Supreme Lord

Chapter 1708

“Junior Sister, it’s really good for you to think so.” Nalan Qianqiu said, “What I mean by Nine Heavens. Let me come today. I would like to invite you to talk about the catastrophe. I solemnly apologize to you for the matter, look…”

“You don’t need to apologize.”

Su Wei casually said: “I said that there was nothing wrong for nine days, and there was no need to tell me I apologize.”

“Junior Sister, if you didn’t want to go, I didn’t want to force you, but…”

Nalan Qianqiu’s expression was very helpless, she picked up white jade cup, drank the wine in the cup, and said: “Old Ancestors who have a deep connection with our Langya, begged me with snot and tears…I was forced to do nothing. , I can only come here by brace oneself. I am afraid they are still waiting in my Cave Mansion. If you don’t invite you back today, I… can’t go back.”

“Old Yun and us Langya’s blessed land has deep roots and has great affection for us Langya. If he comes forward, whether it is you or me, will not ignore you, I can understand your difficulties, and I don’t want to embarrass you, but… “

Su Wei shook his head and said: “It’s just that my current situation is no longer suitable for participating in the catastrophe.”

“Why?” Nalan Qianqiu asked puzzled “What’s wrong with your situation?”

“I’m lost, lost in a touch of obsession with You Emperor. I don’t know whether this obsession is caused by cause and effect, or fate, or …I am really moved by Youdi…”


I heard that Su Wei has been lost, and he is still lost in obsession with Youdi In the middle, Nalan Qianqiu’s expression startedled, and her expression became sad, and said faintly: “You really are still lost…” Nalan Qianqiu knew.

Since Youdi ignited the original sin karma fire scattered ashes and dispersed smoke ten thousand years ago, Su Wei’s mood has also undergone Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

After learning about this, their Big Senior Sister Cang Yan once said that Su Wei’s mood has undergone such a big change, which has infinite benefits for his cultivation road, but for himself The good fortune is an endless fetter.

Sure enough.

Su Wei’s cultivation path was unimpeded, and even almost aspired to the saint.

But there is always a touch of obsession in her heart, and it is this obsession that makes her unable to let go, and ultimately fails to become a true saint.

Cang Yan said that Su Wei could not be sanctified because of this obsession today, and he will definitely get lost in this obsession in the future.

Nalan Qianqiu never doubted the words of Big Senior Sister, she just didn’t expect to come so soon.

“Why…you go find Big Senior Sister?” Nalan Qianqiu said anxiously: “See if Big Senior Sister can help you to escape.”

Su Wei Shaking his head: “Big Senior Sister can’t help me to transcend, no one can help me to transcend, only myself can help me transcend.”


Nalan Qianqiu couldn’t help sinking into thought.

She thought for a while, if Su Wei is really lost in the obsession with You Emperor, and has been unable to escape, it is indeed not suitable to participate in the event of Yingjie.


It is not unsuitable to be that simple anymore. If the lost Su Wei participates in the Yingjie incident, not only will it not help, it may even make the Yingjie incident even more complicated.

“Qianqiu Empress.”

At this time, Qianshan said: “Although there are not many people who have inherited the true fate in the ancient times, they are not many. According to me As we know, immortal dao accounted for most of them, and Nine Heavens has been training and supporting these people who deserve to be robbed. Even if Saintess Empress does not participate in the people who should be robbed, it will not hinder the plan of immortal dao. Right.”

“Although there are many people in Jiutian who have inherited the true fate in the ancient times, but…” Nalan Qianqiu said resolutely: “Looking at the All Heavens Myriad Realms. , I’m afraid that I’m the only Junior Sister who can contain You Emperor. After all, You Emperor’s existence is too special. It is the biggest variable of the present and ancient times. The fate cannot be determined by the sky, and the cause and effect are also complicated and changeable. The nine days of cultivation and support have inherited their true fate. It’s still unknown if the people who should be robbed of the robbery deal with other original sins, how can they deal with existences like Emperor You?”

Qianshan Fox questioned: “I heard that Jiutian has already cultivated A man who has inherited his fate and tried to replace our Saintess Empress? Qianqiu Empress, I don’t know if this is the case?”

Nalan Qianqiu first glanced at Qianqiu in surprise, like Unexpectedly, she even knew about it. Then she glanced at Su Wei again, and saw that Su Wei was calm, and then she said: “There is indeed this, but it is just a futile effort, not only immortal dao, demonic path, demon Dao, Wu Dao, Heavenly Dao, including Buddhism and Dao have already laid out for this matter.”

Qianshan knows that the so-called layout in Nalan Qianqiu’s mouth refers to the Ancient Era. Variables will be born in the secular world. Therefore, various avenues are laid out one after another, with the intention of linking cause and effect with the present and ancient variables. It is said that in order to link the cause and effect with the present and ancient variables, the various avenues have a lot of power samsara. reincarnation.

This is the’traction plan that Ancient Era’s various avenues accidentally made. ‘

As for how many samsara reincarnation powers participated in the traction plan, Qianshan did not know.

However, it is said that these great abilities involved in the traction plan have failed without exception.

No one has gotten the cause and effect with the current and ancient variables.

It is puzzling that a few people who did not participate in the traction plan have unfathomable mystery and the current and ancient variables involved in the cause and effect.

Among them, the wind is month by month, Tang Hsiao is, Ye Tianlan is, Yun Nishang is… At the same time, Saintess Empress is also one of them.

Whether these people are the cause and effect of the emperor You, or the cause and effect of the emperor You are not clear, no one can tell.


Qianshan just said that Jiutian had already cultivated a man who had taken the true fate to try to replace Saintess Empress. It was not the traction that was made by the avenues of Ancient Era. Plan, but another thing.

She heard that after the ancient emperor You ignited the original sin karma in Wudao Mountain, Jiutian has secretly cultivated a man who has inherited his fate and tried to replace Saintess Empress.

In other words.

Nine days not at all put all the bets on Su Hua. Perhaps it should be said that after putting the bets on Su Hua in the previous nine days, it was found that the situation was not right. Maybe something was pushed to prevent Wan One, therefore, Jiutian cultivated a man who had inherited the true fate and tried to replace Su Hua to deal with You Emperor.

Qianshan knew that Nalan Qianqiu must know this, but Nalan Qianqiu deliberately pretended to be confused, and she couldn’t say anything.

“I didn’t want to talk about this confidential matter, and I can’t say it. After all, I’m an immortal dao middleman, and I’m also an immortal dao middleman. People’s mouths are short, and if I divulge these confidential things, it would be too unethical.”

As soon as the conversation turned, Nalan Qianqiu slowly put out a breath, lightly said with a smile: “However, since we have talked about this today, it’s okay for me to say something.”

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