Supreme Lord

Chapter 1712

“Speaking of the origin of Qingqing Shangxian, it is really big.” Lei Lie said: “Old Senior, if you want to come to Senior, you should know the Changsheng Pavilion, right?”

“I said Little bastard, does the old man look a lot like those ignorant people who have never seen the world?” Huo De said uncomfortably: “Since ancient times, the 36 cave sky of inheritance, seventy two blessed land, old man is not a fool, how can he not? You know?”

“Don’t get me wrong, Junior doesn’t mean that. Junior just wants to tell you that Qingqing Shangxian is the discipline of Changsheng Pavilion.”

“Oh, look. It looks really big.”

In this All Heavens Myriad Realms, almost no one who is in the Great Wasteland doesn’t know 36 Cave Sky, Seventy Two Blessed Land.

According to the legend, the 36-dong sky seventy two blessed land is the oldest existence in the Great Wilderness, and it is said to be the purest place between Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi. Since ancient times, I don’t know how many earthquakes have occurred. Legendary characters, and even saints.

Some people say that it is very destiny, 36 cave heavens seventy two, blessed land monopolizes three.

In other words, from the Great Ancient Era, Ancient Era, Ancient Era, until the ancient times, whether it is the ancient Destiny Emperor, or the ancient Destiny Emperor Seal, or the ancient Destiny Throne, and the ancient times The destiny of Star Monarch, three-tenths of the destiny, belong to the 36 cave heaven seventy two blessed land.

It is even more rumored that there are people in the seventy two blessed land of 36 caves all over the Three Thousand Great Daos, and many of them are Old Ancestors on various avenues.

It is conceivable that the 36-dongtian seventy two blessed land is terrifying.

If it can become the discipline of the 36-dongtian seventy two blessed land, it will be more fortune than a carp leaping through the dragon gate.

Don’t look at the immortal dao immortal dao. The status of the immortal dao is very noble, but compared with the 36 Dongtian seventy two blessed land discipline, such an identity is fundamentally impossible to mention on equal terms. If the immortal dao is used Identity, change to a Heavenly Paradise identity, I am afraid that all the immortal immortal dao in the entire Great Wilderness will rush to change.

The immortal immortal dao imperial edict, the status and status are noble, but it is only honorable in front of ordinary immortals that’s all. After all, there are too many immortal immortal dao, although There is no such exaggeration as Huode said to go to pee and meet a god, but it is not much worse.


Heavenly Paradise disciple is a different identity.

With the background of Heavenly Paradise, it’s not an exaggeration to say that the immortal is immortal dao, even if he is standing in front of the star monarch, who is heavenly paradise. Disciple will never be half-headed.


By the way, not who can be lucky enough to be the discipline of the 36 Cave Heaven Seventy Two Blessed Land, not only requires the unparalleled aptitude talents, but also requires a great opportunity to become Heavenly Paradise’s discipline.

He is the unparalleled aptitude genius, plus Heavenly Paradise, which is known as Heaven and Earth, contains the purest Spiritual Qi, plus the expert teachings of Heavenly Paradise.

Some people say.

36 Seventy Two in the Cave of Heaven. Fortunately, a discipline can be pulled out to dominate the universe.

This may sound a bit exaggerated.


Those Heavenly Paradise’s disciplines are all very good, but it’s true. When Huo De was struggling in the Great Wasteland, he once met Heavenly Paradise’s discipline. Its cultivation base strength is greater than a possesses. Magical power, the most important thing is that the discipline of Heavenly Paradise. To that stop, the temperament is not comparable to that of ordinary people. It is even more rare and precious. The magical power of Heavenly Paradise is not as arrogant and arrogant as some second-rate geniuses. The dragging supercilious is extremely arrogant.

On the contrary.

Heavenly Paradise’s discipline, the males are all gentle and modest Young Masters, and the females are like extraordinary and refined not interested in mundane affairs.

Whether it is character or temperament, it is nothing to admire.

Huo De has dealt with the discipline of Heavenly Paradise, and his impression seems to be the Changsheng Pavilion, one of the seven blessed places. Therefore, he has a very good impression of the Changsheng Pavilion and his heart is quite admired.

“Old Senior, do you know whose discipline is Qingqing Shangxian?”

“Didn’t you brat just say that it is the discipline of Changsheng Pavilion?”

“Junior means, can Senior know who is the master of Qingqing?”

“Talk about it.”

“If you want to talk about the Master of Qingqing, that’s even more. That’s amazing.”

As he spoke, Lei Lie had a look of worship, and there was a little pride in his worship.

“I said little bastard, just talk if you have anything to say, just let it go, don’t put on such a mean expression, can you? Look at you, motherfucker, who doesn’t know, thinks that What about your immortal fate Dao Companion, Master, what can you brat do to be proud of.”

Being so damaged by Huo De, Lei Lie’s face suddenly looked like a monkey butt. Ashamed and embarrassed, if you change to another person, with Lei Lie’s temper, he would have slap in the flace long ago, but facing a senior expert like Huo De, he really doesn’t have the guts.

So, I can only bear it.

“I said little bastard, don’t be stunned, just say, who is the Master of Qingqing Shangxian? Tell me and call the old man listen.” Huo De looked at Gu Qingfeng, said with a smile: “In the words of this uncle, let us also open our eyes and gain insights by the way.”

After being damaged by Huo De, Lei Lie didn’t dare to sell it anymore. Obediently and honestly said: “Qing Qing Shangxian inherited the emperor of the floating life.”

When I heard the emperor of the floating life, the old Zhang face of Huo De was surprised and said: “Oh, hey, this emperor of the floating life is an amazing “What a great character?”

“What a Dafa?”

Gu Qingfeng put his arms around the waists of the two kiln sisters, and asked with a smile: “Speak out, call Lord, I also have a long experience.”

“Gu boy, have you never heard of Emperor Fusheng?”

Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully, he really hadn’t heard of this great famine. What is the floating emperor.

That year.

When he was in the Great Wilderness, he once singled out the experts of Three Thousand Great Daos, what Old Ancestor, what throne, what great emperor, a lot of mess, some impressive, he can remember The name, but most of them have no impression, and don’t bother to remember the names of these great thrones.

“The old man has forgotten. You brat fell asleep for that many years. It didn’t take long to wake up. I don’t know that Emperor Fusheng is normal.”

“Why, listen to you Meaning, the floating emperor of Rao Shizi came out of the ancient times?”

“It is said that it is.” Huo De nodded, said: “The old man has been in the wilderness all these years, but he hasn’t listened much. When people mentioned the name of Emperor Fusheng, he said that he was quite good. He did not have a strong Jing Family, but was born from an ordinary Fanxian of Small Secret Realm. He soared all the way up, not only aspiring to the Destiny of Star Monarch, but also to the Emperor of Destiny. For the immortal dao emperor, it is said that the “rainbow piercing the sun” of the small thousand good fortune who is famous and sought after by countless immortals was created by him.”

“The old man also heard about this floating life. The emperor is straightforward and upright, morality reaching up to the clouds, not only an idol worshipped by all the mortals in the Great Wilderness, but also a generation of heroes and heroes who are famous all over the world!”

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