Supreme Lord

Chapter 1778

“In this way, it seems that the master is a bit to have no shame.”

Perhaps Gu Qingfeng himself feels too shameless, and then said: “After all, Huo De is to fight for the master. People, now that old fellow is in retreat again, if the Lord sits idly by, and then hit a person when he’s down, it is time for the old fellow and motherfucker to talk bad about the Lord everywhere.”

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, pondered for a while, and said, “Well, if you can wait, wait for the old fellow to leave the customs and then seek revenge from him. If you really can’t wait, then you can only do this for Huode. I’m carrying it down.”

“What do you mean?”

The fairy golden flame stared at Gu Qingfeng, coldly shouted: “Clarify the words.”

“Isn’t what the Lord said is not clear enough? It means that if you want to get revenge on the old fellow of Huo De, you should pass the hurdle of Lord and I first, and kill Lord, then you will kill him, that’s it Simple.”


The fairy Jin Yan suddenly startled. He didn’t at all put Gu Qingfeng in his eyes, especially when he witnessed Gu Qingfeng stabbing in the back. After the accomplice’s knife, I even more sure in my heart that such a person who is greedy for life and be afraid of death and sells friends and seeks glory is what is basically impossible.

But he didn’t think of it anyway. As soon as the conversation changed, Gu Qingfeng said that he had taken the matter down again. Why did he want to get Old Daoist Priest to get revenge before him?

This is not only the Golden Flame Fairy wondering, why does this guy dare to say such a thing.

“Speaking of which Lord hasn’t moved his muscles and bones for a long time. I took advantage of this opportunity to move his hands and feet and digest and digest those three Wannian Vermilion Fruits.”

Gu Although Qingfeng said so, it seemed to mean not at all. It was still lazily lying on his back in a chair, with Erlang’s legs tilted, drinking a little wine, looking at the fairy Jinyan, and said: “You are Are you planning to come one by one, or go together?”


The voice fell, the golden flame fairy, the Wuhua fairy, and the immortal dao experts of the Five Spirits Immortal Realm, their faces changed and changed, and their expressions became vigilant, staring into Gu Qingfeng’s eyes , Are also full of incomprehensible doubts.

None of them can’t figure out why Gu Qingfeng has such courage to say such arrogant words.

Especially Mo Baiyu and the others, they knew Gu Qingfeng’s existence was extraordinary, and they had also witnessed Gu Qingfeng’s raising his hand before obliterating a monster whose strength was comparable to the Great Principle Golden Immortal of Jiu Yao. But even so, it can only show that his fleshy body is powerful, a mortal flesh and blood body, no matter how powerful it is, it is always limited, even more how Five Spirits Immortal Realm The hundreds of people who came this time are all great wild spirits, among them There are also dozens who opened the Life and Death Gate of the zodiac, and two immortal dao experts, such as the golden flame fairy and the Wuhua fairy.

Why is he so arrogant?

The arrogant one said something one by one, or come together.

This is clearly a collection of the five spirits Immortal Realm, such as the Golden Flame Fairy, Wuhua Fairy, and hundreds of people in their eyes!

Fairy Jin Yan and Fairy Wuhua looked at each other. Neither of them did it. They felt that something was abnormal and there must be a demon, and they couldn’t decide whether Gu Qingfeng was fooling the Profound Void or the truth. The fearless and dauntless, coupled with the respect of the centrifugal fairy and the Qingqing Shangxian to Gu Qingfeng, make them more heartless.

Apart from this, there is a more important reason.

That is, the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian have never had a clear attitude.

Before they heard that Qingqing Shangxian’s Lingyu Sword was refined by Gu Qingfeng, and now it is on Qingqing Shangxian’s Xuantian Boat. Even if you really want to do it, you must pass Qing Qing Shangxian agreed.

“Fairy of centrifugation, I will go to the immortal, I believe you have all heard what this person said. I am waiting for my disciple to be fair today. I don’t want the two to be fair for me. Just begging for your convenience, don’t interfere in this matter.”


great aunt, I hope you do it.

Just to test whether this guy is the Emperor You.

Thinking like this in the heart of the centrifugal fairy, that beautiful and alluring face not at all revealed inner joy, still pretending to be embarrassed, looked towards Gu Qingfeng, and asked: “Da Lord, what do you think?”

“Ouch, sister, are you asking my opinion?”

The centrifugal fairy was confused by Gu Qingfeng’s question I was stunned there, some not knowing what to do, especially when I was stared at by Gu Qingfeng’s eyes, I felt uncomfortable, as if my mind was seen through, my mind trembled a little, stammering: “Big Lord…you…what…what do you mean? I…I am of course asking for your opinion.”

Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, the centrifugal fairy quickly explained: “This The matter has nothing to do with the Great Lord. If the Great Lord does not want to come forward, the little girl… can come forward to solve the matter, Huo De Old Senior… After all, it is Qiao’er’s life saving benefactor, and we… will not disturb anyone. Huode Old Senior…”

“Really?” Gu Qingfeng smiled and looked at the centrifugal fairy, and said: “Master, why do I listen to this a bit against my heart?”

“No…I…I’m telling the truth.”

“The truth? Isn’t it right? Just now I heard you and sister Qingqing muttering there, saying nothing Lord is a fake, your face will be ashamed of your grandma’s house, and you say…what are you doing? Talk to the people of the Five Spirits Immortal Realm later, if you do, you will stay out of the matter and prepare to use the Five Spirits Immortal Realm. Is it true or false?”


Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, and the centrifugal fairy only felt Five Thunderbolts. His face was pale with no trace of blood, and he was a little unsteady even when he was standing. He suddenly sat on the ground and looked like Surprised to see Ghost God average.


To be exact, it is thousands of times more terrifying than seeing Ghost God!

She never thought that the secret word of sound transmission between herself and Qingqing would be heard by Gu Qingfeng.

Thinking about the words that I and Qingqing said in the secret sound transmission, the centrifugal fairy can’t wait to suck his mouth.

She clearly remembered that when Gu Qingfeng said he was a good person, she not only scolded him for being thick-skinned, but also scolded him as shameless.

She also clearly remembered that when Gu Qingfeng hit a person when he’s down to Huode, she also scolded to have no shame.

Not only that, but also said that if this guy is really not the Emperor You, he will definitely smack his skin, strip his muscles, and thwart his bones!

Although the fairy fairy is more and more suspicious that Gu Qingfeng is not the real Youdi, she is only suspicious. She doesn’t dare to be 100% sure. The reason she has been waiting cautiously is that she doesn’t want to offend. Let Jin Yanwuhua and his wife take a trial, just in case Gu Qingfeng is the real Emperor.

Now these words have been heard by Gu Qingfeng. Fairy Centrifugal knows that if this guy is really the Emperor, then he might not be far from death.

When I thought of this, the mind of the centrifugal fairy was frightened and blurred.

She was so, and Qingqing Shangxian was not much better. She was also scared and her face turned pale. She only felt that the sky was spinning, her mind was completely blank, she was scared and knelt on the ground.

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