Supreme Lord

Chapter 1795

“Dead…They are all dead…ha ha ha ha! They are all dead…”

Huo De suddenly laughed loudly again, especially tragically, after he laughed again, I cried, and the crying was especially sad, and said: “All are dead…all dead…why! Why!”

As if asking the sky, he cried like crazy, and then, he again He shook his head and said: “no! They are not dead…no one is dead, the eternal catastrophe Heaven and Earth, endless samsara reincarnation now, the past and present life sees cause and effect, whoever lives by looking at the sky, will come back… all Everything will come back!”

“Just…what is this life? What is past life?”

“What is reincarnation? What is reincarnation?”

“Is it this life? Or a past life?”

“What is this life, and what is the next life!”

“Dead…All dead…”

Huo De madly talked endlessly, and then whispered: “no! No death! Impossible death…Because all this has not happened yet, the era of innocence has not yet arrived…No one has died…”

“hahaha! Not dead…”

Huo De laughed loudly again, but after laughing, he started crying again, saying: “no! They are all dead… none The era of Tao has passed…they are all dead…”

“hahaha! They are all dead…”

“no! They are not dead, the era of no Tao is the future… 鈥?#8221;

“no! They are all dead, the era of innocence is not the future, but the past…”

Huo De just whispered like crazy, in the muddy eyes More and more confused, more hesitant, lifts the head, questioned the sky, and shouted: “What is true, what is false, what is life, what is death, what is this life, what is past life, what is past, what It’s the future again! Who can tell me!!”

“Who can tell me whether the age of innocence is true or not!”

“Who can tell me the age of innocence Is it life or death!”

“Who can tell me whether the era of innocence is the past or this life!”

“Who can tell me whether the era of innocence is the past or the future!! “

“Ah鈥斺€攚ho can tell me!”

Huo De, like being strongly stimulated, made a violent roar, and for a time it was the chaotic brilliance of the sky. Blooming wantonly, in the chaos, like yin and yang changes, like black and white intertwined, like light and dark blending, along with the vast expanse of ancient power, the trembling emptiness is blurred and distorted.

Gu Qingfeng has not moved from beginning to end, still standing quietly in the sky.

Only the long hair like ink is dancing, only the white clothed of Shengxue is flying!

He frowned like that, staring at Huode, without saying a word.

I don’t know how long has passed.

When Huo De鈥檚 roar ceased, the chaotic brilliance of the sky gradually dissipated, and the vast ancient power gradually disappeared. At this moment, Huo De鈥檚 discevelled hair seemed to be lost, and his expression became more and more confused. , He became more hesitant, his eyes became more apathetic, and more hollow, whispered.

“True is false, and false is true.”

“Life is death, and death is life.”

“This life is the next life , The next life is the present life.”

“The past is the future, and the future is the past…”

“All aspects are false.”

” False…hehe! False…haha!”

“False! That’s right! It鈥檚 false! The ancient boy said that everything is vain, hahaha! The ancient boy also said…let me… 鈥rust him鈥verything will end鈥ahaha! The old kid said ha ha ha ha!”

Maybe I remembered something, but Huo De, who seemed to be lost in his soul, suddenly became full of energy. He got up, but his expression was still so confused and hesitated, and said: “Gu kid…who is he…why does he…make me believe him? Gu kid…who is it! Why do I feel familiar, but I can’t remember at all. …Who the hell is Gu! What does he make me believe in him?”

Not far away.

Gu Qingfeng was puzzled when he heard that Huo De mentioned himself, because he was quite sure that the Huo De in front of him was not the Hu De he knew, but the crazy old man in the era of innocence.

It鈥檚 just that he doesn鈥檛 understand. Although he has met the crazy old man in the era of no way, he has only seen two sides. He has neither friendship nor acquaintance, let alone said anything. Make him believe this.

Why does this crazy old man say this?

Is the old kid in his mouth himself?

Gu Qingfeng pondered for a moment, and finally walked over, trying to ask: “Huode? Is it you?”

Huode turned around, with muddy eyes He looked up and down Gu Qingfeng, and asked: “youngster…who you are? Who is Huode? This name…why is it so familiar…”

After a try, it didn’t happen. Fire morality is not the fire morality I know.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingfeng said again: “The reason why you think the name Huode is familiar is because Huode is your own name, to be precise, your name in this life.”


“Huode is the old man…this life’s name? Why…old man doesn’t know?”

“You are Huode’s past life.”

” The old man is a past life? No! Impossible! There is no past life at all, and there is no current life. The past life is the present life, and this life is the past life!”

Looking at the crazy Huo De, Gu Qingfeng said solemnly: “Just you I have also said that the ancient catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolves, the endless samsara reincarnation now, the past lives and the present life see cause and effect, whoever lives depends on the sky, don鈥檛 you know what this sentence means?”

Huode murmured this sentence, the more he murmured, the crazier he was, and the more he murmured, the hesitant in his expression became stronger, saying: “no! impossible! This is a curse! It is a curse from destiny, ancient boy… said 鈥et the old man not believe in this curse! As long as you don鈥檛 believe it, it won鈥檛 happen… The old man will not lie to the old man, absolutely not……”

“The old man in your mouth is Who?”

“Guy boy…Yes! Who is the old man? Why does the old man want to do not raise.”

The fire startsled, and seems to be suffering Thinking hard, after a long period of time, I still couldn’t remember who Gu Xiaozi was. He shook his head and said in confusion: “Forget it, I can’t remember…old man seems…lost…it should be. Lost…”

Gu Qingfeng walked over, confronted Huo De, and asked: “Then take a closer look at who I am?”


Huo De carefully looked at Gu Qingfeng again, the more you look at the expression, the more complicated it is. There seems to be endless confusion and endless surprise in this complexity, saying: “Why… you let the old man have a kind of Very…very familiar feeling…Who are you anyway? Wait! You are innocent? No! You are not innocent!”


Huode yelled: “You turned out to be a person of original sin! No! You are not only a person of original sin! You turned out to be… still a vain person.”

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