Supreme Lord

Chapter 1781

“You said you are You Emperor, are you the You Emperor?” Jin Yan Xianshi Li shouted: “Why are you?”

“Why? No, you asked me. Name, I said to tell you, you won’t believe it. As a result, you still don’t believe it, it’s fine if you don’t believe it. You still ask the Lord why and why, listen to what you mean, and the Lord has to prove to you. Is it me?”

“If I don’t prove it, why should I believe that you are the emperor!”

“I said this Fellow Daoist, there is a problem you seem to be mistaken Right? It’s you who insisted on asking your name. He just said your name. As for whether you believe it or not, that’s your problem, not something that you should worry about. He didn’t say you have to worry about it. Believe it, you said this is the reason.”


The Golden Flame Fairy was speechless for a while.

“Husband, what do you do with so much nonsense! Just do it, I don’t believe he is the emperor!” Next, Fairy Wuhua wanted to do it, and Jin Yan The fairy was unsure, staring at Gu Qingfeng, not dare to act blindly without thinking.

If other people claim to be Youdi today, he would not believe it at all, but the problem is that they have witnessed the awe of Gu Qingfeng by the two of them. They obviously believe Gu. Qingfeng is Youdi. Even if you don’t believe it, you definitely have doubts. If not, the two of them are basically impossible to do things that will damage the face of the Changsheng Pavilion in the public. Even more impossible to be scared by Gu Qingfeng and even stand. Unstable.

It is precisely because of the awe of Qingqing and Qi that they are so awed, that fairy Jin Yan has no bottom in his heart.

He took a deep breath and asked: “Fairy Centrifugal, Qingqing go to the immortal, why do you believe that he is the emperor?”

Whether it is fairy centrifugal and Qingqing Shangxian didn’t respond to him, as if he hadn’t heard it.

Qing Qing Shangxian has been standing quietly beside her with her head down.

The same is true of the centrifugal fairy, but more of them are pouring wine for Gu Qingfeng.

“Two Seniors.”

At this time, Mo Baiyu stood up and said: “From Junior’s point of view, the centrifugal fairy and the Qingqing Shangxian must have fallen into the despicable liar. Evil means may lead to confusion and misbelief that he is the Emperor You.”

“It may be that this liar has poisoned the Poisonous Insect in the wine, controlling the mind of the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian! “

Mo Baiyu’s words reminded Fairy Jin Yan, because the unconventional appearances of the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian here do look like some evil means have been used, which is difficult to say Is the mind of the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian really under control? Fairy Jin Yan was also uncertain for a while.

“A bunch of bastard are not brave, but they have a lot of imagination, and even the Poisonous Insect of their minds are tossed out.”

Listening to Mo Baiyu and the others, Gu Qingfeng is didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, sighed: “It seems that I can’t bet on a good person in my life. I used to be such an honest person. I never provoke anyone, just because they said Their existence is a threat, and they are afraid that the Lord will become a major disaster, so they are going to kill the Lord, what can the Lord do? Can’t let them kill for no reason? So I can only resist, and resist until the end, but it is The Lord became the kind of notoriety for killing innocent bloodthirsty and brutality.”

Toasted and drank, and said: “And I don’t know which tortoise-sun bastard is going to add fuel and vinegar to promote the Lord’s things, so much so that All Heavens Myriad Realms mentioned the name of the Lord, either motherfucker is full of evil, or motherfucker is guilty, not motherfucker is guilty, or motherfucker is damaging Heaven and Earth.”

“Big sister, do you think I am wronged?”

The centrifugal fairy is carrying a wine jug and is pouring wine for Gu Qingfeng. Hearing his question, how dare you say that you can’t say anything, hurry up and say: “Injustice.”

“We Although I haven’t known each other for a long time, I have been in contact for a while. Lord, I am not a bloodthirsty, brutal and violent person who kills innocent people without any action, right?”

“No…No. “

“So! Big sister, don’t show a very scared look when you see your master. If you still kneel down and beg for mercy, your master doesn’t bother you much. It’s just you who scare yourself. If it is spread out, there may be something bad about the Lord. This silly master has been carrying it for long enough, and now I don’t want to carry it anymore. It’s time to wash it off for the master.”

“Yes. It’s… from the little girl… I won’t dare anymore.” The centrifugal fairy lifts the head, looking at the people in the court, and deliberately said: “I was kneeling with Qingqing just now. It was not threatened by the Lord, everything is I and Qingqing scared ourselves, and it has nothing to do with the Great Lord… I hope you don’t misunderstand, let alone spread the word, and… The Great Lord… is really not as evil as the legend, he is a…good person…”

In order not to offend Gu Qingfeng, the centrifugal fairy can only brace oneself and speak such a thing without conscience.

“Hey, that’s right, come to the eldest girl, sit down and drink two glasses with your father.”

Gu Qingfeng carried the flask and poured two glasses of wine, indicating that he was Qingqing sat down, the two dared not refuse, so they could only sit down and drink obediently and honestly.

“I said you guys, do you guys do it or not? If you do it, just hurry up, Monkey’s, let’s do it quickly, if you don’t do it, then go wherever you go and stay cool. Don’t bother you. Yaxing, I have to drink with two beautiful women now.”

Everyone in the field, look at me, I look at you, big eyes staring at small eyes, no one dares to do it.

To be precise, it’s not that they dare not do it. If someone dares to take the lead, others may not dare to do it. At least, Mo Baiyu, Yunzhou, Mufeng, Fuying, and even Shangguandong and other Qingqing The admirers of Shangxian want to step on Gu Qingfeng, the person they hate fiercely, in front of Qingqing Shangxian.

I expected Jin Yan and Wuhua couple to take the lead, so they took this opportunity to obliterate Gu Qingfeng.

It’s a pity.

Waiting and waiting, Jin Yan and Wuhua couple never dared to make a move. This made them very anxious. They wanted to stand up by themselves, but they didn’t have the guts.

“Since you don’t dare to do it, let’s go cool.”

Gu Qingfeng looked towards Qingqing and Centrifuge, and said: “Sister, go, be with you Go to the dock for a drink.”

Gu Qingfeng was about to stand up. At this moment, a voice came.

“Hold on!”

One person stood up, a man wearing a silver crown and white clothed, looking handsome like a jade tree.

No one else, but Mo Baiyu.

Everyone was surprised.

No one would have thought that Mo Baiyu would stand up at this time, including Mr. Jin, who has been following Mo Baiyu, guarding his safety, and making suggestions for him.

Lao Jin is also a great wild fairy who opened the Life and Death Gate of the zodiac. The reason why he follows Mo Baiyu is that he also fancy Mo Baiyu whether it is aptitude perception or temperament. The proud choice will surely do something in the future.

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