Supreme Lord

Chapter 1800

“Suffered, this guy must have come back for revenge this time.”

“During Ancient Era, the Three Thousand Great Daos once again encircled him and tried him again. After it was opened, the secular world tried to obliterate him again and again. Anyone who did this kind of thing would hold a grudge, let alone the Emperor You. This time this guy died and resurrected, he must be running. Three Thousand Great Daos’s revenge is coming.

“Martial Uncle, don’t scare yourself, okay, if You Di wanted to find Three Thousand Great Daos for revenge, I’m afraid he would have been killed for nine days long ago. Have a leisurely chat with us on the boat. “

“Then you said it’s good, why did he tell his identity in the public, he just wanted to tell All Heavens Myriad Realms that he died and returned from the resurrection. “

“You emperor not at all announced his own identity. We had doubts that he admitted it. “

“He doesn’t have to admit it. “

“He knows that Water Sword has revealed his identity. The facts are in front of him. How can you tell him not to admit it? Martial Uncle, I think Youdi is not a bad person. “

“What what? Isn’t You Di a bad person? I said, Qingqing, what the hell is going on with you today. Why did you meet with Emperor You and your temperament changed, and you even said good things for Emperor You again and again. What is meant by that Emperor You is not a bad person? You have to figure it out, he is the original sinner! “

“You emperor is a person of original sin. It is not wrong, but this does not mean that he will definitely endanger Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, nor does it mean that he will endanger all living beings. You must not forget that there was no way back then. When the mountain descended, the Old Ancestor incarnation of Three Thousand Great Daos went down to encircle and suppress the emperor. You emperor finally lit the original sin karma fire and burned himself. If he really wanted to harm Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, do it. Why ignite the original sin karma and burn yourself? “

“Silly girl! Don’t forget that it was You Emperor who ignited the original sin karma fire that year, and that’s why the original sin awakened. I am afraid that the fundamental purpose of You Emperor lighting the original sin karma fire was to awaken original sin. Anyway, he transcended life and death and possessed the ability to be reborn from the dead. , And can’t die…”

Qingqing and Qiqing quarreled for Gu Qingfeng.

In the end, it was the Golden Grandmother of Flowers who came forward and persuaded: “Chuqing, Qingqing, don’t quarrel Yes, Qingqing, what you said about Martial Uncle is not wrong. You are still young now, and you have not experienced Ancient Era. You don’t know how terrifying the Emperor You was back then, let alone think that you have seen You Emperor. Understand the emperor You, the emperor you have seen before, is only the appearance, the real emperor, its terrifying degree is far beyond your imagination. “

“Mother-in-law, I didn’t say that I knew Youdi, I just…Forget it, just assume I haven’t said it. “

Qingqing shook her head. She wanted to say something, but the words reached her lips, but in the end she didn’t say anything. In fact, she didn’t know what happened to her today. Why did she just meet one side? Youdi quarreled with Martial Uncle, and the content of the quarrel was actually the good or bad nature of Youdi. After thinking about it, she felt a bit ridiculous.

Gold Grandmother of Flowers said: Yes, Qingqing, the cloud Water Sword that You Di gave you, the old man feels… you still don’t want to be warm! “

“Huh? why? “

“Bad girl, do you need to ask why?” Today’s events will not be long before they spread. When the time comes, everyone will know that your Lingyu Sword is the Cloud Water Sword, one of the Five Elements Swords where You Di was rampant in the wilderness. “

Fairy Centrifuge stared at Qingqing and said, “What is the existence of Youdi?” He is not tolerated by Heaven and Earth, and he is also the greatest sinner of Heaven and Earth. If you keep his sword, don’t you trouble yourself? Do you know how many people you killed with Five Elements Sword back then? In case everyone misunderstands something, you can’t tell how you explain it when the time comes. “

Gold Grandmother of Flowers said: “It’s true, Qingqing, you must not have the heart to hurt others, and the heart of defense must not be absent. Sometimes public opinion and rumors are very terrifying, which can not only ruin you , Can also let you scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. Anyway, You Imperial Capital is the person of original sin between Heaven and Earth well known. We’d better not have any relationship with him, even the slightest relationship will not work, if it is someone With the help of this matter, if you deliberately framed you, it is hard for us to argue. “

Although Qingqing didn’t want to, she still had to admit that what Grandmother of Flowers said to the centrifugal fairy was the truth. She raised her hand, her palm was shining, and the cloud Water Sword condensed out, watching the float. In the cloud Water Sword in the palm of her hand, Qingqing felt very reluctant in her heart.

After all, the Cloud Water Sword once saved her life.

After all, the Cloud Water Sword accompanied her to grow up. She also has a special feeling for Cloud Water Sword.

After all, she has just learned the secret of Cloud Water Sword, she has just fuse together with Cloud Water Sword, and she has just met the Sword Spirit of Cloud Water Sword. If you haven’t fought side by side, if you haven’t repaid, do you have to give up?

“Qingqing, Martial Uncle knows you are reluctant, but now the Cloud Water Sword in your hand is already a hot potato, and will Invite a killing disaster, even if you feel reluctant in your heart, you must give up. You should throw it away. “

“What? You let me throw away the cloud Water Sword? “

Qing Qing didn’t even think about it, she shook her head and said: “no! I won’t throw away the cloud Water Sword!” “

“Girl! Why are you so stubborn! It’s not a time for emotions, and you don’t want to think about whose sword it is. Why don’t you throw it away and keep it? What if when the time comes comes killing disaster? And don’t forget, Canghai Fudi has been looking for trouble with our Changsheng Pavilion in recent years. Zhengshou couldn’t find any help. If Canghai knew about this matter, they would definitely use it to make a fuss. “

“But… But… Cloud Water Sword has life-saving grace for me, anyway, I will not throw it away, and when it merges with Cloud Water Sword, I have vowed to Take good care of Yunshui Sword Spirit. “

“Dead girl, this is just a sword!” ! “

“For you, the Cloud Water Sword is just a sword, but for me, the Cloud Water Sword is more than a sword! “

“You! You are so mad at me! “

Fairy Centrifuge is angrily, pointing at Qingqing, anxious, furious and helpless. He wanted to reprimand him again, but the golden Grandmother of Flowers next to him interrupted him and interjected: “Centrifugation, don’t you Having said that, Qingqing really can’t throw away the cloud Water Sword. “

Fairy Centrifugal said in surprise: “Mother-in-law, why do you even say that?” Didn’t you tell Qingqing to throw away the Cloud Water Sword just now? “

“The old man just told Qingqing not to continue Wen Yangyun Water Sword for the time being, not at all said to throw it away. Although the Cloud Water Sword will attract criticism and even cause trouble, it still cannot be said. It was also given by Emperor You to Qingqing. If Emperor You knows that Qingqing throws away the Cloud Water Sword in the future…Is it possible that the trouble will be even greater? “

Listening to the words of Grandmother of Flowers, the centrifugal fairy shook her heart for a moment. She thought about it and felt that it was true.

Keeping the Cloud Water Sword might cause trouble. , But if it is still, when the time comes offends Youdi, then the disaster will happen.

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