Supreme Lord

Chapter 1777

“hehe, arrogant to the sky, dominates the wilderness, the great Lord who is rampant in Heaven and Earth, always the old man of Old Ancestor, the Lord is the Lord of God, and the Lord is the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Your biggest man, good! Good! Good! Very good!”

The Golden Flame fairy stared at Gu Qingfeng and said three numbers, said with a sneer: “Your Excellency is really a sneer, this Jin admires it! I admire it!”

“I can’t help it, I’m used to it.”


The Golden Flame Fairy has been staring at Gu Qingfeng, secretly also took out Divine Consciousness Quietly exploring, he was quite sure that the arrogant guy in front of him really wanted a cultivation base, no cultivation base, no good fortune, and no samsara reincarnation, except for the most basic human breath. Nothing else, and even if it’s just human interest, it’s weak.

With this kind of existence, even though it was the Lord of the Supreme People’s Congress of Rao Shizi before, Fairy Jin Yan would not take seriously. Moreover, based on his experience, I feel that Gu Qingfeng, such frivolous and impetuous people, might be connected People’s Congress is not Lord, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a liar who eats and drinks and plays with Profound Void.

Thinking of this, I originally had some worries about the existence of Gu Qingfeng, and disappeared in this brief moment.

For the Golden Flame Fairy, the only problem is the attitude of the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian.

“I don’t know what the Golden Flame Fairy, the Wuhua Fairy and the Five Spirits Immortal Realm Seniors are so exciting, why?”

The centrifugal fairy sees Jin Yan, Wuhua husband and wife Two people kept silent about the purpose of this trip, so she took the initiative to ask.

The Golden Flame Fairy not at all responded promptly, as if thinking about the purpose of the centrifugal fairy’s question. He pondered for a moment, and said: “Frankly, the lower-class people came for the disciple yuan Wu.”

“Oh? Really?”

The centrifugal fairy replied not salty and not indifferent, and there was no more text, even though she hoped that the golden flame fairy would try , But did not dare to show it in front of Gu Qingfeng.

“My disciple Yuan Wu was severely injured here. I wonder if Fairy Centrifugal knows about it?”

“Yes.” Fairy Centrifugal said: “Yuan Wu said that He offended You Di and his Senior, Huo De Old Senior couldn’t understand it, so he took a lesson.”

“hmph! My discipline offends You Di, what to do with him?” I have been holding back the anger. Fairy Wuhua stood up and shouted: “Why did he start to beat my discipline seriously!”


The centrifugal fairy pretended to be an awkward look.

Fairy Wuhua wanted to say something, but was stopped by the fairy golden flame next to him. The fairy golden flame said: “I heard that the Old Daoist Priest is on the ship of the centrifugal fairy at this moment. If it is true, then I hope Fairy Centrifugal will invite him out.”

Paused, before the fairy of Centrifugal speaks, Fairy Jin Yan continued: “Fairy Centrifugal, Qingqing will go to the immortal, I did not intend to offend you, but My discipline was hurt so badly. When I sent it back to the Five Spirit Immortal Realm, there was only one breath left. Whether my life can be saved in the future is still unknown. I hope that you can understand my feelings of waiting and take that Old Daoist Priest, hand it over!”

“Changsheng Pavilion is one of the seventy two blessed places in the Great Wilderness. The centrifugal fairy is a famous fairy in ancient times. It’s the recipe of Emperor Fusheng, such as heroes and heroes of today and ancient times, who will surely preside over the poor discipline of our couple.”

To say that this golden flame fairy is truly a famous fairy in ancient times, he I know that the Old Daoist Priest that injured Yuan Wu is the life saving benefactor of Little Junior Sister of Qingqing Shangxian, and I am most worried that the centrifugal fairy will use this as an excuse to defend the Old Daoist Priest.

So I didn’t wait for the centrifugal fairy to speak. First, he knew the reason and moved the affection, so that everyone knew that Yuan Wu was seriously injured. As Masters, they have the obligation and more responsibility to come forward. Yuan Wu asked for justice, and then put on a big top hat for the Changsheng Pavilion, Centrifuge, and Qingqing. The implication is very simple. If you Changsheng Pavilion come forward to defend the Old Daoist Priest, you are taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, to oppress the Five Spirits Immortal Realm.

The centrifugal fairy has an awkward look.


But I was very happy inside, and even wanted to thank Fairy Jin Yan.

She wanted to keep herself and Qingqing out of the matter, but she was afraid that Gu Qingfeng would see her thoughts. What was not easy to do was too obvious. Now the golden flame fairy wears a high hat and pretends. Poor, she just took this opportunity to stay out of the matter.

Of course.

Even so, what should be done on the surface should be done, pretending to be an awkward look, looked towards Gu Qingfeng, and asked: “Lord, what do you think about this…?”


“What should I do?” Gu Qingfeng asked: “It’s not the master who beats me. I don’t care about it. Whoever beats it, who do you call for it? It just so happens that the master is a bit boring now, so I had fun. Hurry up and call out Huode, saying that someone is coming to him for revenge.”

“But…Huode Old Senior is retreating.”

“Right, you Not to mention, Lord, I really forgot about this stuff. That old fellow good-for-nothing. After eating that many fruits, I had some indigestion. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get it out for a while.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed and said: “Why don’t you wait a few days, and wait for the old fellow to come out, you will trouble him again? Don’t worry, He is unable to escape.”

“Is your words bully intolerably? The Old Daoist Priest’s unpredictable life and death of my discipline is only a sigh of relief. Today, I am waiting to come and seek justice for my discipline. It is difficult because he is in retreat. I will wait. I have to wait for him to leave the customs? How can there be such a truth in the world?”

“It is also true to hear you say that.” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, and nodded said: “Vengeance, there is only one thing that is important. I am happy to have an enmity, there is no one who will report when the enemy leaves the customs, no matter how broad-minded, it is not so big, don’t say it is you, even if it is the master, the master is not happy, take advantage of his retreat, directly Wouldn’t it be better to do it, as the old saying goes, take advantage of his illness to kill him.”

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, everyone was stunned, even the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing. Sin is the same.

In their impression, Gu Qingfeng and Huo De are in the same group. Others may not know it, but they know clearly that the reason why Huo De beat Yuan Wu is precisely because Yuan Wu said badly. I offended You Emperor and asked this guy to deal with Yuan Wu after the fight. Why is Yuan Wu’s Master now approaching the door? Huo De is in retreat. This guy doesn’t help Huo De to come out, that’s all, and even hit a person when he’s Down, instigated the Jinyan fairy to wait for Huo De to avenge him, and what else did he say to kill him while he was sick?

This time.

Cifu Fairy and Qing Qing Shangxian even more doubt whether this guy is really Youdi.

This is too shameless, right?

Even if you are not a friend, someone will help you in order to protect your reputation, you can’t stabbed in the back like this!

Is this guy really the Emperor You?

as everyone knows, although Youdi is sinful, but always straightforward and upright as a person, dare to act, maybe not a hero of morality reaching up to the clouds, but definitely able to support both heaven and earth man.

How can the real Emperor You do such shameless activities that betray your friends!


Absolutely fake!

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