Supreme Lord

Chapter 1684

The dock of the Xuantian Ship is very large, and there are many inner docks.

Among them, there is an inner dock decorated like a palace, on which hangs a panlong top carved from purple golden flower wood, and the ground is covered with platinum jade stone.


This inner dock is like a palace, not at all any tables and chairs, not even one.

There is only one milk-white futon in the empty inner dock.

The futon is placed under a wall.

This wall looks like crystal, crystal clear and near-transparent, inside the crystal is like a flame burning, the flame is extremely mysterious and abstruse, wonderful and wonderful, forming a mysterious and thousands of static characters.

Two people are standing in the inner dock.

He is a handsome man who is handsome and handsome, out of the ordinary.

The man stood with his hands in his hands, facing the crystal wall, but closed his eyes, not at all, it was more like thinking about something.

And not far away stood an Elderly.

Elderly has gray hair, bows slightly, and lowers her head.

Elderly is the Chief-In-Charge of this Xuantian ship, and the owner of the Xuantian ship. He is also called Jin Lao, and is a cultivation base profound immortal.

And the handsome and handsome man is no one else, but Mo Baiyu who inherited the immortal dao order.

Mo Baiyu did not go anywhere after returning from the deck, so he went back here directly.

Several hours passed without saying a word, just standing under the crystal wall, closing his eyes and thinking.

Elder Jin did nothing, and always accompanied Mo Baiyu.

The empty inner dock is extremely quiet, just like the void of vast and boundless.

I don’t know how long it took. Suddenly, a sound broke the silence here, like a meteor piercing the night sky.

“Old Jin.”

It was Mo Baiyu who was speaking. He was still standing under the crystal wall, eyes closed, not at all opened, and just asked softly: “We Where did Jin’s fear come from, and where did it come from?”

The old man stood bent all the time, even when answering Mo Baiyu’s question, he did not look up. He pondered for a moment and said: “Fear comes from the heart and comes from the unknown.”

“Why do we fear the unknown?”

Mo Baiyu asked again, and Mr. Jin responded: “Because We are accustomed to the known things. For the known things, even if they are dangerous, we will be psychologically prepared, but the unknown things are often fickle and are not under our control. Once things exceed our cognition, our hearts will You will panic, and once you panic, fear will follow.”

Mo Baiyu did not ask any more, still standing under the crystal wall with closed eyes and contemplation.

After a long time, Mr. Jin opened the mouth and said: “Master, but because of the previous encounter on the deck, I can’t let go of it?”

Mo Baiyu not at all respond to Jin Lao’s question.

Elder Jin continued: “If the Lord is unable to let go of what happened on the deck, he is really worried and mistakenly regarded vigilance as fear. The Lord is not on deck today. Taking action is just vigilance, not fear. It is a kind of mature performance to show due vigilance to unknown things. It shows that the master’s mood is becoming more mature and will no longer be impulsively lost due to external influences. .”

“No matter what you encounter at any time, you must maintain a calm heart. Only by maintaining a calm heart can you make accurate judgments and be invincible. In this place, the previous performance of the Lord on the deck, the old man thought it was impeccable.”

I wonder if he listened to the words of the old man, which relieved the puzzled heart, Mo Baiyu took a deep breath , Spit out slowly, and asked: “The four people on the deck, how do you think?”

“The fairy Yunyan old man can conclude that she is not a fairy, and she should not be a demon, if the old man speculates If yes, she should be a demon, and she is also a powerful demon. As for how tyrannical is, the old man does not know.”

“The demon boy who is called easy to move, although not He hides his identity like Fairy Yunyan, but… the old man always feels that the demon aura on him is a little weird… to be precise, it is not that pure, and the identity of Yixing is impossible for the old man to infer for a while.”

“And the Old Daoist Priest…Looks like a person but not a person, like a fairy and not a fairy. The end is mysterious. The existence of this person is probably deep and unmeasurable, and the old man dare not pretend to be Infer.”

“As for the person who claims to be the Great Lord…” Jin Lao thought for a moment, shook his head, and said: “Old man is really bad.”

” Why?”

“Fairy Yunyan and the easy-going demon boy, even the deep and unmeasurable Old Daoist Priest, although their existence is quite mysterious, they are also full of unknowns. They are also quite messy, true and false, false and true, so people can’t distinguish, but at least, there are still traces to be found through their spiritual aura. They also know disguise and cover up, which shows that they still have something in their hearts. Fearful.”

“On the other hand, the man who claimed to be the Great Lord, the old man probed carefully several times, and he was very sure that he did not have any cultivation base, nor any good fortune, except for the most basic Apart from the spiritual breath of human beings, there is no spiritual breath, which is almost the same as mortals in the secular world.”

“If you meet such a person in the secular world, it is not surprising , But this kind of existence appeared in the great famine of dragons and snakes mingle, which has to be puzzling. “

Mo Baiyu said: “It may be strange for mundane mortals to appear in the Great Wilderness, but if the Master who inherited his orders appears in the Great Wilderness, it doesn’t seem to be surprising, right? “

“The master didn’t understand the meaning of old man. “Elder Jin said: “Even though the great Lord is above himself, the old man feels that he is not the master. “

“Why? “

“The old man once met the Master in Ancient Era. The so-called Master is just like the legend. Fleshy body is as solid as a rock and also strong as an ox. “

“In the golden sun universe, many people have witnessed that he wiped out a Demonic beast with just a wave of his hand. There is neither a cultivation base nor good fortune on his body, if it were not for the Master. , What will it be? “

“The blame is here. “Lao Jin explained: “According to what the old man knows, the master’s fleshy body is as strong as an ox, but it does not mean that they have no cultivation base, nor does it mean that they have no good fortune. On the contrary, the masters are all He is a genius of heaven, not to mention the cultivation base profound, they are all good fortune, and the good fortune is more peculiar than the other. “

“In the old man’s impression, the Master’s existence is human and non-human, immortal and immortal, between humanity and immortal dao, just like the Old Daoist Priest , To be honest, compared with the person who claimed to be the Great Lord, the old man felt that the Old Daoist Priest was more like a legendary master. “


Mo Baiyu, who has been closing his eyes and meditating, opened his eyes and stared at the extremely mysterious and abstruse on the crystal wall, wonderfully and wonderfully composed of flames. Words, asked: “If he were not Master, what would exist? “

“The old man doesn’t know…”

Lao Jin deeply sighed then said, “I can’t imagine what kind of existence he is.” “

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