Supreme Lord

Chapter 1775

“Madam, don’t be impulsive for the time being. Everything depends on my gaze. Don’t worry. Today, no matter what, I’ll be fair to our precious discipline, regardless of whether the Old Daoist Priest and the Master of Rao Shizi have What a strong background, my Jin Yan will make them pay!” After a few words, the fairy Jin Yan went forward and appeared above Qingqing’s Xuantian ship. He stood with his hand in his hand, shouted: “The Five Spirits Immortal Realm Jin Yan and his wife are visiting. Please also ask the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian to open the Formation and see.”

The voice fell.

The brilliance that enveloped the Xuantian Ship flashed slightly, rippling and disappearing like flowers in the water. Then, everyone saw three people on the Xuantian Ship’s deck.

A woman with a beautiful face and aloof temperament, dressed in white clothed.

A beautiful and alluring woman with flaming red lips.

A man dressed in white clothed, his appearance is shameless.

It’s not someone else, it’s Qing Qing Shangxian, Centrifugal Fairy and Gu Qingfeng.

Qing Qing Shangxian stood quietly beside her.

And Gu Qingfeng is still lying on his back on the chair, with Erlang’s legs on the table, tilting his head slightly, holding some red fruits in his hand, eating with one bite without a bite, from time to time Pick up the wine glass and take a sip.

Beside him, the centrifugal fairy is like a maid, pouring wine for Gu Qingfeng.

Looking at this scene, the immortal dao experts of the Five Spirits Immortal Realm, such as the Golden Flame Fairy and Wuhua Fairy, are all shocked and pale. They thought that the words that Lao Zhu said might be a bit exaggerated. It’s not an exaggeration. Although it’s not like what Lao Zhu said, the Xianzi Xianzi massaged himself and Qing Qing Shangxian played tunes, but Xianzi Xianzi stood by and waited and poured the wine to explain everything.

And Mo Baiyu and the others who witnessed the centrifugal fairy giving Gu Qingfeng massage with his own eyes before, seeing this scene at the moment, my heart is still very uncomfortable, and there are too many countless jealousies in his eyes.

They really don’t understand, this guy needs a cultivation base but no cultivation base, good fortune and no good fortune. It can be said that he wants nothing. Looks horizontally and vertically, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like the master of the great character. Why are such honorable identities as the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian so respectful of him?

They don’t understand.

The Five Spirits Immortal Realm who saw this scene and the immortal dao experts also couldn’t figure it out. They all felt that this fact was a little too incredible.

“Junior Qingqing has seen the seniors of the Five Spirits Immortal Realm.”

Although Qingqing has a distinguished status and a strong background, she is also a famous unparalleled immortal, but she does not Unlike those seventy two blissful disciples, who are supercilious, on the contrary, Qingqing has always been gentle and charming, knowledgeable and reasonable. It is precisely because of this that, in the great wilderness, there are that many immortals admiring him.

“Golden Flame Fairy, Wuhua Fairy, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

The centrifugal fairy carrying a hip flask, looking at Jin Yanwuhua couple, no I asked indifferently: “I don’t know if the two are coming here, what are you doing?””

They are also the immortal dao celebrities of Ancient Era. The centrifugal fairy and the Jin Yanwuhua couple may not be friends. , I don’t have much friendship, but they all know each other, and they are barely nodded friends.

Jin Yan and Wuhua couple not at all show their intentions, and the fact that their treasured discipline Yuan Wu was beaten up is nothing. Mention, it’s just a greeting with the centrifugal fairy, obviously wanting to investigate the situation first, and then make a decision.

As soon as they came, the centrifugal fairy knew it was for Yuan Wu to be beaten, but Jin Yanwuhua The couple didn’t mention it, and she didn’t bother to break it.

The two parties chatted for a while, and the golden flame fairy lightly said with a smile: “It seems that there is a distinguished guest on the ship today. I haven’t consulted this Fellow Daoist yet. …”

Cifu Fairy glanced at Gu Qingfeng, did not speak, she did not dare to introduce Gu Qingfeng’s identity at will.

“The last name is big, the name is Lord. “

Gu Qingfeng replied with a smile.

“Oh? Great Lord? Fairy Jin Yan asked further: “I wonder who your Lord is from the Fang Family clan?” “

“Neither is the Fang Family. “

“So, you are the Great Lord of Immortal Realm? I don’t know where Immortal Realm is? “

“Neither. “

The big Lord is very tall and very big, and it is an ancient honorific name. Since ancient times is equal to the name Empress this one in Heaven and Earth.

Don’t say that ordinary people can’t afford it, even those of destiny can’t afford it.

During the time of Ancient Era, they were qualified to be honored as the Lord or the Lord of Empress.

Either the domain master who dominates a heaven, or the world master who dominates a world, there is also the great character of Three Thousand Great Daos, or the influential figure that is famous for the great wilderness, and 36 Dongtian, the master of seventy two blessed land, Will be honored as the Great Lord or Empress.

However, in the modern and ancient times, the standards of honorary titles such as the Great Lord and Empress are somewhat reduced, but the famous Immortal Realm will also be honored as the Great Lord. Or Empress. For example, the lord of the Five Spirits Immortal Realm is honored as the Five Spirits Great Lord, apart from this, and some immortal family owners who have inherited from ancient times are also honored as the Great Lord, such as Lei Lie, Hao Lei Family. Patriarch, also known as the Great Lord.

Of course.

Although the titles of Great Lord and Empress in modern and ancient times are not as good as Ancient Era, but also not the owner of the Immortal Realm family It can be called the Great Lord.

The Lord of the Five Spirits Immortal Realm can be called the Great Lord because the Five Spirits Immortal Realm has inheritance since ancient times and is now the Great Lord in the Ayara universe. One of the Immortal Realm.

And the Lei Family to which Lei Lie belongs is also an Ancient Family that has been influential in the Great Wilderness since ancient times.

Therefore, he was honored as the Great Lord.


It is not ruled out that some small Immortal Realm owners claim themselves as the big Lord.

I heard that Gu Qingfeng is neither from Immortal Realm The Great Lord is not the Great Lord of the family. The Golden Flame Fairy not at all gave up and continued to ask: ” is it possible that you are the great Lord of the world? “

Gu Qingfeng picked up a glass of wine, took a sip, shook his head calmly, and said, “Neither. “

“Really? “


The Golden Flame Fairy stood in the air with his hands in the air, staring at Gu Qingfeng with a pair of eyes, and asked: “If you are not from the world The Great Lord, is it stumped, or the overlord of the Megatron universe, the Great Lord? “

“sorry, guess wrong again. “

“Neither one party of Immortal Realm, nor one party of Immortal Realm, not one party of the world, not one party of the universe, is it possible that you are the Lord? “

“Wrong again. “Gu Qingfeng changed his posture, laughed at the fairy Jinyan, and said, “You too look down on the Lord, so how can it be a normal Lord with his temperament, his temperament, and his strength? Guess, guess hard. “

“Guess the bigger picture?” hehe! “The Golden Flame Fairy sneered,” said: “Your voice is too arrogant, since ancient times, this All Heavens Myriad Realms, no matter how big the Lord is, the Three Thousand Great Daos. “

“If you say that, it can only show that your vision is too narrow and you don’t have much insight. “

“Oh? It’s this Jin ignorant and inexperienced. Since you have such a big tone, then this Jin would like to ask one or two things today. Who is the Lord, who is better than Three Thousand Great Daos. “

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