Supreme Lord

Chapter 1894

“The Sage Yang is really a wily old fox.”

“Speaking and shutting up is not to protect the avenues of life, but to eliminate harm for the people, and what to say, regardless of whether there is an immortal dao or not. Descending the will, he, the controller of the universe, has the obligation and more responsibility to protect everyone’s safety. What a noble virtue!”

“Everyone knows how terrifying the existence of Youdi is, if not No one dares to act blindly without thinking, and this Sage Yang is jumping up and down in the Lingluo Tianyu, and even riding a big sun dragon, with attendants crowding round, with attendants crowding round, for fear that others will not. I know how immortal he is for the people.”

“Nine Heavens immortal dao has a will. The ancient world is not under the jurisdiction of the Lingluo Tianyu, but the Holy Yang is here. You think he is coming. Is this really here to search for the whereabouts of Emperor You? No! No, he wanted to let everyone know that his Holy Sun did not hesitate to defy the will of the nine days immortal dao, how lofty this is. Spirit.”

“Do you think he came to Shangqing Sect because he really suspected that You Di had been here? No, this is just an excuse. He came to our Shangqing Sect for one thing, the same It is to let everyone know that in order to search for the whereabouts of the emperor, he did not hesitate to offend Shangqing Sect. To be precise, it was Heavenly Dao behind Shangqing Sect.”

“If the old man’s guess is good , The next stop of Shengyanggong is Red Clouds Sect. Everyone knows that Red Clouds Sect is blessed by Saintess Empress and Empress of Nature. When he is here, everyone knows that he Shengyanggong is searching. The whereabouts of the Emperor You, do not hesitate to offend Saintess Empress and Empress of Nature.”


Lian Grandmother of Flowers held a cup of tea, said flatly, and said: “These things will be spread all over All Heavens Myriad Realms in the future, and his heroic deeds, which is the immortal citizen and the common people, will also be widely circulated. When the time comes, he will become the present and ancient. A lofty hero of the times, I have to say that Shengyang Gong’s abacus is really admirable by the old man.”

After listening to Lotus Grandmother of Flowers, These words, Yun Wan frowns, did not know what to say. She thought that Lord Sheng Yang was really an old hero who was selfless and immortal for the people. For this reason, she lied that she had never seen Emperor You. At that time, she felt quite guilty in her heart, but after listening to the words of Lotus Grandmother of Flowers, she knew that all that Sheng Yang had done was only to make Heaven and Earth famous.

“Thinking that Duke Shengyang is such a hypocritical person who is greedy for fame and fortune. However, his courage is also too great. Now the nine days immortal dao has no will, and he is not worried at all if it is difficult. Is it? If you really show up, without nine days of immortal dao help, how can he fight it?”

Lian Grandmother of Flowers took a sip of tea and lightly said with a smile: “Waner Ah Waner, what Empress said is really good at all. You only know about cultivation, people are almost silly, and they don’t understand the current situation at all.”


Yun Wan shook her head and smiled bitterly. She really didn’t understand the world, because she really didn’t have any interest in it.

“You look down on Shengyang Gong, the wily old fox guy too much.”

“Lian Grandmother of Flowers, what do you say?” Yun Wan asked: “Isn’t it just for fame and fortune to stump the things that Shengyang Gong did?”

“Of course.”

Lian Grandmother of Flowers asked: “What Shengyang Gong did. These things are not just for his own fame and fortune, but he also really wants to get rid of Youdi!”

“Lian Grandmother of Flowers, this Waner doesn’t quite understand it, you just said Shengyang Publicity, benevolence and hypocrisy are extremely hypocritical. I just want to use Youdi to make himself famous in Heaven and Earth. Why do you now say that he really wants to get rid of Youdi?”

“He wants to get rid of Youdi, It’s not for the common people of this great way, but for himself.”

“For himself?” Yun Wan didn’t understand even more, and asked, “What does it have to do with Shengyang Gong to get rid of You Di? “

“Wan’er, Ancient Era, You Di almost killed Duke Shengyang, have you heard of it?”

Listen to Lotus Grandmother of Flowers. Yun Wan thought about it carefully, and suddenly understood, and said: “I have heard that it seems that the Emperor You first entered the Great Wilderness and has been living in seclusion in the Lingluo Tianyu. Later, her identity was exposed somehow. At that time, it was Shengyang Gong who mobilized all the experts in Lingluo Tianyu. To encircle and suppress You Emperor, it is said that Sheng Yang’s most beloved discipline and his immortal couple were killed by You Emperor. It is said that even Sheng Yang himself was beaten to death by You Emperor.”

Lotus Grandmother of Flowers said with a smile: “The Holy Sun was more than half-dead by You Emperor. It can be said that he was hovered between life and death. His hands and feet were forcibly pulled down by You Emperor, leaving only his head and body. Youdi hung in the air, fighting terribly, head blossoming, torn skin and gaping flesh not to mention, internal organs were also taken out and stuffed in, flesh and blood flew across the spot, fleshy body scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, Youdi again I personally reshaped the Fleshy body for him, and then continued to fight. If he is not allowed to die, I will leave him with a sigh.”

“Oh my God! This…this is so…it’s so…”


Yun Wan heard that her scalp was numb. She only heard that Sheng Yang was beaten to death by You Emperor. She really didn’t know that You Emperor actually beat Sheng Yang so hard and fleshy body. He was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, and reshaped his fleshy body, and then continued to fight.

God, You Di’s method is really…too terrifying.

“Shengyang Duke is a face-saving person. He was hanged up and beaten by You Emperor back then. He didn’t have the will to live and be unable to ask for death. It can be said that he lost his face. How can Yang Gong swallow it? More than anyone else, he wants to kill Youdi to avenge Xuehen.”

“This hatred…” Yun Wan sighed, “He doesn’t want to avenge himself. Yeah, that’s the emperor You.”

“Shengyang, the wily old fox guy is the Ancient Era Senior who cultivated hundreds of thousands years at all. He has been alive until now. If there is no behind The strong support, only his own words, the old man gave him 10,000 courage, he did not dare to search for the whereabouts of Youdi everywhere in the ancient world like now.”

“Lian Grandmother of Flowers , Who is the backing behind Shengyang Gong?”

Lian Grandmother of Flowers stood up and said: “In All Heavens Myriad Realms, there are too many people who want You Di to die. Countless and innumerable.”

“There are indeed many people who want You Di to die, but now the Nine Heavens Immortal Dao has not come forward. What kind of support is strong enough to make Sheng Yang Gong so unscrupulous. No worries?” Yun Wan was puzzled, and said with suspicion: “Is it difficult to be one of the seventy two blessed places in the 36 cave days?”

Lian Grandmother of Flowers cast an admiring look and said, “Yes, The backing behind Shengyang Duke is Danding Valley, one of the seventy two blessed places.”

“What? Danding Valley?” Yun Wan thought for a while, and said: “You Emperor and Danding Valley There doesn’t seem to be any deep hatred, right? Why did Dan Dinggu put You Emperor to death?”

“You Emperor almost slaughtered Dan Dinggu back then!”

hearing this, Yun Wan was shocked, and said in amazement: “There are other things like this? Why have I never heard of it.”

“There are very few people who know about this, it’s a long time ago.” Grandmother of Flowers not at all elaborated on the grievances between Youdi and Dandinggu, just saying: “As far as the old man knows, Dandinggu came to many powerhouses this time, including Old Ancestor of Dandinggu. Up.”

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