Supreme Lord

Chapter 1709

“Variants have a great influence on the fortunes of the present and ancient times, and it is not too much to say that the people of variables determine the fate of the present and ancient times.”

Nalan Qianqiu’s expression is very serious. The same is true in the voice, saying: “As early as in Ancient Era, there were more than one people who performed the variables of the present and the ancient in Nine days. I don’t know how many people there are. I only know as many as five. The traction plan was tried to draw these five variables over through causation.”

“Unfortunately, the effect was not satisfactory. The implemented traction plan eventually only attracted the two variables. , The other three variables have failed, and Youdi is one of them.”

“Fortunately, it was discovered that Junior Sister, you happened to have cause and effect with such a variable as Youdi. At that time, Jiutian was very happy. When they found out that Junior Sister, you are the person who is the one who has given up your life, they are full of hope. However, after a while, the hope of Jiutian turned into despair. Because they discovered that the existence of Youdi is not only a variable of the present and the ancients, but also a person of original sin.”

“A person who inherited the true fate of the present and the ancients, who caused the catastrophe of the present and the ancients. The original sinner should be incompatible as fire and water, but cause and effect happened. What is more terrifying is that the original sinner is still a variable of the present and the ancient, and what is more terrifying is the biggest variable of the present and ancient.”

“The truth is just as you said earlier, Junior Sister, you dare to gamble, and you can afford to lose, we all dare to gamble, and we can all afford to lose, but if you don’t dare to gamble for nine days, you can’t afford to lose.”

“They dare not put all their hopes on you, worrying that you will not pass the stage of affection, and worry that you will not be able to pass the stage of causation, and worry that you will be trapped by emotion and lost in this period of cause and effect. , And even fall into the Sea of ​​Bitterness……”

“So, Jiutian can only pin his hopes on the other two people who are in the variables of immortal dao, and one of the variables is just like you. He is the person who has inherited the true fate in the modern and ancient times. Therefore, Jiutian is ready to vigorously cultivate this variable, not to replace you, but to deal with Youdi.”

“Youdi is a variable. , Is also a person of original sin, and Jiutian can only cultivate a person who is not only a variable, but also a person who should deal with the robbery, and prepares to come to a variable-to-variable with Youdi, original sin corresponds to robbery!”

“Of course, this is just in case a back-up plan. At present, Nine Days still values ​​you Junior Sister, and I hope you can return to the immortal dao and re-participate in the plan.”

“However, in your current situation, Junior Sister Yu is indeed not suitable for participating in Ying Jie Plan, and…” Nalan Qianqiu laughed helplessly, and said: “Even if you want to participate in the catastrophe plan again, I am afraid that Jiutian will have to carefully consider it. That’s good, at least, I can go back to make a deal. “

“It’s Junior Sister, you…”

Nalan Qianqiu looked at Su Wei with some worry, sighed melancholy, and said: “You are lost to the Emperor You With a touch of obsession, I, as a Senior Sister, can’t help you much, to be precise… Since we became apprentice sisters… I don’t seem to have helped you… until now it’s all you help me… …Sometimes when I think about it, I can’t afford the Senior Sister that you call me. “

“Senior Sister laughed, after I was in the world of samsara reincarnation, you have helped me a lot…” Su Weidan lightly said with a smile: “And if you hadn’t told me back then, you The emperor and the king are the same person, and the dream of cause and effect that has troubled me for many years has not been solved yet…”

until now.

Su Wei is doing a strange thing Dream.

Before reincarnation.

After reincarnation.

It is also because of this dream that she gave up everything and samsara reincarnation went to find her own Causality.

When she finds her own cause and effect.

This dream is not at all solved.

Until Wudao Mountain comes, when Nalan Qianqiu When she told her that the karma King Chixiao she was looking for in this life was the Great Nine Nether she had loved in her previous life, the strange dream was finally solved.

“oh! Don’t mention it, mention it. I regret this. If… I didn’t tell you that the Emperor You and the King are the same person, your life… will not change like Heaven and Earth turning upside down. “

Nalan Qianqiu always blames himself when he thinks about this.

Because of the former Su Hua, although his temperament is soft, he will at least be angry because of anger and also I am happy because I am happy, but I am sad because of distress.

Although Su Wei is now honored as Saintess Empress, it is difficult to see the joy, anger, sorrow and joy on her face.

Heart is like still water, I look down on everything.

This was originally a sublimation of the mood.


Based on her understanding of Su Wei, Su Wei I don’t necessarily want this kind of detached mood.

“Senior Sister must not blame himself. This is my cause and effect and my destiny, and it has nothing to do with anyone. “

“Ai, what a damn cause and effect, a damn fate! “

Nalan Qianqiu sighed then said again, waved, and said: “Forget it, let’s not talk about these troublesome things, what do you plan to do in the future?” “

“I don’t know what Senior Sister refers to? “

“Aren’t you lost in this obsession with You Emperor now?” Are you planning to retreat? “

“I don’t want to retreat. “Su Wei shook his head and responded: “Let’s go with the flow, do whatever happens.” “

Lost in this kind of thing.

Outsiders can’t get in.

Even though Nalan Qianqiu wants to help, he is powerless.

After a while, she said: “Youdi… are you… planning to meet him? “

“What is the difference between seeing and not seeing, he is there, he is there, he is not sad or happy, he does not think or read… In that case, why should I meet him and let the flow go? , Do whatever it takes. “

“Since the news of Youdi’s death and resurrection, Jiutian’s pedantic old stubborn group has been unable to eat well, sleep well, and worry all day long. More than nine days, Three Thousand Great Daos is afraid. It’s all the same. You emperor’s current existence is probably more than just the original sin incarnation… It may be the original sin retribution, or the original sin response, or even… the original sin Dharmakaya… In short, the returning emperor this time , On the road of original sin, it has gone further and further, and in the causal black hole, the vortex that may cause catastrophes of the present and the ancient, it has also fallen deeper and deeper…”

About Youdi About the matter, Su Wei not at all answer.

And Nalan Qianqiu continued: “It’s also fortunate to have Junior Sister you, if it weren’t for you to let the All Heavens Myriad Realms know that you are waiting for the return of You Emperor, If the Three Thousand Great Daos is jealous, maybe they will do something stupid now. Qianshan said just now that the reason why Youdi’s existence is getting more and more terrifying is not because he wants to fall into it, but because Three Thousand Great Daos step by step forcibly pushed him into the vortex of causal black hole. “

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