Supreme Lord

Chapter 1793


The centrifugal fairy startedled, lifts the head abruptly, and when he touched Gu Qingfeng’s eyes, he quickly lowered his head, a little frightened, and a little shy, and said: “Lord …… I laughed……”

Even though she knew that Gu Qingfeng was teasing herself, the heart of the centrifugal fairy was still messed up as if she knocked over a five-flavored bottle.

“ha ha ha ha!”

Gu Qingfeng’s laughed heartily.

Beside, Qing Qing Shangxian kept watching silently, she couldn’t understand or figure out why Gu Qingfeng had changed so much before and after.

Previously, he was a laid-back, lazy, casual, even silly look.

But once the fire starts, all the leisurelyness, all the laziness and casualness all disappear without a trace, in other words, what appears to be aloof, arrogant and ruthless.

When you don’t get angry, all the loneliness and arrogance, all the ruthlessness and ruthlessness also disappeared instantly, the previous leisurely and relaxed, lazy and casual reappeared again.

It is not Gu Qingfeng temperamental that makes Qingqing Shangxian unable to understand, but Gu Qingfeng feels like God to her.

That’s true.

When he is in a good mood, it is sunny, and the sky is still clear ten thousand li, a sunny day full of light, but when he is in a bad mood, it is cloudy, and it is still full of clouds and darkness. cloudy day.

The changes in Heaven and Earth seem to follow the changes in his mood.

This is not God. What is it?

Is it difficult to say that this is the real Youdi?


It should be.

The deeds of Youdi in the legend are all related to the All Heavens Myriad Realms blood flowing into a river that destroyed the Immortal Dynasty, burned nine days, slaughtered the avenue, and killed the sky. Turning upside down related.

The You Emperor at that time should be the furious You Emperor. The impression left by people is naturally also unruly and rebellious, and he will look at Heaven and Earth.


Who would have thought that the Youdi in the ordinary time is so ordinary, ordinary like mortals in the secular world, neither ostentatious nor high-profile.

The ordinary appearance is like the Big Brother next door, neither arrogant nor arrogant.

The leisurely appearance is also like the cynical Young Master, neither cruel nor bloodthirsty.

The lazy and casual look is more like a prodigal who wanders the world, neither cold nor ruthless.

This is probably the real Youdi.


Qing Qing Shangxian doesn’t understand, why a sacred woman like Saintess Empress is infatuated with the legendary Youdi.

This moment.

She got it.

Maybe Saintess Empress is not obsessed with the legendary emperor, but a legend behind it, laughing, scolding, talking and laughing, Heaven and Earth, the ordinary is extraordinary, and the ordinary is extraordinary. emperor.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the dock, and then with a bang, a person penetrated the dock and sprang out.

The man was wearing a gray robe, with a bottle gourd hanging around his waist, and a Peach Wood Sword hanging behind him. He was not someone else but Huo De.

The difference is that the discevelled hair here is particularly ugly, and his expression is even more tranced, and his eyes are floating.

“Huo De!”

Gu Qingfeng noticed something was wrong, so he flashed over and asked: “What’s wrong with you?”

“Gu …… Gu Xiaozi! Old man!! Hurry…… It’s almost impossible! I can’t hold it anymore……”

“What do you mean!”

Gu Qingfeng knows that Huo De was previously due to eating I have been in retreat for too many tonic Spirit Fruits these days. It may be dangerous for ordinary people to eat so many Spirit Fruits. However, Gu Qingfeng’s understanding of fire, eating so many Spirit Fruits, Retreat for a few days at most, it will not cause any harm at all, and it is even more impossible to worry about life.

At this moment, looking at Huo De’s appearance, there is obviously something wrong, so it’s hard to say that you look bad?

Gu Qingfeng didn’t think much, and immediately took out Divine Consciousness to investigate. Strangely, Huo De was not at all injured, and most of the Spirit Fruits he served were already refining, and there was nothing on his body. The wrong place.

For a while, he didn’t know what happened to Huode. When he was about to ask, he suddenly discovered that there was an extremely strange power in Huode spreading like flames.

What is this force.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t know it either. He only knew that it was very powerful and incredibly powerful. It felt as if the breakthrough seal burst out of the same ancient power, and he could see that Huo De could not control this. Power!

“What’s the matter with you!”

Because he didn’t know the specific situation, Gu Qingfeng didn’t dare to blindly shoot, and quickly asked: “What is this powerful force in you? “

“Gu boy! Do you remember… remember the old man…old man told you that dream of the past life…”

Of course, Gu Qingfeng remembers, Huo De said The so-called dreams of previous lives seemed to be related to the era of innocence, but he didn’t know how Huo De’s current situation at this time had anything to do with the dreams of previous lives.

“The old man said that sometimes it is not clear whether it is a dream… or this world, and it is also unclear…old man… Is it himself or a past life…”

Huode held his head in his hands, trembled violently, and his expression was particularly painful. As if trying to restrain himself, he said with difficulty: “Do you remember that sentence, the ancient catastrophe Heaven and Earth, the endless samsara reincarnation present, Seeing cause and effect in the past and present lives, whoever lives depends on the sky!!!”

hearing this.

Gu Qingfeng’s heart twitched, and he said in amazement, “You mean…have your previous life come to your door?”

“I’m afraid! I’m afraid! Yes!”

The terrifying power that accompanies Huo De within the body is getting stronger and stronger. Huo De’s body trembles more and more severely, his expression becomes more and more painful, and his consciousness becomes more and more blurred. And then, Gu Qingfeng shouted: “I’ll help you suppress it!”

“no! Don’t! You brat shot…the shot is not serious, what do you do if you kill Laozi!”

“When is this, you old fellow, don’t be motherfucker, don’t chirp, don’t worry, don’t worry, I have a sense of measure!”

Gu Qingfeng can’t allow Huo De to refuse, now One clasped Huo De’s wrist, another clasped Huo De’s top of the head, thoughts move, and began to suppress the ancient power of Huo De within the body.

To say that Huo De within the body, this ancient power is really powerful, even 30% stronger than Gu Qingfeng thought, and this ancient power is particularly fierce. When Qingfeng tried to suppress it, he was even more violent like a dragon.

“Gu kid! Don’t interfere with your motherfucker…can’t it! You will kill Lao Tzu if you do this… Lao Tzu… can’t hold it!!!”

The ancient power of Huo De within the body was about to spread, and Gu Qingfeng took out power suppression. The two forces clashed at Huo De within the body, causing the Fleshy body of Huo De within the body to be instantly distorted, and he screamed frantically: ” Gu boy, hurry up! I’m getting more and more blurred in my self-awareness. I may not recognize you later. Can you hurry up? Leave me alone!!!”

“Don’t worry, there is I’m here, you can’t die! If your previous life comes up, I will let him scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!”

“Don’t! Don’t! This is what I fear! You let me My previous life is scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, can I still live in this life? You brat, don’t intervene, can’t you! I have a way to deal with it!!!”

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