Supreme Lord

Chapter 1683

Eating and drinking are full, and Gu Qingfeng is a little tired.

“Okay, you have enough wine and food, you continue to drink, Lord must go back and sleep again.”

Standing up, stretched a waist, and prepared to go back to sleep again Sleep.

“Boy, where is this? I won’t drink anymore?” When Gu Qingfeng was about to leave, Old Daoist Priest looked a little upset, and said: “It’s hard to come across one The lord who can talk, why did you leave? Come on! Sit down and continue to drink, what a sleep you sleep on such a good day, what a pity, we two fell in love with each other so much. “

“You are not a lady, what do you have to drink, Lord?” Gu Qingfeng glanced at Old Daoist Priest contemptuously, and said with contempt: “You are in love with the Lord, Lord If I don’t fall in love with you, I will only fall in love with beautiful women in this life.”

“Hey! You brat speaks so badly, you are not a lady, don’t you still drink with you, even more how, You brat isn’t there a little lady sitting next to you! What’s the matter? One is not enough, do you still want two? I heard that there are many kiln sisters on the boat, do you want to call you two over.”

“Sister Yao on the boat, how can I compare to the big girl Yunyan.”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t bother to talk with this Old Daoist Priest, raised his hand and hooked up Fairy Yunyan’s chin, said with a smile: ” Sister, do you want to accompany your father to sleep, and have fun with you by the way.”

Fairy Yunyan just let Gu Qingfeng hook her chin, with a cold face. There was no emotion from beginning to end, and a pair of beautiful eyes were silent, staring at Gu Qingfeng. After a while, he softly responded with a word: “Okay.”

“Let’s go.”

Gu Qingfeng is quite gentlemanly extending the hand, and Fairy Yunyan will know that the slender jade hand is on Gu Qingfeng’s hand.


As soon as Fairy Yunyan stretched out the jade hand, Gu Qingfeng suddenly pulled her into his arms, holding Xiaoman’s waist, and hugged Fairy Yunyan.

“Everyone, take your time to drink, and you will lose your company first, hahaha!”

Gu Qingfeng held Fairy Yunyan from the deck in the incredible eyes of everyone left.

Looking at this scene.

Everyone couldn’t believe their eyes.

They even wonder if this scene is an illusion.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng holding Fairy Yunyan and leaving in full view of everyone, everyone’s heart was screaming frantically.

Scream if Fairy Yunyan has been succumbed to evil, or is this guy instilled some fascination soup.

The cold fairy Yunyan refused to accept the immortal dao order of Mo Baiyu, but accepting the invitation of a guy whom the master didn’t know had made them wonder.

And this guy, not only openly molested Fairy Yunyan, but also acted on Fairy Yunyan. It can be described as a hooligan.

Now it’s even more.

Even in front of everyone, let Fairy Yunyan go to sleep with him, and…you want to have a fun of fish and water?

What made everyone even more devastated was that Fairy Yunyan agreed.

What do you mean?

Fairy Yunyan not only accompanies him to drink, but also accompanies him to sleep? Do you want to accompany him on the fun of fish and water?


What happened to Fairy Yunyan!

Don’t say that other people on the deck can’t figure it out, even if the Old Daoist Priest in the field saw this scene, it was shocked and stunned.

Others may not know the identity of Fairy Yunyan, but he knows Fairy Yunyan is a genuine demon.

He is also an extremely powerful and fearless demon.

It is really powerful and fearless.

Because Old Daoist Priest is not the first time to meet Yunyan Fairy, not only is it not the first to meet Yunyan Fairy, the two have also worked before, not only that, she also witnessed Yunyan Fairy with her own eyes The immortal who slaughtered an Immortal Realm, and once saw Fairy Yunyan severely injured an Immortal King. It is for this reason that he has been following Fairy Yunyan.

He can’t figure out a man who is powerful, fearless, and even the Immortal King dared to kill. Why did he obey this guy?


This guy is motherfucker who?

Why is it so evil?

Obviously motherfucker is similar to a mortal in the world, how can it always give people a very mysterious, weird and deep and unmeasurable feeling?

Is he that kind of legendary master?

Not sure.

Old Daoist Priest has lived for most of his life and has never seen the Master yet.


He originally wanted to make a trial, but seeing that the demon like Yunyan Fairy obeyed Gu Qingfeng’s words, Old Daoist Priest did not dare to make a move after thinking about it.

He is also afraid.

I am afraid that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is the return of Ancient Supreme Expert.

After all, Guixu has collapsed.

Even Motherfucker, Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​and other Demon Lords that swept Heaven and Earth back then, were born. In case motherfucker is also the master who came out of Guixu, then you can play it.

Originally, Old Daoist Priest wanted to use Mo Baiyu and these immortals to test Gu Qingfeng, but who knew that these immortals were more timid than one, and in the end he had to forget it.

“The Great Lord is indeed the Great Lord. The tone is big enough, the face is big enough, and the ability is definitely big enough.”

Beside, Yizhang looked at Gu who was leaving. Qingfeng exclaimed.

“Little Brat, are you familiar with this guy?”

“Who? Did you say Lord Lord?”

“Yes, it is him. “

“I’m not familiar with it, but I just met.”

“motherfucker!” Old Daoist Priest scolded: “Just look at the one you called a big Lord called a pro , The old way thought he was really your uncle! Dare you never know this guy before!”

“I didn’t say know the Lord.”

“then you brat There is also a big Lord called so close, and he is not your uncle, what do you call such a kiss!”

“Isn’t the big Lord said just now, they’re called the big Lord, and it’s still Heaven and Earth My biggest boss, Old Ancestor’s old man, God’s Lord.”

“He said he was called the Great Lord, you call him the Great Lord. If his motherfucker says that he is a god , You still call him Laozi?”


“Whether you brat or the son of motherfucker Demon, what a shame motherfucker! You old Ancestor, son of Demon, was that year How arrogant and arrogant, even Heaven and Earth are not in the eyes, why are both the sons of Demon, the gap is so big, you brat is too embarrassed.”

“I said Old Daoist Priest We are also birds of a feather at best, so don’t laugh at fifty steps when you are old.”

“Old-fashioned what’s wrong with me? Old-fashioned don’t call him the Lord like you do!”


“You always don’t persuade you, why don’t you do it just now? If you don’t dare to do it, don’t you dare? What kind of exorcism and demon, dare to ask Old Senior, if the Great Lord is Demon, do you dare to exorcise it? Dare to catch it?”

This remark is easy to move, and the old face called Old Daoist Priest is a bit unbearable. But Old Daoist Priest is still brace oneself, yelling: “Why not dare again, old Daoist Priest is not like you guys!”

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