Supreme Lord

Chapter 1794

Looking at Huo De does not seem to be joking, Gu Qingfeng cautiously asked: “Huo De, tell me seriously, are you sure not to let me intervene?”

With Huo De within the body, The strength of the ancients became stronger, and the consciousness of fire morality became more and more vague. He said intermittently: “Old man…old man…old man is pretty sure, not…for the first time, old man…can’t die…this ……This is the cause and effect of the old man in this life…and the previous life, after all, you…the kid…just don’t intervene, old man…you can do it yourself…”

“old man… …Old man …I really can’t hold it…, you brat… Let it go! If you don’t let it go… the old man will be suffocated…”


Gu Qingfeng also realized that the ancient power that suppressed the fire morality within the body, the fleshy body of fire morality couldn’t support it at all, he considered it again and again, and finally released the fire morality.

“Well, I’ll let go now, but… Don’t worry, I will keep watching you.”


At the moment when Gu Qingfeng released Huo De, Huo De’s body burst into a brilliance that looked like chaos in black and white, and the ancient power within the body also broke out completely. Huo De rushed to the top, standing in the sky, with his limbs stretched out. Head up, eyes closed, and roar like a wild beast.


The vast and surging power of the ancient times burst out, and the trembling wilderness and the void tremble, with a bang, and the array crackle on the Xuantian ship of the Qingqing immortal in the distance has a burst of crisp sound Disintegrated, Gu Qingfeng’s eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he raised his hand to the empty palm, and the Xuantian ship that Qingqing went to the immortal was lifted into the distance by Gu Qingfeng’s palm like a violent wind and huge wave.


everywhere all is the brilliance of chaos.

In the chaos, it seems as if yin and yang are changing, as if black and white are intertwined, as if light and darkness are clashing.

Gu Qingfeng stands in the sky, its aloof silhouette is like a lonely mountain standing between Heaven and Earth.

Ink-like long hair danced wildly in the squally wind, and Shengxue’s white clothed was flying freely.

A plain face, a solemn expression, staring at the sky full of chaos in the silent eyes.

I don’t know why.

He felt that the chaotic light in the sky was very familiar, and the ancient power in the chaos seemed familiar.

This chaos should be the chaos of the era of no way, and this ancient power should also be the power of the era of no way.

I don’t know how long it has been.

When the chaotic brilliance of the sky gradually dissipated, the vast ancient power also gradually disappeared.

Huo De is still stretching his limbs, head up and eyes closed.

This moment.

Gu Qingfeng knew that Huo De was no longer the Huo De he knew.


Gu Qingfeng can feel it, and it feels very clear.

Although the person is still that person, consciousness may not be that consciousness.

Gu Qingfeng not at all yelled, and didn’t bother him in the past, because he looked at it and suddenly felt that the Huo De here was a very familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere.

This kind of familiar feeling is not because of the person Huo De, but the feeling that Huo De gives him here.

What’s even stranger is that looking at Gu Qingfeng here, Gu Qingfeng unfathomable mystery suddenly thinks of a crazy old man who belongs to the era of innocence.

Gu Qingfeng still clearly remembers that he once met a crazy old man in the ruins of the era of innocence.

And more than once.

To this day, he still remembers that when the crazy old man appeared, it was such a sky full of chaos, and…the power of the crazy old man seemed to be this ancient and vast power.

Stupefied…Is the crazy old man I met in the ruins of the Age of Innocent Huo De’s past life?


Is it true?

Not sure!

Gu Qingfeng did not continue thinking about it, but waited silently.

I don’t know how much time has passed.


Huo De opened his eyes.

It was a pair of gray eyes, and the yin and yang in the eyes changed, and they looked extremely chaotic. However, it was more of endless confusion and endless hesitation.

“Ancient catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolve!”

“Endless samsara reincarnation now!”

“Present and present life, cause and effect!”

“Whoever lives depends on the sky!”

The voice came, hoarse and dull, like thunder rolling, like the earth cracking, and more like chaos boiling,

“Hundreds of Yang and Yin, turning into Heaven and Earth!”

“No See Good, no evil, only cause and effect!”

“Thousands of sages, all kinds of demons, let others say!”

This voice is too powerful, too evil, just like It can penetrate everything. When it came, even Gu Qingfeng felt a very uncomfortable feeling, and even trembled slightly.

The reason that made him tremble was not because of the voice too terrifying.

After hearing this voice, Gu Qingfeng was basically certain in his heart that Huo De’s previous life was the crazy old man in the era of innocence.

That year.

When he met a crazy old man in the ruins of the Age of Innocence, the crazy old man was madly chanting these two sentences.

About the eternal catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolution, endless samsara reincarnation Now, in the past and present life, we see the cause and effect, and whoever lives depends on the sky. Gu Qingfeng doesn’t remember how many times he has heard it.

To be honest.

until now He doesn’t really believe that the past and the present will meet in the present and ancient times.

For so many years, he has never seen anyone in the past and this life meet.


I saw it today, and I finally believed this legend.


In any case, he never thought that the person he met in the past and this life would be Huo De, and what he did not expect is that Huo De’s previous life was actually encountered in the ruins of the era of innocence. That crazy old man.

This damn…is it too evil!

The evil guy named Gu Qingfeng is a little bit unbelievable to be true.

Forcibly enduring the shock of his heart, Gu Qingfeng continued to look over, and found that the fire morale here had become mysterious, misty and vague, imaginary and real, as if in Heaven and Earth, but also in Heaven and Earth. Outside of Heaven and Earth, it gives people a very unreal feeling, very weird.

Huode’s expression is in a trance, Both eyes are spiritless, and his mouth is whispering: “Fake, all are false, everything is false… False, all aspects are false… …”

“Heaven and Earth doesn’t treat everything as a dog…ha ha ha ha!”

“Heaven and Earth? Everything? hahaha, fake… all fake …Everything is fake.”

“no! Not fake, it’s true…It’s all true…Everything is true!”

“No! It’s fake, it must be fake, he said, it’s fake…”

Huode’s expression became more and more dazed, more dazed, and more dazed. Hesitated, he just looked at the sky, and kept talking madly: “What is true? What is false? True and false… false and true… Who can tell?”

“No one can tell.”

“People can’t distinguish, demons can’t be distinguished, immortals can’t be distinguished, Buddhas can’t be distinguished, saints can’t be distinguished… I can’t tell…”

Huo De seemed to be crying and laughing, and continued to mutter: “ha ha ha ha! Can’t tell, no one can tell… False…really…all false, all real…he he he! Ha ha ha ha!”

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