Supreme Lord

Chapter 1799

“Oh my God, Qingqing, are you scared and confused, what nonsense are you talking about?”

The centrifugal fairy stared at Qi with an extremely shocked look Qing, it feels like they don’t know each other, and asks: “Will you be a dead girl and be fascinated by Youdi?”

“Martial Uncle, don’t talk nonsense.”

Qingqing was a little bit sorry for being distracted, and her face was a little shy, and explained: “I just… just say what I feel in my heart that’s all, not at all.”

“There is no best, don’t blame me, the Martial Uncle, for not reminding you, this All Heavens Myriad Realms, you can be obsessed with anyone, but you can’t be obsessed with You Di, you don’t know what this guy’s existence means If you have something to do with him, when the time comes, you don’t even know how to die, even more how Youdi’s lover that many, and each is not the Empress of this avenue or the Empress of that avenue, even Saintess Empress has been Waiting for him so hard to snatch You Emperor from them? Have you ever grabbed it?”

Qing Qing wanted to cry without tears, and said: “Martial Uncle, I just said that You Emperor gave me I feel that there is no other meaning at all, and I am not obsessed with You Emperor, let alone rob You Emperor with Saintess Empress. Don’t get me wrong, okay.”

“I hope it’s just a misunderstanding, otherwise I will cry. Nowhere to cry.”

At this time.

Gold Grandmother of Flowers came over, persuaded: “Centrative, Qingqing, let’s go to the Lingluo Tianyu as soon as possible to finish the business and go back.”

“What’s wrong?”


“Youdi’s existence in Heaven and Earth is not tolerated. Once the news of his death and resurrection is spread, it will inevitably cause turmoil in the Great Wasteland. Three Thousand Great Daos is especially immortal dao. I am afraid that it will take action immediately, when the time comes must have a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering battle. All Heavens Myriad Realms will also be affected by this.”

“Mother, I think you are a little worried.”

Seeing that Grandmother of Flowers is about to say something, the centrifugal fairy said again: “You first listen to me and finish talking. Actually, I have thought about this matter carefully. At first, I felt that Emperor You was dead and resurrected. Once the news spreads, it will inevitably cause turmoil in the great wilderness, and immortal dao will definitely take action, but… after thinking about it carefully, I feel that this matter is not so serious, no, it is not that it is not so serious, but… how to say It’s.”

Fairy Centrifugal thought for a while, and said: “If the news of Youdi’s death and resurrection spreads, it is certain that it will cause turmoil in the great wilderness, but immortal dao may not take immediate action. “


“I think since Emperor You has been resurrected, then immortal dao probably knew about it a long time ago, immortal dao that many Old Ancestors have all recovered , They are impossible to know that the emperor is dead and resurrected. If they know, why have they not done it? The reason is simple, or immortal dao knows that the emperor is fake, but the probability should be small, I think the emperor is most likely It’s true.”

Gold Grandmother of Flowers asked: “If this emperor is true, why didn’t immortal dao do it?”

“The question is still for Qingqing Come on, she knows better than I know.”

“Qing Qing?”

Gold Grandmother of Flowers looked towards Qing Qing, and asked inexplicably: “What’s the matter? ?”

“A few years ago, I heard Master talk about this with Baishi the Great.”

“Oh? What did they say ? “

“My Master said to the Baishi Great Emperor, if you really died and resurrected in this and ancient era, no one would dare to act blindly without thinking, whether it was immortal dao or Three Thousand Great Daos. From the beginning of Ancient Era, Three Thousand Great Daos always wanted to get rid of You Emperor, but failed in the end. Not only that, but also personally pushed You Emperor into the abyss of consigned to eternal damnation, and at the same time made You Emperor in the original sin. The road goes farther and farther, and the farther You Emperor goes on the road of original sin, the greater the threat to this Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, to all living beings. “

Qing Qing Shangxian recalled what the Master Fusheng Emperor had discussed with Baishi Great Emperor, and continued: “During Ancient Era, the Old Ancestor of Three Thousand Great Daos fell into a deep sleep and could not interfere with this matter. Now that they have recovered one after another, they will certainly not let Three Thousand Great Daos repeat the same mistakes. “

“To put it bluntly, the immortal dao is afraid of being beaten by the emperor. The centrifugal fairy also said: “Ancient Era immortal dao angered Emperor You, and almost made You Emperor burn the torch for nine days. When Wudao Mountain came, immortal dao invited all the incarnations of Father and Mother. Instead of being hung and beaten by You Emperor, now You Emperor is dead and resurrected, and according to past experience, the You Emperor who died and resurrected this time is probably more deep and unmeasurable. Under this condition, how dare immortal dao to act blindly without thinking? “

“This is one of them. “

Qing Qing Shangxian nodded, said: “Secondly, the person of original sin between Heaven and Earth is not the only one of You Di. No one except You Di knows how many original sins there are. Everything in modern times The recovery, the recovery is not only immortal dao Old Ancestor, demonic path Old Ancestor, demon path Old Ancestor, etc., have been recovered, even Guixu has collapsed, the ancient evil overlord, Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​generals, etc. After birth, all kinds of sprites will also gather in the modern and ancient times…”

“My Master said that although the current and ancient times seem to be calm and tranquil, they have long been undercurrents, and this undercurrent Still from the Great Ancient Era, the undercurrents of several eras have been accumulated through ancient times. Once it erupts, no one knows how terrifying stormy sea will be set off. “

“My Master said, now whether it is the Three Thousand Great Daos or the revived Ancient Supreme Experts, whether it is the original sin that threatened Heaven and Earth, or the man of destiny born from the disaster, no one Not to act blindly without thinking, no one dares to act blindly without thinking. “

“Especially the Emperor You is now deeply trapped in the vortex of the black hole of original sin. According to the rumors, he awakened the original sin. Some even said that if he died and resurrected, it was very It may be Allah that the original sin has been looking for, and it can be said that it affects the whole body.

“So, even if the Three Thousand Great Daos knew that Youdi was resurrected after death, they would not act blindly without thinking. They were all afraid…for fear of breaking the peace of modern and ancient times after you moved. It detonated the undercurrent and set off a catastrophe that no one could predict.”


The centrifugal fairy said again: “The question now is not whether Three Thousand Great Daos will move You Di, but whether You Di will move Three Thousand Great Daos, Three Thousand Great Daos does not want Breaking the peace of modern and ancient times does not mean that Emperor You will not break. This guy can do everything.”

As the centrifugal fairy seemed to think of something, he was horrified:” Wait! Isn’t this guy really going to do this? Otherwise, why is he telling his identity in the public? Why do I think he seems to be deliberate? It’s hard that he is going to tell All Heavens Myriad Realms, is he back? What does he want to do? What is his purpose? Still provoking Three Thousand Great Daos?”

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