Supreme Lord

Chapter 1896


The scorching sun.

Red Clouds Sect, inside a villa.

Huo De paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, looking anxious and worrying too much.

Master Shengyang Gongxing mobilized the crowd to search the whereabouts of Gu Qingfeng in the ancient world. Huo De had already known it. He had always worried about this matter being known by Gu Qingfeng, and was worried about how to conceal it. Although he knew that he couldn’t persuade Gu Qingfeng, he still thought about dragging it for a day. Maybe Gu Qingfeng suddenly changed his attention and didn’t decide to have the fun of immortal dao for nine days.

But then I heard from Little Jin’er that he knew that Gu Qingfeng was not in Red Clouds Sect at all. As for where he went, he didn’t know. Ask Fei Yue, Fei Yue didn’t know, even Little Jin ‘er also didn’t know, this made Huode’s heart happy and worried.

The good news is that Gu Qingfeng is not in Red Clouds Sect, even if Sheng Yang does come to Red Clouds Sect to search, nothing can be found.

The worry is that Gu Qingfeng didn’t even say hello, so he left, where did he go? After thinking about it, I couldn’t think of a reason, and asked: “Little Jin’er, don’t you really know where Guy Gu went?”

“I don’t know.”

Little Jin’er and Feiyue sat in the pavilion. Feiyue also had a worried look. Only Little Jin’er looked calm. She ate Spirit Fruit and said, “Big Brother will just go out for a while , He didn’t tell me where to go.”

“This…Little Jin’er.” Huode rubbed his hands, and asked as if somewhat sorry: “Did you persuade you Big Brother to leave here? “

“I didn’t persuade Big Brother to leave.” Little Jin’er shook his head innocently, “Why should I persuade Big Brother to leave here.”

” You girl, don’t you know how dangerous your Big Brother situation is now? But even so, that kid still wants to have the fun of immortal dao, why don’t you persuade him.”

“Huode grandfather, there are some things you don’t know, so don’t worry about it.”

“What is it? Old man doesn’t know anything? Old man doesn’t know more than your little girl. What else is blind worrying? Old man, this is blind worrying. Do you know that this whole thing is a conspiracy? Some people want to use this thing to make Gu boy and Jiutian immortal dao fight each other, so sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits, the water in this matter is deep.”

Little Jin’er gave a blank look, his eyes were like looking at an ignorant child who didn’t understand anything, and said : “Huode grandfather, you just need to manage your own affairs. What Big Brother wants to do, even the elder sister and the unnamed elder sister can’t control it. You can’t control it.”

“You little girl, old man…”

Huo De was choked by the words of Little Jin’er, and his complexion was a little red. I wanted to refute something, but I really don’t know what to look for. Excuse, think about it, it is true, what the old boy wants to do, even the motherfucker Saintess Empress, including the so-called causal incarnation, the secret of the messenger of destiny, Empress, can’t control himself. What to care about here.

At this time.

A middle-aged man walked into the Bieyuan with a flustered expression, and said: “Master, it’s not good.”

This middle-aged man is called Fenglin. Head Disciple received by Huode, he glanced at Feng Lin, and reprimanded: “I said Feng Lin, you are also the Vice Sect Master of Red Clouds Sect anyway, can motherfucker look like a Sect Master? I panic when I encounter something wrong, what’s wrong? Has the sun set? Or is the sky falling?”

Feng Lin’s expression sank and responded: “It’s the Sacred Sun Someone is coming.”


As soon as I heard that Shengyanggong was bringing people over, Huode suddenly became angry and foul-mouthed shouted “Shengyang Gong, the Old Turtle calf, really motherfucker is have the ambition to eat the leopard’s guts, dare to find the fault of our Red Clouds Sect, but he is an old bastard.”

Huo De panting with rage rolled up his sleeves, pointed at Feng Lin, shouted: “Go, pass on Lao Tzu’s words, tell everyone in the sect, from Sect Master to Sect Elder, to sect master to the hall master’s discipline, as long as you can breathe. , Copy the guys for Lao Tzu to gather at the door of Zongqian, set a posture for Lao Tzu, waiting for the old bastard of Shengyang Gong!”


Upon hearing this, Feng Lin couldn’t help being shocked, and said in astonishment: “You…what are you going to do? Shengyang Duke is the Controller of Lingluo Tianyu.”

“I care about his Controller. , Let you go, just go, say that many nonsense, what do you do! Hurry up!”


After Fenglin leaves, Feiyue also Nervously asked: “What are you going to do? Stupid you still want to openly fight with Shengyang?”

“What kind of battle shall I fight with his old bastard!” Huo De said with a smile: “Furthermore, we are not opponents of others.”

“Then what do you make everyone in the clan gather together.”

“To gather together is not necessarily to go to war.” Huo De raised his head and took a sip of wine and said, “His Sage Yang took a ride on the nine-day reward of the big sun dragon, and came with tens of millions of Celestial Immortal officials. Little, this Old Turtle took the grandiose man to search the whereabouts of the ancient boy in the ancient world, and it was completely shaken. “

” And, as far as the old man knows, when the Old Turtle of Shengyang went to Shangqing Sect before, it was very horizontal. He even planned to implement immortal dao law on Shangqing Sect. Fortunately, The background of Shangqing Sect is big enough, even the motherfucker Heavenly Dao Ruler has come out, and the motherfucker has lowered the rolling Heavenly Might, Shengyang Gong did not dare to do it. “

“Although our Red Clouds Sect is not as big as Shangqing Sect’s backing, we can’t be counseled. At least, we can’t be counseled in the imposing manner. The more you counsel, the more the Old Turtle, Shengyang Duke, will push his nose Face, even more how……”

Huo De whispered: “Although Gu Xiaozi is not within the sect, he has lived here for a while after all, in case motherfucker is really caught by Shengyang If Old Turtle noticed something, then this happened. “

Fei Yue asked: “What are you going to do?” “

“The old man will never ask Shengyang to come to our Red Clouds Sect to search. This is the bottom line. Besides, if the old man knows that the old man is so awkward, then the boy again It’s time to say that the old man lost his people. “

Feiyue said worriedly: “What if Shengyang Duke forced a search?” “


At this time, Little Jin’er said with a smile: “Huo De grandfather, today if you ask that Sheng Yang Gong to enter the Red Clouds Sect search If so, not only the people from Big Brother, but also the elder sister and the elder sister of the night. “

Huo De agrees with nodded, saying: “The little girl is right, our Red Clouds Sect is also covered by Saintess Empress and the Empress of Nature. The old man is afraid that Shengyang is an old bastard. ? He counts as a hairy, let’s go, Little Jin’er, old man, take you a little girl to meet the world today, by the way, open your eyes and have a long experience. “

“Good, good! Jiner likes watching the show the most. “

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