned duel.” black liquid Empress Said: “With these ten Dao Destiny, you are not only testing the attitude of Nine Heavens immortal dao, but also testing the attitude of Heavenly Dao, and even the attitude of my Youdi big brother.”

“The wonderful is wonderful. Here, nine days immortal dao will not compromise, Heavenly Dao will never compromise. Judging from the current situation, this kid will not compromise, and…” Old beggar chuckled said: “This kid hasn’t been on these avenues. The destiny started, the old man wondered what bad he must be holding back, and it seemed that the badness was not ordinary bad, as if he was about to break the sky, I hope the old man guessed wrong, otherwise…just too Terrifying.”

“mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.” black liquid Empress faintly said: “It’s just…who is the mantis, who is the cicada, and who is the oriole.”

“hehe, who is the praying mantis and who is the oriole, the old man doesn’t know, if you want to talk about the cicada, the old man knows it, but…” the old beggar looked at Gu Qingfeng and frowns in the sky and said “Looking at the posture now, this cicada wants to be refined. It not only wants to fight back against the mantis, but also wants to gnaw the oriole.”

“There are too many praying mantises, and too many yellows The black liquid Empress asked: “Old beggar, are you a mantis or a oriole.”

“The old man is neither a praying mantis nor a oriole. The old man is just… A crow watching the excitement.”

black liquid Empress laughed and said nothing.

Old beggar asked: “What about you, is it a praying mantis or a oriole.”

“I am neither a praying mantis nor a oriole, I am just…a Look at the cicadas.”

“Look at the cicadas? You should be a cicada hunter, right?”

When the black liquid Empress was chatting with old beggar, suddenly After a change, nine rainbow lights cut through the dark night sky like shooting stars, and then fell around Gu Qingfeng.

Nine people.

To be precise, it is the silhouette of Nine Dao.

Because these nine silhouettes are all illusory, they hide the spiritual aura on the body strictly, naked eye can’t see, and Divine Consciousness can’t detect it. Obviously, we don’t want outsiders to know their identity.

Black liquid On the mountain, the old Beggar couldn’t see the identity of the nine people, but he saw that the silhouette of the nine people that appeared suddenly is the incarnation of the nine people. He wondered: “Whose incarnation is this? It’s the old Ancestor giants? It’s not possible. The giant Old Ancestor launched the Dao Destiny to force immortal Dao and Heavenly Dao. Now this kid with the surname Gu has not taken action, neither immortal Dao nor Heavenly Dao. Show up, they are impossible to come forward.”


The old beggar seemed to realize something and said: “Good fellow! These nine incarnations are either the Old Ancestor of the nine days immortal dao or the Old Ancestor of Heavenly Dao. Heavenly Dao has always been mysterious and more than Everyone can calm down, so it seems most likely that this should be the Old Ancestor of the nine days immortal dao.”

In the field, one of the incarnations stared at Gu Qingfeng and said: “Youdi, I will wait I came here this time just to take them away. I hope you can be magnanimous.”

The voice of this incarnation is like their silhouette, and it is also illusory.

I heard this.

The old beggar on the black liquid mountain laughed all of a sudden, and some taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune said: “This motherfucker is the attitude of nine days immortal dao?”

“That’s right , This is the attitude of the immortal dao of nine days.” black liquid Empress also said with a smile: “There is no bright day that represents nine days, only nine incarnations of Old Ancestor appear suddenly, and they clearly want to tell those giants Old Ancestor, let They give up their hearts. They only keep these avenues immortal dao immortal. Apart from this, they don’t care.”

“This is really an expert trick. The trick is deadly. One is better than one! But! What about Heavenly Dao? What is the attitude of Heavenly Dao?”

“Heavenly Dao does not need any attitude. Now several nine-day Old Ancestor incarnations have come forward to protect the fate of these avenues. What attitude does Heavenly Dao need? “

“Now the old man guesses that the giant Old Ancestor should completely give up, and these nine-day Old Ancestor are all motherfucker old guys who are deep and unmeasurable, and take these great destinies away. It shouldn’t be a problem.”

“The problem is that my Youdi big brother told them not to take away these great destiny.”

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