Supreme Lord

Chapter 1710

“I let the All Heavens Myriad Realms know that I am waiting for the return of You Emperor. I don’t want to threaten Nine Heavens. I can’t threaten Nine Heavens. I have no interest and no need to threaten Nine Heavens. I just want You Emperor purely. Knowing that I’m waiting for him, that’s all.”

Su Wei stood up and said softly: “Youdi has returned from recovery. I did not act blindly without thinking for nine days. Maybe it was because of me, but it was only minimal. , Jiutian is more of using me as an excuse that’s all.”

“Jiutian is not a fool, and those Old Ancestors are not all pedantic and stubborn. They may not be clear before, but today In ancient times, they should also realize that the existence of You Emperor is not that they can be killed if they want to be killed. Not only can it not be killed, but it will make You Emperor go further and further on the road of original sin. The causal black hole is sinking deeper and deeper.”

“They don’t know, they know…all the time, even from the very beginning, they just don’t believe and accept that’s all, Refusing to admit that’s all.”

even more how In this and ancient age, everything is revived, and many ancient powers are born, and those that shouldn’t be born are born, even to the market. It’s all collapsed… For thousands of years, it looks calm and tranquil on the surface, but in fact it has long been dark. “

“Even if it’s just the calm and tranquil on the surface, no one dares to break it easily. “

“Because no one can predict, no one can imagine, if the surface calm and tranquil are broken, how terrifying the undercurrents accumulated through the ancient, ancient and ancient times will be in this All Heavens Myriad Realms Wave. “

“The only thing nine days can do now is to wait, nine days is like this, Three Thousand Great Daos, including the innocent and even the original sinner, can only wait…”

Su Hua’s voice came, and Nalan Qianqiu asked in a puzzled manner: “Waiting for? “

“I don’t know, no one knows, because I don’t know what to wait for, so I have to wait, and even more…Wait until you know what you are waiting for. “


Nalan Qianqiu carefully tasted this sentence, but no matter how he tasted it, he couldn’t understand the meaning of this sentence.



The great wilderness.

Boundless and endless.

Heavenly Paradise, Secret Realm, large and small, The all-inclusive All Heavens Myriad Realms gleams like stars in the night sky in this great wilderness, making this mysterious and unknown Heaven and Earth no longer so dark and terrifying.

, Also sailing slowly in the vast wilderness of vast and boundless, not only forming a gorgeous landscape, but also making this endless void look less lifeless.

For several days.

Gu Qingfeng everyday all is to drink with Huo De he he, listen to the music, go all over the world, go crazy.

If you are sleepy, you will go to sleep, and you will drink when you wake up.

It’s just as happy as you are, and as happy as you are.

The only thing Gu Qingfeng regrets is that Fairy Yunyan is quiet, without even saying hello. I left.

In Gu Qingfeng, Huo De was dragged into a mysterious space. After returning, Fairy Yunyan disappeared.

I originally planned to share a demon like Fairy Yunyan. Jun, fight him again for hundreds of rounds.

Now it’s gone.

For Gu Qingfeng, drinking with old friends, laughing, swearing, and embracing beautiful women. Huan, this is the most beautiful thing in the world.

No matter what, the beauty ran away…

This is called Gu Qingfeng, how can we not regret it?

Of course.

It’s just a pity.

Originally, he was just playing a one-night stand that’s all with Yunyan Fairy, and ran away, Chunman on the Xuantian Ship Lou is not a kiln sister who has not accompanied the wine. Although she is not as beautiful as Fairy Yunyan, she has no interest in hanging out with these kiln sisters. However, drinking to accompany and pass away the emptiness and loneliness is more or less acceptable.

At first, Gu Qingfeng called the two Yao sisters. He found one for himself and Huo De.

As a result, Huo De said that she would not let Sister Yao accompany him.


I’m yelling about what’s not good about this, and I’m not interested in this stuff.

Don’t say it.

This old fellow is not a pure boy pretending to be serious.

At least, Gu Qingfeng has known Huo De for so long, he has never seen Huo De close to female sex.

It’s really weird to say that this old fellow digs a hole, swindle steals everything, for a good wine, he even dare to dig the ancestral grave, only the female sex I have never been interested in gadgets.

To be precise, it is not that he is not interested, but Huo De is too infatuated and too dedicated.

In Gu Qingfeng’s impression, I still remember that Huo De had such a past, and there was also an immortal fate Dao Companion. Later, I heard that immortal fate Dao Companion ran away with someone? Still dead? Gu Qingfeng didn’t remember exactly what was going on. Since then, Huo De has been heartbroken, and since then he is no longer a woman.


In this case, Gu Qingfeng had to hug left and right, lying on his back in a chair all day long, one kiln sister was responsible for beating the back, and the other kiln sister was in charge of pinching legs, and he could not enjoy it anymore.

For this.

Huo De despise Gu Qingfeng from the bottom of his heart, and Gu Qingfeng’s eyes are full of contempt.

In addition to contempt, Huode’s heart is more doubtful.

He was puzzled.

Speaking of Gu Qingfeng, this kid has nothing to play with women in his life.

Others may not know it, but Huo De knows it perfectly. This kid has not been idle since he entered the Yunxia Sect cultivation. He hooked up everywhere, was merciful everywhere, and even the motherfucker hooked up. She is a stunning and unparalleled Legendary woman, not a marginal queen, or a smoky woman, plus a world female clan, even the motherfucker Empress has an affair with this kid.

I thought this was enough.

It was not until he came to the Great Wilderness that Huo De found that he underestimated Gu Qingfeng’s romantic ability. This kid didn’t stay idle after he came to the Great Wilderness. I didn’t hear that Empress had an affair with this cave. I just heard that Empress of the blessed land has an affair, what is Empress, what is Empress? What else is Yinyue Grandma…

Although Huo De despised Gu Qingfeng’s behavior, he still had to admit in his heart that this kid’s ability is really not ordinary.

From this point of view, he really admires Gu Qingfeng.

Because he knows that other people’s cultivation road is the cultivation road, while Gu Qingfeng’s cultivation road is a retrograde road to fight. This kid started in the northwest and was not killing people. Just be chased and killed, either with this or with that. In the secular world, it’s all to fight against the immortal. In the Great Wilderness, his motherfucker not only burned for nine days, but also motherfucker singled out Three Thousand Great Daos I heard that Heaven and Earth were not tolerated and became the most wanted criminal in the Great Wilderness, and was encircled by Three Thousand Great Daos.

To speak of which, it is definitely the wind and the rain, and I don’t know how many times I have rolled in a sea of ​​blood, and I don’t know how many times I have wandered in Life and Death Samsara.

In this case, this kid can hook up so many women with motherfucker.

You can’t accept it!

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