Supreme Lord

Chapter 1783

No one thought that Mo Baiyu would dare to stand up, and no one thought that Mo Baiyu would dare to challenge You Emperor bluntly.

In the eyes of many people, even though the person in front of them does not look like the real Youdi, they can distract the fairy and Qingqing Shangxian鈥檚 attitude towards him, and make them uncertain and dare not disagree. Don’t worry, no one has a bottom line. In this case, it is better not to act blindly without thinking.

Many people think that Mo Baiyu is crazy!

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mo Baiyu is indeed crazy, and he still wants to be famous and crazy!

Fairy Centrifugal Shouted: “Mo Baiyu! I think you are impatient!”

“Fairy Centrifuge should not misunderstand, Junior is not not knowing the immensity of Heaven and The people of Earth are not act recklessly, but Junior has been admiring You Emperor for a long time, and purely want to ask You Emperor for some advice, apart from this, don鈥檛 have other intentions, let alone offend You Emperor, but also hope You Emperor Great Lord Mingjian.”

Mo Baiyu smiled, and his expression calmly and indifferently, standing quietly in the sky, like a Pian Pian Young Master, extraordinarily eye-catching, and said: “Also please You Di Lord Lord is satisfied Junior鈥檚 wish!”

“I don鈥檛 see that you are still a good master. It seems that the master today promises to accept, and if not, he must agree.”

Gu Qingfeng sat down on the chair again, ate a Spirit Fruit, and said: “Well, since this is your wish, then Lord will satisfy you.”

“many thanks You Di Lord Lord Complete!” Seeing Gu Qingfeng’s promise, Mo Baiyu’s smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense, and he hurriedly bowed to thank you, really like a gentleman.

Mo Baiyu looked very excited and excited.


His excitement is not because Gu Qingfeng promised his challenge and met his wish.

The so-called wish is just an excuse that’s all.

According to his thoughts, as long as Gu Qingfeng publicly agrees to enlighten him, then this matter has already been half done. He can even imagine that after today, the name Mo Baiyu will be spread in All Heavens Myriad Realms. Open.

This is the reason for his excitement.


Mo Baiyu is not the only smart person in the field. It is not only Mo Baiyu who wants to show himself in front of Qingqing Shangxian and want his name to spread throughout All Heavens Myriad Realms.

At this moment, another person stood up and said, “Junior Fuying, also dare to ask the Lord Youdi to enlighten me!”


Fu Ying also saw Mo Baiyu’s inner thoughts. He also wanted to take this opportunity to challenge the famous Youdi to become famous for Heaven and Earth.

“Junior Yunzhou also courageously ask Youdi Great Lord for some advice!”

“Junior Mufeng boldly ask Youdi Great Lord for some advice!”

Good guy!

After Fuying stood up, Yunzhou, Mufeng, Qingyue, including the three upper demons who followed Fuying, and even Lengjue, Dandinggu, one of the seven blessed places, stood there. Came out.

These people are either the immortal immortal dao, or the immortal dao, or the demon, and the blessed land discipline. It is no exaggeration to say that they are all ancient times. The outstanding well-known figure, whether it is the strength of the cultivation base or the identity background, is very strong. Behind everyone is the support of Great Immortal Realm Great Clans Great Influence.

In other words, if these people have three longs and two shorts today, then more than one Great Immortal Realm will be offended, but seven or eight, even more how among these people who stand out, there is one seventy two blessing Earth Pill Dinggu鈥檚 disciple feels coldly, if he has three long and two short, then the consequences will be more terrifying.


When Leng Jue stood up, Mo Baiyu’s confidence became stronger and stronger, and his confidence became stronger.

“Junior Shangguandong dare to ask the Lord Youdi for some advice!”


Shangguandong stood up unwilling to be left behind.

Although compared with Mo Baiyu and the others, he is just a nine-day canonized immortal, but the proud and arrogant Shangguandong never feels that he is inferior to others. He thinks he lacks only chance , And today, with such a big opportunity in front of him, he doesn’t want to miss it even more than Mo Baiyu!

It鈥檚 just that his father, Shangguan Feixing, didn鈥檛 think so. When he found that Shangguandong stood up, he was really scared and quickly persuaded him to stop it. Unfortunately, it was just as old Jin persuaded Mo Baiyu to be Like Mo Baiyu’s ignorance, Shang Guandong also turned a deaf ear to his father’s persuasion.

Because he wants to be famous too much!

“You act recklessly things, you really want to be famous and want to be crazy!”

The centrifugal fairy stared at Mo Baiyu and the others, thinking that these youngsters are too arrogant and too arrogant. Arrogant, usually relying on the identity of the immortal dao imperial tyrannically abuse power, now act recklessly want to use the opportunity to challenge the emperor to become famous in the world.

They also don’t want to think, if this guy is really Emperor You, what will be the consequences?

Don鈥檛 say that you immortal immortal dao imperial edicts are the motherfucker鈥檚 avenue Star Monarch, and even the avenue throne. If you want to kill, you will kill it.

In order to be famous, this group of things is simply dead.

Gu Qingfeng asked indifferently: “What’s the matter? Sister, listen to you, can you be famous if you do it with your master?”

“Lord, you call yourself the emperor. 鈥o! You are the Great Emperor of Nine Nether of Ancient Era Megatron. You are so famous that no one can match. If you can do it with you, regardless of the outcome, it will spread throughout All Heavens Myriad Realms in the future, and their names will also be It is widely spread in a short period of time.”

“Really? I really didn’t expect that he has such a magical effect.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed blankly, Said: “I said that these Little Brats are all as excited as they were beaten up with blood. They dare to step on their father to become famous, but…are they afraid of death?”

” So, I said that these little things that act recklessly don’t even want to be famous!”

The voice fell, Mo Baiyu and the others quickly explained.

“You emperor Great Lord, centrifugal fairy, don鈥檛 misunderstand you, I am not waiting to be famous, but to really admire You emperor, so I want to take advantage of such a rare opportunity today. Please enlighten us from You emperor Great Lord. One or two.”

Gu Qingfeng waved his hand and interrupted them: “It鈥檚 not a shame to want to be famous, and it鈥檚 not something that can鈥檛 be said. It鈥檚 totally understandable, youngster. Who doesn鈥檛 want to get ahead? Don鈥檛 say you guys, if you鈥檙e a master, you want to be famous too.”

After that, Gu Qingfeng said to the others: “Is there anyone who would like to ask the master for some advice? , Let鈥檚 all come together, whether it鈥檚 for the so-called wish, or for the fame, today I will satisfy you all.”

Thousands of people in the field, look at me, I look at you, Some people begin to stir, others hesitate.

To be honest.

No one doesn鈥檛 want to be famous. Besides, this name still has such a huge reputation with Youdi. It鈥檚 not good to say it. In the future, even if you boasting with others, it will be a kind of Looking up to the capital.

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