Supreme Lord

Chapter 1802

Does the era of innocence belong to the past or the future?

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know.

He doesn’t care either.


The word Huo De chanted in his previous life made Gu Qingfeng have to care.

That is, Huo De’s previous life said that he had been looking for himself, and what Huo De’s previous life told him was almost exactly the same as Dao Seed’s advice at that moment.

All I want to be careful about whispering clansman, what Kassapa clansman, what Maha clansman, Huode’s previous life also asked me to find a woman, saying that if I find that woman, everything will be clear.

When Gu Qingfeng asked these so-called Pasa, Kassapa, and Maha who are all who, Huode’s previous life even said that all the women around him were.

The woman next to me?

Those women who are difficult to say are causal with them?

Jun Xuanji?

Wind month by month?

Ye Tianlan?

Tang Hsiao?

Include Su Wei?

What makes Gu Qingfeng even more puzzled is that Huode’s previous life theory is called causal incarnation, and the Mystery Old Person of the messenger of destiny is Maha Clansman.

I also told myself not to believe her, nor any woman.

While chasing Huode’s past life, Gu Qingfeng had been thinking about this issue in his mind. He just thought about it, but couldn’t figure it out. In the final analysis, he was very concerned about the so-called Pusa and Jia Ye and Maha have never heard of the existence of these Laoshizi.

I wanted to say something from Huo De’s previous life, but unfortunately, the others were crazy, and their speech was not only upside-down, but also inconsistent. Under Gu Qingfeng’s inquiry, not only failed to get the puzzle, but even more confuse.

There is another problem, which makes Gu Qingfeng puzzled.

Huo De, who has been talking about him in his previous life, is he himself?

If not.

It doesn’t matter.

If Huo De’s previous life talked about the old boy who was really himself, then motherfucker would have happened, and he might even exceed his imagination.

Because Huo De’s previous life said that Guy Gu is his relative, and that Guy Gu is gone, seems to have disappeared. He also said that Guy Gu will definitely come back and come back to end all this.

The crux of the problem is that Gu Qingfeng is very sure and convinced that he is not acquainted with Huo De’s previous life, and has never said anything like this to him.

It is difficult to say that Huo De’s past life admitted the wrong person?

Huo De’s previous life was from the era of innocence. He also knew an ancient kid in the era of innocence?

Or is the old boy in his mouth a past life?

And Huode’s past life mistakenly identified himself as his past life.

Gu Qingfeng really couldn’t figure out what the truth is.

That’s it.

Gu Qingfeng thought, thinking hard.

The previous life of Huo De who was trapped in the empty space was originally running around, and the gods and gods talked endlessly. I don’t know how long it has passed. Huo De’s previous life did not go crazy anymore, nor No matter how utterly, I kept talking, but a lonely person sit cross-legged in the void, with disheveled hair drooping his head.

Gu Qingfeng looked at it for a while and found that there was nothing moving. He was worried, walked over, and tried to ask: “Huo De?”

No one responded.

Gu Qingfeng called several times in a row, but no one responded.

Maybe it’s been too long before. At this moment, Huo De looks extremely weak. After a long time, Huo De slowly lifts the head, and the face is already pale. His eyes have also become more and more apathetic, and his expression is still that hesitant and confused, and it feels like a soul with nowhere to be lost in the endless darkness.

Just a look, Gu Qingfeng knew that the fire virtue here is still the fire virtue of the previous life, not at all leave.

“Gu…Ancient boy…”

Huo De’s previous life made a hoarse voice, staring at Gu Qingfeng, the muscles of his lips seemed to twitch, saying: “Sure enough It’s you…really…you! The old man knows…you will definitely come back…will definitely.”


Gu Qingfeng frowned He frowned and said: “You admit the wrong person, right?”

“Cough! Cough! You can’t admit it, yes, the old man…old man…even if you admit you are wrong… .”

“But I only know the fire virtue of this life, not the fire virtue of your past life.”

“The past life is this life, and this life is the past life.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said: “I don’t understand.”

“If you don’t understand, then no one will understand this between Heaven and Earth…because this is what you said “I said that?” Gu Qingfeng dumbly asked: “I have never said this before. Are you sure you did not admit the wrong person?”

” The old man said…Even if the old man admits himself wrong, he will never admit you wrong…”

The Huo De here is like a dying lonely old man, he stares at Gu Qingfeng and asks Said: “Gu boy…you said you will definitely come back to end this…but…why did it happen like this? What happened, what did you do? Why is everything messed up…”

Gu Qingfeng looked at Huo De suspiciously. He did not understand what Huo De said, and did not know how to respond. However, he felt that the Huo De here seemed to be much more conscious and no longer Crazy talk babbled and asked: “Your consciousness… now looks pretty normal.”

“The old man…’s soul is lost, and his spirit is lost… more consciousness. It’s…all everything is lost…old man forgot…forgetting why it became like this…all everything is forgotten, why I forgot, I don’t remember…”

After that, Huode asked: “Old man, can you tell the old man! The ancient catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolves, endless samsara reincarnation. Now, the past lives and the present life see the cause and effect, whoever fate depends on the sky, what is this sentence? What do you mean? Why do you say this sentence? The old man thought for a long, long time…and never understood.”

“It’s a coincidence.” Gu Qingfeng responded: “You don’t understand this sentence , I don’t understand, I wanted to ask you.”

“Ask old man? Hehe …… This sentence is what you brat said… how can you not understand? “

“I said this too? Are you kidding me? “

When I heard this, Gu Qingfeng was not only a little confused, he even started to doubt life.

“Gu boy, what’s the matter with you?” Didn’t you say that you will definitely come back to end this? Why does this happen? What happened? Or do you follow other people’s ways, or all this is in your expectation, why have you forgotten everything? Are you lost? “

“This…” Gu Qingfeng was about to collapse. He found that it was a painful thing to be unable to communicate with others, and asked: “Do you know my past life?” Or what’s going on? “

“Past life? Where did you come from? You have no previous life at all! You are your own past life! “

“Since you are Huo De’s past life, let me call you Old Senior. My mind is a little stupid. I don’t understand what you are saying. Can you make it simpler? “

“Senior, old man…You are actually called old man Senior? he he he? ha ha ha ha! Huo De suddenly laughed and said: “Gu boy…you are lost…you must be lost…right! You must be lost…”

“Me? Lost? “Gu Qingfeng shook his head, and said seriously: “I shouldn’t be lost… at least I haven’t forgotten. “

“no! You are lost! It’s just that you don’t know you’re lost…”

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