Supreme Lord

Chapter 1711

Of course.

This is only the reason why Huo De admires him, and what makes him puzzled and extremely depressed is that Gu Qingfeng has clearly hooked up so many women, and they are all unique and unique Legendary women, not only The Empress of the world like Jun Xuanji, and the Empress of nature like Yun Nishang, even Saintess Empress Su Wei is infatuated with him, and even more willingly, he travels to All Heavens Myriad Realms just waiting for him to return.

But this kid is indifferent.

Neither ignores them nor actively seeks them.

Instead, let’s not talk about molesting the devil on this broken ship. After the devil left, he embraced the two kiln sisters all day long and happy.

This is also Huo De.

If you change to someone else, I am afraid that I would have vomited blood with envy and hatred.

The reason why Huo De did not envy, jealous and hate, is not that he is not close to women, nor is it because he can’t forget his Dao Companion, but because of what happened to Gu Qingfeng over the years. I’m used to it, and I’m numb. If not, Huo De has long been envious and jealous and hated vomiting blood to death after knowing Gu Qingfeng for so many years.

Looking at the two kiln sisters who beat their backs, rubbing shoulders and legs for Gu Qingfeng, and looked at Gu Qingfeng who was lying on his back in the chair and closing his eyes, Soul Nurturing, listening to the little song, Huo De sighed In addition to the death of drought and the death of waterlogging, we can only lament the injustice of Heavenly Dao, and God is blind.


There was a noise in the lobby of Chunman Building, followed by the sound of panic footsteps. It felt like some disaster had happened and everyone was escaping. It was noisy and even sharp. Scream.

“What’s the situation?”

Gu Qingfeng lazily opened his eyes, took a glass of wine, and took a sip.

Huo De stood at the window and looked at the lobby of Chunman Building. He found that the big guys were running out. Even the musicians who played the music stopped playing. It didn’t look like they were there. Escape, because everyone seemed to have excited expressions on their faces, as if they had encountered something great.

Huo De took out Divine Consciousness swept away and found that not only the guests of Chunmanlou, but the entire Xuantian Ship rushed to the deck.

“I don’t know what the major event happened. I guess what’s going on. The people in the big ship are like crazy. Everyone is excited like something.”

A kiln sister said: “Great Lord, maybe we have encountered something rare, let’s go to the deck and see.”

“Since there is fun, what are you doing? Let’s also go and see the excitement, open our eyes, and learn more by the way, come and help Lord up.”

Gu Qingfeng stood up with the support of the two kiln sisters, first fiercely stretched out one. He stopped, and then raised his hands, hugged the waists of the two Yao sisters, raised his feet and walked towards the deck.

I don’t know if I didn’t come out, Gu Qingfeng was really taken aback when I came out.

Good fellow.

The deck was already overcrowded. The densely packed station was full of people. Many people even left the big ship, Yukong standing in the middle of the wilderness and watching.

Gu Qingfeng was curious in his heart, put his arms around the two kiln sisters, jumped up and stood in the sky, he followed everyone’s gaze and found that everyone was looking at the big ship ahead.

To be precise, it is not a big ship, but a fleet of dozens of big ships.

To say that fleet is not a rare thing in the Great Wilderness, let alone dozens of ships, there are more than 100 fleets composed of ships.

The only difference. Normally, large fleets are arranged in a very orderly line, which looks like a long dragon-like, while the faraway fleet looks not at all in order. It’s like dozens of big ships are traveling together.

Gu Qingfeng looked around and didn’t think there was any excitement.

I looked around and found Lei Lie’s silhouette. This guy was also looking up and looking excitedly. He heard someone calling his name. He looked around and saw Gu Qingfeng. , Did not dare to neglect, ran over quickly.

“Lord, your Senior has also come out.”

Since I witnessed Gu Qingfeng leaving with Yunyan Fairy on the deck, Lei Lie admired Gu Qingfeng. prostrate oneself in admiration.

At this moment, looking at Gu Qingfeng, instead of being with Fairy Yunyan, he hugged the two kiln sisters who were full of spring. Although Lei Lie was very curious, he did not dare to ask more.

“Old Lei, what are you looking at?”

“Lord doesn’t know?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, he said I don’t know, and asked: “What’s the matter? Isn’t that just a fleet? Is there anything to look at? Lord, I didn’t see anything in the middle of the night, what the hell is the big guy looking at? You brat again What are you looking at?”

“My great Lord.” Lei Lie was full of excitement, and said: “In front of you is the great ship of Qingqing!”

” Qingqing is going to immortal?”

Gu Qingfeng thought for a while, shook his head, and said: “Have never heard of this name, Huo De, have you heard of it?”

“Qingfeng Immortal Qing…” Huo De scratched his head and said, “The old man seems to have heard the name, and feels a bit familiar, but he can’t remember it for a while, but he is nothing but an immortal dao imperial edict. That’s all, what is there to look at? The gods in the Great Wilderness are plentiful and easily available, not to mention that many as dogs go everywhere, but they are not much different. The old man was in the trading world a few days ago. You can see an immortal in your urine.”

Throughout this Xuantian ship, apart from Gu Qingfeng daring to say such arrogant things, there is only Huo De.

Lei Lie neither knows that Gu Qingfeng is who, nor does he know that Huo De is who, but he is very clear that neither Gu Qingfeng nor Huo De are ordinary masters.

I didn’t dare to say anything at the moment, and explained: “Great Lord, Qingqing Shangxian is not an ordinary Shangxian.”

“Why is it unusual?”

Speaking of the immortal immortal, Lei Lie’s eyes seemed to be infatuated, and said: “In modern times, in the great wilderness, the immortal dao imperial immortal There may be many, but there are definitely not many well-known ones, and Qingqing Shangxian is one of them, and it is also one of the top ten great immortals in Dahuang, and he is also given the name of unparalleled immortal bestowed by the nine heavens.”

“Really?” Gu Qingfeng looked at Lei Lie’s obsessive face, said with a smile: “Look at you brat, is that Qingqing Shangxian also looks good?”

“It’s not just good, it’s just…it’s devastatingly beautiful, the stunning face in the world!”

“Look at you brat, this good-for-nothing look, all the horrors are out Huo De contemptuously said: “You still have stunning looks, you brat have only seen a few women? Do you know what is stunning?”

Lei Lie wiped his mouth with his sleeve, laughed embarrassingly, said “Old Senior, Junior didn’t joking with you. Qingqing Shangxian is definitely the most beautiful fairy that Junior has ever seen…”

“Well, don’t talk about these nonsense, just talk about it. What is the origin of Qingqing Shangxian.”

After all, Huo De has been in the Great Wilderness for more than 10,000 years. I know how to say that since it can be hailed as one of the top ten immortals, it is also bestowed by the nine heavens. The name of Wushuang is definitely not an ordinary existence, at least, the background is definitely not small.

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