Supreme Lord

Chapter 1776

“Then you have to put your ears up and listen. Lord, I am the great Lord who looks down upon the sky, dominates the wilderness, and is always the old Ancestor. The Lord is the Lord of God, and the Lord is the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Earth is my biggest, how? Can it be bigger than your Three Thousand Great Daos? ha ha ha ha ha ha!”


Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help himself laughing heartily.

Everyone in the field thinks this guy is boasting, and he is blowing the exaggerated cowhide that can’t be exaggerated. No one takes it seriously, and no one laughs, because everyone knows this is a joke. , And it’s still a very funny joke.

Everyone discusses spiritedly, although due to the face of the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing’s immortal, none of them came forward to ridicule, but every one of Gu Qingfeng’s eyes were full of contempt.

While contemptuous, my heart is more confused.

A guy who wants nothing and likes to boasting skin everywhere, even if he was really a big Lord before, at best, he is just a bully and gangster in the secular world. They really don’t understand the renunciation and confession. Why do people treat this guy as a guest and wait on him respectfully.

Fairy Centrifugal and Qingqing have been standing quietly, they are also the only two in the field who did not despise Gu Qingfeng.

They knew that if Gu Qingfeng was really the emperor, they would definitely be able to stand up to the sky, dominate the wilderness, and run the name of the Great Lord of Heaven and Earth.

But the problem is.

Is this guy really the Emperor You?

Especially the centrifugal fairy, his inner doubts are getting stronger and stronger.

Although all the signs that Qingqing said indicate that this guy may be the emperor, but the centrifugal fairy has never fully believed it from beginning to end.

She always felt that this guy was too frivolous and impetuous, and could not be connected with the terrifying Youdi that she had witnessed back then. It was like one in the sky and one on the earth, one like a dragon like a tiger, and one like Snakes are like mice, fundamentally impossible to mention on equal terms.

Legendary Youdi is indeed free and unrestrained, his temperament is casual, but unrestrained and unrestrained does not mean frivolous and impetuous, and casual disposition does not mean laziness and inattention.

There is also this guy who previously forced himself to say that he is a good person, that’s all.

Now it’s still boasting.


The real emperor really can afford the great Lord who is rampant in Heaven and Earth.

But there is nothing other people say about this, so how can you praise yourself? What do you still say that it is always the old man of Old Ancestor, the old man is the father of God, and the old man is Heaven and Earth his biggest father? This is too much to say, right? Even if this guy is really Emperor You, he can’t bear these words!

It is not only the centrifugal fairy who has doubts, but even Qingqing Shangxian, who originally believed in Gu Qingfeng, started to whisper in her heart. She also felt that the real Emperor, perhaps It’s not as arrogant and ruthless as in the legend, but no matter how free and unrestrained, it won’t be to have no shame to say that he is a good person, and he is so frivolous to brag about himself in the public.

Is this really the Emperor You?

Is it fake?

But if it is false, what is going on with Water Sword? What’s the matter with the trail of judgment in Sword Spirit world? This Cloud Water Sword is one of the Five Elements Swords of Youdi back then.

It’s hard to say that Cloud Water Sword recognized the wrong person?

This guy is not Youdi at all?

Is this… possible?

Not sure.

Qing Qing Shangxian is also a little confused now.

Whether it is the centrifugal fairy or the Qingqing Shangxian, the two of them increasingly doubt whether Gu Qingfeng is the real emperor. At the same time of doubt, their hearts are extremely complicated. They both hope that Gu Qingfeng is not real Youdi, but hope that Gu Qingfeng is the real Youdi.

I hope that Gu Qingfeng is not the emperor, because they all know that the emperor is resurrected as if he died. If he is resurrected and returned, it will be to All Heavens Myriad Realms, to the Three Thousand Great Daos, to all living beings, to this great wilderness Heaven and Earth It is an extremely terrifying threat.

As one of these many beings, they naturally don’t want such a terrifying existence as Emperor You to come back to life.

I hope that Gu Qingfeng is the real emperor, because since they suspected that Gu Qingfeng is emperor, they have done everything that should be done, and they have done everything that shouldn’t be done, pouring wine and waiting, It was playing music, massage, kneeling, and beat Bai Ze half to death. It can be said that he lost his face in front of everyone, and also lost face, including the face and respect of the Changsheng Pavilion. They are lost here.

If this guy is really Youdi, that’s all, and losing face will be lost.

But if this guy is not Youdi, then this face will be lost to grandma’s house today.

If it spreads out in the future, they all know that they two will definitely become a big joke of this All Heavens Myriad Realms. Together with the floating emperor, and even the prestige of the Changsheng Pavilion, they will also be What he did was lost face.

Thinking of this, the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian have even the heart of death, and they regret it. I can’t wait for fiercely to slap myself a few times. Why are they so impulsive that they didn’t even engage in true or false? Clearly, I confessed it in fear, and didn’t even dare to let go of the fart, and showed his affection to please others.

No way.

This is not a solution.

We have to figure out if this guy is really Youdi.

I can’t wait any longer.

Otherwise, I will be really embarrassed to my grandma’s house in the future, and don’t even go out…find a place to commit suicide, and I have no face to live anymore.


How do you figure out if this guy is the real Emperor?

Try it?

How to test?

The most direct and quickest way is to do it, first look at the strength of this guy.

But in case…if this guy is really Emperor You, do it with him, what is the difference with courting death?

If you don’t try to test it.

What should I do?

There is no other way to test the truth.


How can this be good?

The more they think about it, the more they fall apart, the more they fall apart, the more regretful they become.


Fairy Centrifugal thought of a way, he didn’t dare to try it, it doesn’t mean that other people didn’t dare to do it, did Jin Yan and Wuhua couple come here today because of Yuan Wu being beaten Well, even though it was not the great Lord who started fighting Yuanwu, now that the Old Daoist Priest is not there, this great Lord can’t escape the relationship.

Thinking of this, Fairy Centrifugal gradually had an idea in his heart, and immediately sounded a secret message to Qingqing, saying: “Qingqing, Jin Yan, and Wuhua, the cheating couple, made it clear that Yuan Wu was beaten up. It’s probably because of our relationship. They didn’t dare to act rashly for a while. Later I will think of a way to keep us out of the matter and let them do it with confidence.”

“Martial Uncle, you Think… want Jin Yan and his wife to try this… big Lord?” Qingqing is also very clever, listening to Fairy Centrifugal say this, instantly guessed her inner thoughts.

“Otherwise? It’s stumped that we have been waiting on this man so silly? In case he is a fake, how will we both behave in the future? We will not be laughed at. When going out, everyone will say that the renunciation of the Changsheng Pavilion was frightened by a fake Youdi and kneel down and massaged. It’s just that the motherfucker stripped the clothes upside down…Martial Uncle hasn’t married yet, and I want to make a face Ah!!!”

“What if he is the real Youdi? Have you thought about the consequences?”

“If he is real…isn’t it right? Anyway It’s not us who did it. Even if he blames it, he can’t blame us? After all, Jin Yan and his wife came for them, we just…just pretend to be a little confused.”

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