Supreme Lord

Chapter 1801

Gu Qingfeng is an orphan, who has been alone since childhood, without father and mother.

Although his lips are not big or small, he always regards Huo De as his closest relatives in mind.

Huo morality is difficult, he will never sit idly by.

Now the unfathomable mystery of Huode, the old fellow’s self-consciousness disappears, and the consciousness of the previous life suddenly emerged. Because it was the first time I encountered this situation, Gu Qingfeng didn’t know how to go. The most important thing to solve is that Huo De’s consciousness in his previous life was still insane, and he couldn’t even communicate normally, like a headless fly running around in the vast wilderness.

Gu Qingfeng can only follow closely behind, thinking about ways.

To say that Huo De’s past life is really tossing, when you see a world, you get in, go crazy, then come out, then you meet another world, get in again, go crazy, and go come out.

In this way, Gu Qingfeng followed Huo De’s ass in his previous life, scurrying in the world from side to side.

If you just follow Huo De’s ass in the past life, it’s not a major event. The key is that this old fellow is crazy, and the ancient power is especially powerful. I don’t know where to converge and jump over. It’s called a barren, and it’s a landslide when it meets a mountain, the ground cracks when it meets a mountain, and a sea terror when it meets the sea. Whatever it meets and destroys it, I don’t know how many creatures have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.


The speed of this old fellow is fast enough, and he is away from him. Otherwise, he will run around like a madman in the world of others. At this moment, how many people will be chased and killed.

In the beginning, Gu Qingfeng also helped to wipe his ass behind, watching Huode’s past life go crazy endlessly, he didn’t bother to wipe his ass behind, and simply took action to suppress Huode’s past life. stand up.

Don’t say it.

Huo De’s ability in his previous life is much better than Huo De’s own. Not only is the ancient power extremely vast, but also all kinds of ancient Divine Ability have the words at hand. That is called a Major Perfection, and its strength is not unforgiving.

This is also the encounter with Gu Qingfeng. If you change to another person, let alone the past life that suppressed Huode, it is unknown whether he can survive under Huode’s hands.

Even Gu Qingfeng here did not dare to underestimate the enemy when he encountered Huo De’s past life, but in the end he still failed to suppress Huo De’s past life.

It’s not that Gu Qingfeng doesn’t have this ability. To be honest, although Gu Qingfeng has no cultivation base and no good fortune, he is also weak, but his fleshy body is so strong that even himself I don’t know how powerful he is. In his current situation, he doesn’t need any cultivation base at all. A casual wave of his hand is enough to rival any powerful Divine Ability.

even more how today, even if he doesn’t make a move, even if it’s just a thought move, he contains the extremely terrifying Spiritual Force.

If he was cruel, suppressing Huode’s past life, there would be no problem at all.


Huo De’s past life was crazy and confused, and suppressed him. This old fellow didn’t mean to stop at all, struggling madly, and resisting madly. Gu Qingfeng was really worried that this old fellow would treat him like himself. Toss it out for good or bad, in case you are giving the fleshy body to the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, when the time comes, even if the consciousness of fire is brought out, this old fellow has become a solitary soul, unbound without a fleshy body ghost.

In the end, there was really no way, Gu Qingfeng simply opened up a space, put Huo De’s past life in it, and let him toss around.

Following Huo De’s past life for so long, Gu Qingfeng was really tired. Taking this opportunity, he rested while drinking a little wine while observing Huo De’s past life.

This old fellow is still talking crazy, saying that everything is dead for a while, then saying that nothing is dead, for a while, for the past, for a while, for the future, and for life Just die, death is life, true is false, false is true, the past is the future, and the past is the present, and so on, Gu Qingfeng’s head is big.

Gu Qingfeng has already transcended life and death, has seen through the world, transcended true and false. In his view, life is death, death is life, truth is false, and false is true. This is true, he I think so too.

The so-called life and death, the so-called true and false.

But it’s all an illusory rule that’s all, it’s all appearances.

It’s like humans and ghosts. For humans, ghosts are dead, but for ghosts, they are alive, but their life forms are different. It can even be said that in the eyes of ghosts , They are alive, but people are dead.

There are also true and false, this thing is more illusory than life and death, what is true? What is fake again?

A real thing, if many people say it is fake, then it is fake, and the real thing becomes fake.

A fake thing, if many people say that it is real, then it is real, and the fake becomes real.

In the simplest example, what naked eye sees is completely different from what Divine Consciousness probes.

Naked eye sees the appearance, but Divine Consciousness probes the essence.

In other words.

Naked eye looks at the fleshy body, Divine Consciousness explores the soul.

Is the Fleshy body appearance fake? Or is the essence of the soul fake?

I’m afraid no one can explain this problem.

What makes Gu Qingfeng puzzled is that the past life that Huo De’s mouth talks about in his previous life is this life, and the past is the future. He really doesn’t understand these two issues, especially Huo De’s previous life. The past and present, the past and the future are still related to the era of innocence.

Huo De repeated these words in his previous life, and Gu Qingfeng wondered whether he should be lost, lost in the past or the future of the era of innocence.

In fact, Gu Qingfeng also thought about this issue.

In the past, he thought that the era of innocence should belong to the past. Otherwise, where did Jun Xuanji and the people of the era of innocence come from?

Later, as he experienced more and more things, after getting involved in original sin, he began to doubt whether the era of innocence belongs to the future, because how can the book of destiny record the prophecies of the present and ancient times? The original sin finds Allah, the road will fall, the present and the ancient will end, Heaven and Earth will be reborn, and the era of innocence will open…

But if the era of innocence belongs to the future, then Jun Xuanji What is going on with these people in the era of innocence? is it possible that is from the future?

Even if people like Jun Xuanji from the age of no way traveled back from the future, then the mountain of no way, representing the age of no way, was once in the world, and Gu Qingfeng personally visited it. Are they all travelling back from the future? The key is that there is the blood of original sin. This thing is real. Gu Qingfeng has also personally integrated it, including the false self. He is sure that whether it is the blood of original sin or the false self, I belong to the era of innocence and belong to the innocent deity. on.

I can’t say that one day in the future, Wudaozun will disappear, leaving the blood of original sin and the false self, and then the past self merges.

If this is the case, wouldn’t it be a step back in time?

This doesn’t make sense at all.

So, is the era of innocence the past or the future?

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know either.

He also didn’t bother to think about this kind of extremely fucking problem, and it took a lot of his brain to figure it out, and it would be better to have a little drink at that time.

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