Supreme Lord

Chapter 1895

“In other words, there is Dandinggu behind Duke Shengyang, so he dared to be so unscrupulous, but…” Yun Wan thought about it, and then asked: “Dandinggu has the ability to kill the emperor. Is it?”


Lian Grandmother of Flowers said with a smile: “Although many Old Ancestors in Dandinggu in the ancient times have woken up and returned, it’s just… They may not have this ability to kill You Emperor, hehe. Not to mention that they are the Three Thousand Great Daos. Their origins have been restored, and their Old Ancestors have also returned. Who would dare to say that they can definitely kill You Emperor? If you are really confident that you can obliterate the words of Emperor You, immortal dao will not be silent until now.”

After all, Lotus Grandmother of Flowers said again: “If the immortal dao does not come forward, Dandinggu will also I absolutely dare not to act blindly without thinking.”

Yun Wan frowned and said: “But the problem is, now Jiutian immortal dao not at all means to come forward, and Dandinggu must also know Jiutian immortal. The meaning of dao.”

“Waner, now you finally understand why the Shengyang Guild has been so active in searching the whereabouts of You Emperor, right?”

Yun Wan’s heart moved, Said: “Lian Grandmother of Flowers, you mean that Dan Dinggu used Sheng Yang to force the immortal dao to come forward!”


Lian Grandmother of Flowers nodded said: “Danding Valley wants to kill You Emperor, but he doesn’t have the confidence and the courage. Only when Jiutian immortal dao comes forward, they dare to do it, and Jiutian immortal dao is worried about the great turmoil and does not want to do it with You Emperor. Therefore, Dan Dinggu found Lord Sheng Yang, and asked Sheng Yang to mobilize all immortals to kill You Emperor in the name of Nine Heavens Immortal Dao in Lingluo Tianyu. Sheng Yang is here to fan the flames. Once You Emperor appears, when the time comes Jiutian immortal dao, even if you don’t want to do it, you have to come forward under pressure.”

“Shengyang, I wonder if Dao Pill is using him?”

” Duke Yang, a hypocritical wily old fox, how could he not know that Dao Pill Dinggu was using him, but… Dan Dinggu was using his appeal, and he was also using the power of Dandinggu. What’s nice in the middle is to work together, and what’s bad is to use each other that’s all. After all, they all hate You Emperor deeply, as long as they can obliterate You Emperor. “

“Nine days immortal dao should know Dao Pill Dinggu and Shengyang Gong’s trick? “

“Nine days immortal dao of course knows, but what about knowing?” Can I stop immortal dao for nine days? How to stop? Shengyang Gong has spent 100,000 years in Lingluo Tianyu, and his power has been poured into the field. His disciples and officials are all over the Tianyu. It can be called a hundred responses. The most important thing is that Shengyang’s slogan is for immortals and people. At the absolute moral high ground, how do you call Jiutian immortal dao stop it? even more how ……Once Jiutian immortal dao comes forward, Dandinggu will immediately stand up and question Jiutian immortal dao. “

Lian Grandmother of Flowers said, shaking his head and sighed: “With Dan Dinggu as the backing, Jiutian immortal dao can’t start even if he wants to secretly obliterate the Holy Sun, and now he wants to force Jiutian immortal. Dao is not just Dandinggu, but there are many, many existences. “

Speaking, Lotus Grandmother of Flowers sighed again, and said: “This matter is too deep. If it is only Shengyang, it is not a matter at all, but Shengyang There happened to be a Danding Valley behind, and there was probably another…behind Danding Valley. “

“36 Dongtian, seventy two blessed places are not someone who is easy to deal with. It can even be said that none of them want to watch immortal dao one family alone, everyone knows immortal dao one family alone There is nothing good for them. They all want to take this opportunity to suppress the immortal dao, some want to support their own avenues, some may have reached a consensus with other avenues… Anyway, they are all selfish. calculations. “

After listening to the words of Lotus Grandmother of Flowers, Yun Wan had no idea what to say. She originally thought it was simple. It was nothing more than the exposure of Youdi’s identity, which caused turmoil in the Great Wilderness. I think that behind the exposure of the emperor’s identity, such complicated things are involved. Those Dao patrons, Dao Tianming wants to take this opportunity to become famous as Heaven and Earth. Not to mention, 36 Dongtian, seventy two blessed land, including Three Thousand Great Daos, are all hitting their own. Selfish calculations.


She seemed to have realized something, and she couldn’t help but glance at the Lotus Grandmother of Flowers.

The Lotus Grandmother of Flowers did not appear long ago. I don’t show up late, but I just appear at this juncture, stumping Heavenly Dao…

And Lian Grandmother of Flowers seems to see what Yun Wan is thinking in her heart, she not at all deliberately concealed something, she said bluntly “We, Heavenly Dao, have been silent for too long for too long… The longest ones have been almost forgotten by the All Heavens Myriad Realms…”

“Mother, we Heavenly Dao also want to take this opportunity to achieve What purpose? “

Lian Grandmother of Flowers nodded, staring at Yun Wan, and said solemnly: “Wan Er, do you want to know Heavenly Dao’s plan?” If you want to know, the old man will tell you. “


Yun Wan didn’t even think about it, she shook her head and refused, saying: “I don’t want to know. “

“I don’t want to know the best. Before I came, Empress specially told the old man, she didn’t want you to participate in Heavenly Dao. “

“Mother-in-law, can I ask you something?” “

“Of course. “

“Heavenly Dao…Is you trying to obliterate Youdi this time?” “

“hehe. “

Lian Grandmother of Flowers said with a slight smile: “The old man just said that this above heaven under earth, Three Thousand Great Daos, no one is absolutely sure to obliterate the emperor, immortal dao is so. This is true of Buddhism, and Heavenly Dao is no exception. Moreover, before the Emperor You are absolutely certain, no one dares to act blindly without thinking at Three Thousand Great Daos, and no one can bear the consequences. “

Close her eyes, Lian Grandmother of Flowers drew a smile, which seemed to be ironic, and said: “Waner, do you know?” One thing is ridiculous. “

“Funny? whats the matter? “

“The Three Thousand Great Daos all wanted to obliterate You Emperor, but now they all want You Emperor to live. “

“Why? “

“Because from the current situation of the Great Wilderness, only the You Emperor is alive, the Three Thousand Great Daos is afraid to go to war, only the You Emperor is alive, and the 36 seventy two blessed land dare not to act blindly without thinking , And only You Emperor is alive, and those terrifying existences from Guixu dare not want to act recklessly. Only You Emperor is alive. Nine days are the bright nine days, Nine Nether is the dark Nether, and the great wilderness Heaven and Earth It is the peaceful wilderness, All Heavens Myriad Realms is also the All Heavens Myriad Realms in the flourishing age, and only You Di is alive, and the modern and ancient eras are the modern and ancient eras when everything is restored. “

“It can be said that if You Di really died in Wudao Mountain… then this All Heavens Myriad Realms has already been blood flowing into a river, loss of because of the battle of Three Thousand Great Daos. life, this great wasteland has already been blood dyed into a blood-colored great wasteland…”

“Everyone says that You Di is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny, and everyone is afraid that he will slaughter the Great Dao. The irony of ending the present and ancient times is that the present and ancient times have been so peaceful because of such a God of Original Sin. You say it is ridiculous. “

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