Supreme Lord

Chapter 1782

Jin Lao knew that Mo Baiyu had two fatal shortcomings, that is, his heart was too small and his jealousy was too strong to tolerate others.

Before, when Gu Qingfeng was still on his boat, Mo Baiyu was already jealous of Gu Qingfeng because of Fairy Yunyan.

This makes Jin Lao very worried.

Although he doesn’t know that Gu Qingfeng is who, and he doesn’t believe that Gu Qingfeng is Youdi, there is one thing that Jin Lao knows very well, that is, Qingqing Shangxian and Centrifugal Fairy will never treat Gu for no reason. Qingfeng is so in awe, there must be something outsiders don’t know.

This alone is enough to show that even if Gu Qingfeng is not Youdi, it is definitely not an existence they can provoke.

For this, he has always been earnest and well-meant advised to persuade, what he fears is that in order to express himself in front of Qing Qing Shangxian, Mo Baiyu impulsively do something irreparable stupid.

You Dao is afraid of what comes.

Elder Jin didn’t expect Mo Baiyu to stand up impulsively.

This scared Mr. Jin so much, he immediately stepped over and dissuaded him: “Master, don’t be impulsive!”

“I am not at all impulsive.”

Mo Baiyu placed one hand in front of him and one hand behind him, standing in the air, his face calm and calm.


Mo Baiyu is not an impulsive person. Even in front of her admired Qingqing Shangxian, he can restrain his emotions. He stepped up this time after thinking about it, and after careful consideration. .

He is not a fool, but always smart.

Naturally, I also know that Qingqing Shangxian and Centrifugal Fairy will not be in such awe of Gu Qingfeng for no reason. He also knows that there must be something outsiders do not know about.

Old Jin said that even if Gu Qingfeng is not Youdi, it is definitely not something they can provoke, and Mo Baiyu does not disagree with this.

But he finally chose to stand up.

The reason is simple.

He thinks this is a rare and rare opportunity to make himself famous.

Mo Baiyu knows very well that with the influence of Qingqing Shangxian, today’s event will surely spread quickly, whether it’s centrifugal fairy massage or Qingqing Shangxian playing music, plus There is also a person who claims to be You Emperor, these are all explosive news, and will definitely set off a great waste.

In the face of a person who claims to be the emperor, Jin Yanwuhua, two immortal dao celebrities from Ancient Era, and hundreds of immortal dao experts from the Five Spirits Immortal Realm, dare not to act blindly without thinking, Qingqing The fairy and the centrifugal fairy knelt on the ground in shock.

Only Mo Baiyu stood up.

In this way, he can show himself in front of the admiring Qingqing Shangxian, and can also prove his courage to the world.

As for whether Gu Qingfeng is Youdi or not, it is not important to Mo Baiyu.

The important thing is that Gu Qingfeng claims to be the emperor of You, and everyone such as Qingqing and Fairy of Centrifugal believes that it is true. Mo Baiyu stood up to tell everyone that he would challenge the emperor, even if he lost in the end , Even though defeat is honorable.

Who is Youdi?

That is burning nine days, holding Nether, and cutting the sky, claiming to be the overlord who ended the ancients, dare to challenge him. This is a kind of supreme glory in itself. It will be spread out in the future, the Five Spirits Immortal Realm and the experts Because of Youdi’s prestige, he did not dare to act blindly without thinking. The centrifugal fairy Qingqing Shangxian also knelt on the ground in terror. Only he, Mo Baiyu, fearless and dauntless, dared to challenge Youdi. This supreme glory is enough to make Mo Baiyu. , In this All Heavens Myriad Realms thoroughly famous.

And this is what Mo Baiyu wants most.

Of course.

Mo Baiyu is not a fool.

He also knew that this matter was extremely risky.

However, he has the confidence to minimize the risk, and he is also confident to protect himself and even avoid any accidents.

But in order to guard against the unexpected.

Before he stood up, he had already taken out. The letter was secretly told to his family and told the family elder to come as soon as possible, even more how, he believed that as long as he stood up and took the lead, the others in the field Everyone will stand up.

“youngster, what’s the matter with you?”

Gu Qingfeng took a look and asked whether it was salty or not.

“Junior believes that you are the Great Lord of Ancient Era Megatron!”

Mo Baiyu said this remark to let everyone know that he believes that Gu Qingfeng is Youdi, even if it turns out that Gu Qingfeng is a fake Youdi, Mo Baiyu can also say that he thought it was true at the time when the incident spread out. This way, his courage can be brought out even more.

Gu Qingfeng asked again: “So what?”

“Just now, the Great Lord You said one by one, or come together, now Junior boldly stand up, I want to ask the Great Lord Youdi for advice or two!”

Mo Baiyu’s voice fell, and everyone in the field was shocked and pale, especially the hundreds of immortal dao experts from Immortal Realm of the Five Spirits. While shocked, they were also shocked. It feels very embarrassing. After all, they are all Senior Experts. Facing an unknown emperor who is true or false, they dare not act blindly without thinking and that’s all. The courage is actually not as good as a Junior, which makes them feel a little embarrassed of face.

Beside, Jin Lao, who followed Mo Baiyu, was even more anxious like an ant on a hot pot, constantly persuading him, but Mo Baiyu turned a deaf ear.

“Little Brat, you are misunderstood. The Lord said just now to the people of Immortal Realm of the Five Spirits. They are trying to avenge the discipline, and the Lord will carry this matter for Huode. So I had to deal with it. What’s wrong, you are also a member of the Five Spirits Immortal Realm? Or do you want to avenge that name?”

“Junior is neither the Five Spirits Immortal People from Realm have no friendship with Yuan Wu, so they don’t want to avenge him.”

“Are there grievances between us?”

“Junior and Youdi Lord There is no grudge in between.”

“Since there is no grudge, then you jump out and do something, let’s go cool, young age, just join in some fun.”

“Youdi Great Lord!”

Mo Baiyu not at all left. Instead of leaving, he stared condescendingly at Gu Qingfeng, even though Gu Qingfeng was called the Great Lord Youdi Lord, but he looked arrogantly with his eyes. It is more dissatisfaction and jealousy.

“Your Senior swept the great famine that year, Megatron land, All Heavens Myriad Realms, everyone knows that everyone is known to everyone, and Junior is even more admired. It is fortunate to meet the legendary Youdi today. Junior is honored, but… …”

As soon as the conversation turned, Mo Baiyu said again: “At the same time, I also want to take this opportunity to dare to ask the Great Lord for some advice, and hope that the Great Lord Youdi will give us advice!”

“If you just ask for advice, then forget it. Lord, although I am idle pain in the balls, I never fight, and I have no problems with others. You should ask others for advice.”

“If you insist on letting You Di the Great Lord enlighten me one or two!”

“Oh, Little Brat is quite arrogant.” Gu Qingfeng asked with interest: “Then I want to ask, if I don’t agree, what are you going to do?”

“Hehe! The Great Emperor Nether who stumped Megatron back then, and now I don’t even challenge Mo Baiyu, a little master. Dare to accept it?”

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