Supreme Lord

Chapter 1931


Gu Qingfeng stood in the dark void, with his hands behind him, a pair of gloomy eyes, one after another across the representatives of the great big shots in the field, and then fell on Shengyang Gong Body.

Shengyang, who was originally fearful, touched Gu Qingfeng’s eyes, as if being stared at by Death God’s eyes, a face pale pale with fright, and the whole person even more stopped Shaking unceasingly, even standing a little unsteady, even the soul fell into the abyss of hell of endless darkness.

“I said, your fate, I’m going to make it.”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, and Sheng Yang couldn’t hold it anymore and was paralyzed in the air on the spot. , He instinctively wanted to struggle, but his mind was already broken, confused, unable to concentrate, a thick body of immortal strength running around uncontrollably within the body, the soul seemed to be lost, the fleshy body couldn’t help trembling, including his hands. The two laws of Lingjian were also unstable and fell off.

“Help, save me…”

Sheng Yang strongly endured the fear in his heart and made a sharp and hoarse cry for help.


Who dares to save?

Don’t say that his protégés, the discipline Immortal King and morning sun Star Monarch who stood beside him, were afraid to save them.


Don’t dare.

Although they are the destiny of the great Dao, they have a big Dao Body, they also have Law Power, and they also have the guardian of the destiny.

But this does not mean anything.

At least.

In the eyes of Gu Qingfeng, it is nothing.

Because they all know that Gu Qingfeng has killed the Dao Destiny before, and more than one, not only killed, but also won the destiny, its immortal and demon unparalleled throne, and even the destiny of Nine Nether. It was snatched, so they didn’t dare to use their destiny to gamble on Gu Qingfeng’s guts.

“Beiding Immortal King…Save me! Save me…”

Shengyang Gong asked the Beiding Immortal King for help again.

Being Ding Immortal King is also ashamed, facing Sheng Yang’s call for help, he dare not respond at all.

“Everyone of Dandinggu…Old Ancestor…you…said…will protect me…save me…save me!!”

No one Respond to Shengyang Gong, not even one.

On the other side, Gu Qingfeng stood so quietly, watching, waiting, and let Shengyang Gong beg for help.

“Save me! Save me—”

Sheng Yang hissed for help like crazy, but no matter who he asked for help, no one paid any attention.

This is called Shengyang Gong extremely desperate.

“Qianqiu Empress! Ruyi Empress…you…are all emmortal dao Empresses, you can’t die without saving, save me!!! I can’t die, I don’t want to die!!!”

Shengyang Gong asked Nalan Qianqiu and Mo Ruyi for help again.


Although Nalan Qianqiu is an immortal dao Empress, and Mo Ruyi holds the Great Sun Illumination Order and is an immortal dao messenger, they also dare not save the person Gu Qingfeng wants to kill.

“The big day…the big day is bright…the nine-day immortal dao…I am the Tianyu Controller bestowed by you, and the immortal dao Ruler you canonized, save me…I have always been to the nine-day immortal dao Loyal, save me…Save me…”

It’s no use.

Nine days immortal dao did not respond at all.

At this time.

Gu Qingfeng, who has been silent for a long time, finally speaks again: “You, who else can you ask for help?”


This time, Shengyang The public was completely desperate.

“If not, then die.”

The voice fell.

Sheng Yang’s body suddenly stiffened, and turned into a mass of blood mist, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Fleshy body is.

So does the soul.

There is no reincarnation in death, no reincarnation.


Completely dead.

Gu Qingfeng is in front of a group of Dao Destiny, in front of the Old Ancestor Fang, in front of the two immortal daos of Nalan Qianqiu Mo Ruyi, and in front of the immortal dao of Nine Heavens In the face, in the face of everyone, ruthless obliterated such a Tianyu Controller as Lord Shengyang.

Black liquid on the mountain.

Looking at this scene, the old beggar sighed and said: “The old man always thought that he was a master who had seen the world, but now I know that he is just a frog in who believes oneself infallible. Well, motherfucker is an eye-opener and insightful.”

While speaking, old beggar exclaimed: “It’s not that the old man has never seen an arrogant master, but he is still so arrogant like this kid. The first time I saw you, I was not only brazen, but also regardless of the law and of natural morality!”

“Kill, just kill, he still let people ask for help. After the call for help, he asks for more Ask someone for help, until the other person has no one to ask for, no one to save, and the other person must die in despair. After death, the other person must understand one thing, that is, the person he wants to kill. Help.”

“And…he still obliterated the Tianyu Controller enshrined in Jiutian in front of Jiutian immortal dao… This is too arrogant! It’s so arrogant. “

“I have to say, this kid is definitely the most arrogant and arrogant guy that old fogey has ever seen in his life. If motherfucker can be so arrogant to this point, this kid is the first since ancient times. Now, Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​the old madmen were not as mad as this kid back then.”

The black liquid Empress next to it said, “It’s nothing more than a small universe.” Controller that’s all, no one cares about his life and death, and nine days immortal dao will not care.”

“It depends on what’s going on. Killing a Tianyu Controller is not a major event. But this kid just killed a Tianyu Controller in the presence of All Heavens Myriad Realms. Isn’t it obvious that he was hitting Jiutian immortal dao in the face.”

“Nine-day immortal dao still Do you have a face?” black liquid Empress said with a smile: “If there is, I will be swollen by my Youdi big brother today!”

“That’s not necessarily.” Old beggar shook his head. : “As you said, a Tianyu Controller is nothing but Jiutian doesn’t care at all, but… in addition to the Tianyu Controller, there are many Dadao destinies. Now, nine days impossible don’t care. “

Speaking of the destiny of the avenue, old beggar also smiled: “To say that these giant Old Ancestors are really wily old fox, let these destiny of the avenue be the representative, making it clear that they want these avenues Destiny makes a bet to immortal the army of nine days, no! There will be more than nine days of immortal dao, and Heavenly Dao, the true overlord of the Great Wilderness. “

“You said…” The old beggar turned around and stared at the black liquid Empress and said, “Does this kid dare to kill these great destiny?” “

“Old beggar, I said, you really should take some time to learn about the past deeds of my Youdi big brother. “

“Why do you always say this and what do you mean? “As if he realized something, the old beggar said in disbelief: “You mean he really has the guts to kill the destiny? “

“If you know the past deeds of my Youdi big brother, you won’t ask this question. “

“Why. “

“Because the great aunt has spent a long time understanding the deeds of the Youdi big brother, and then summed it up in one sentence. “

“What’s the matter? “

“This sentence means that in his life, he has only thought and dare, never dare and dare. “

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