Supreme Lord

Chapter 1780

“Why, have you considered clearly whether it is one by one, or come together.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the Jin Yan and Wuhua couples opposite, and said, “I don’t care, Lord. Anyway, it’s okay. Anyway, I’m idle. Just have fun and move your hands and feet.”

Previously, when Gu Qingfeng asked them to come together or alone, Jin Yan and Wuhua Feeling that something is abnormal, there must be a demon, and there is no bottom line in the heart.

Just now, I witnessed the two of Centrifuge and Qingqing kneeling on the ground in shock by Gu Qingfeng’s words. The Jin Yan and Wuhua couples have no foundation in their hearts, where they dare to do it.

Golden Flame Fairy stared at Gu Qingfeng and solemnly asked: “Who is your Excellency!”

“Didn’t I tell you, Lord, I’m the master of Heaven and Earth. Lord, what? Don’t you believe it? If you don’t believe it, let’s make gestures. Lord, let you see what is the ability to run rampant Heaven and Earth.”

“Since your Excellency is rampant Heaven and Earth Lord, I think it should be the existence of the Great Wilderness.”

“That is nature.”

“In this case, your prestige should also be known as the Great Wilderness. I haven’t consulted you yet. Respect your surname and name.”

“Aren’t you here to be fair to your discipline, it doesn’t matter what my name is.”

“Your Excellency stumped your family name Don’t you dare to report the number?”

“It’s not that you dare to report it. I’m afraid you don’t believe it.”

“If you don’t say it, so what? I can’t believe it here.”

“Okay, it’s okay to tell you, listen up.”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “My surname is Gu, my real name is Heavenly Wolf, and The name is Qingfeng, the name is Chixiao.”

When Gu Qingfeng reported the name, Jin Yan, Wuhua couple, and hundreds of immortal dao experts from Immortal Realm of the Five Spirits, they were all shocked. Ghost God.

The lovable body of the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian standing next to Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help shaking.

The two of them didn’t expect that Gu Qingfeng would announce his name openly in the public.

What does he mean?

What does he want to do?

Don’t he know his identity? I don’t know my existence. Heaven and Earth are not tolerated. Will Three Thousand Great Daos obliterate him at all costs?

He didn’t know that once the news of his death and resurrection spread, he didn’t know what terrifying stormy sea would be set off in All Heavens Myriad Realms?


Even we all know these things, how could he not know as a party.

But now that he knows, why does he report his identity without any consideration?

What does he want to do?

He wants to tell All Heavens Myriad Realms, has the Youdi who burned nine days, palmed the Nine Nether, slaughtered the avenue, and slashed the sky has returned?

The centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian were completely frightened.

And Jin Yan, Wuhua and his wife were also scared, their faces were pale, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and asked: “You said…you are the emperor?”

Perhaps The shock was so great that the voice of the Golden Flame Fairy became sharp.

“Yes, the Lord did aspire to the emperor before, but it’s just that’s all before, and it’s no longer anymore.”

“On you?” Fairy Jin Yan coldly snorted and said: “Dare to call yourself Emperor You?”

“What, don’t you believe it?”

“I don’t believe it!”

“No Believe it, right? It’s right if you don’t believe it.” Gu Qingfeng smiled and pointed to the side, Centrifuge and Qingqing, and said: “They don’t believe it either. Up to now, they are still murmured in their hearts. This is not because they were still discussing and hoping. You guys are trying to test me.”

Besides, the heart of the centrifugal fairy is so embarrassing and embarrassing. A beautiful and alluring face is blue and white and red, and his expression didn’t. Know whether to cry or laugh, want to cry without tears, and also asked and unable to show one’s face, and even have the urge to commit suicide.

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, everyone in the field suddenly realized that they finally knew why the two of them, the Centrifugal Fairy and the Qingqing Shangxian, would be so respectful and so afraid of Gu Qingfeng, so they regarded this guy as the emperor. Up!

Think about it, looking at Heaven and Earth, I am afraid that only You Di can make the distinguished identities such as the centrifugal fairy and the Qingqing Shangxian be afraid to be like this.


Is this guy really the Emperor You?

How could he be Youdi!

No one believes it.

“Fairy of centrifugation, immortal Qingqing, you must have been deceived by this person.”

“Yes, this person must be bluffing in the name of Emperor You!”

“The real Emperor You was already scattered ashes and smoke dispersed when Wudao Mountain came ten thousand years ago, and it is impossible to come back to life again!”

“If You Emperor is alive , Saintess Empress wouldn’t know?”

“Even if the Emperor You really died and was resurrected, Heaven and Earth would not tolerate his existence. If he dares to appear in the Great Wilderness, Three Thousand Great Daos will immediately How could it be possible for him to obliterate himself in the public, drinking here leisurely, waiting for Three Thousand Great Daos to obliterate him? Youdi is not a fool, this person is pretending to be Youdi at first sight A liar!”

“even more how, how does You Emperor exist? Who knows that You Emperor is aloof, arrogant, ruthless, bloodthirsty and cruel, he is powerful, covering the sky and the sun, look again Look at this person, even if the Youdi’s cultivation base is lost and there is no good fortune, it will not be as frivolous and ostentatious as he is, right?”

Everyone stood up for you, I said, yelling at Gu. Qingfeng is such a liar who pretends to be the emperor, especially Mo Baiyu, Yun Zhou, etc. who hate Gu Qingfeng and the gang of gods, each one is more angry.

No one is not afraid of the unknown, no one is not afraid.

I saw that Fairy and Qingfeng were respectful and fearful of Gu Qingfeng. Because they didn’t know Gu Qingfeng’s identity, they were very afraid and did not dare to act blindly without thinking.

However, after learning the reason why the two of them were afraid of Gu Qingfeng, Mo Baiyu and the others felt less fearful.

Because they don’t believe that Gu Qingfeng is Youdi at all, just as they don’t believe that a mouse is an evil dragon.


They stood up angrily, regardless of whether it was the centrifugal fairy or the Qingqing immortal, neither of them spoke, even if they didn’t have a word, they stood obediently and honestly beside them.

What Mo Baiyu and the others said, they didn’t think about it.

On the contrary.

They have thought about it too many times, more than anyone in the field.

If it weren’t for a Cloud Water Sword, they would never doubt that Gu Qingfeng was the Emperor You.

Because of the cloud Water Sword, they have such worries, and it is precisely because of the cloud Water Sword that they panic.

They are afraid.

What I’m afraid of is the phrase I’m not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

In the field.

Jin Yan and Wuhua couple not at all, like Mo Baiyu and the others, denounce Gu Qingfeng as a liar. Although they don’t believe it, they are, after all, the immortal dao celebrities of Ancient Era. It’s not Mo Baiyu and the others who can mention on equal terms, even more how, they clearly know that if there is no certain evidence, people who have the same knowledge as Qingqing and centrifugal fairy may not be inferior to them. For no reason to doubt whether a person is Youdi.

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