Supreme Lord

Chapter 1682

Mo Baiyu left the deck amidst the cheers and applause of everyone.

Follow it.

All the immortals also left one after another, and Shangguandong looked at Old Daoist Priest, then at Gu Qingfeng, and after Yunyan Fairy, coldly snorted, who was disdainful, also left.

Gu Qingfeng continued to chat with Yunyan Fairy, Yixing, and Old Daoist Priest over drinking wine, above heaven under earth.

He could see that Fairy Yunyan was a demon.

And the beautiful boy named Yi Xingxing is a son of Demon.

The so-called son of Demon, as the name suggests, is the heir of the demon and the demon.

Demon generally does not have children.

As for the reason.

It seems to be related to an ancient legend and an ancient curse.

It is said that a long, long time ago, the ancestor who ruled the origin of the demonic path and the ancestor who ruled the origin of the demon path had a history, and also gave birth to an heir, which is also the son of Demon.

It’s just that.

The son of Demon bred not only has terrifying power by birth, but also has great ambition, and his temperament is cruel, cruel and violent.

In the end, not only did the two ancestors snatch the two roots of the demonic path and the demon path, but also tried to fuse together the two roots of the demonic path and the demon path. Not only that, but even the Monster Race and Demon Race all kill to the last one, ready to fuse together the two sources to create a Demon clan.

In order for Demon Two Great Races to survive, the two great ancestors finally had the pain to obliterate the son of Demon.

In order to prevent future generations from repeating their mistakes, the two great ancestors both swore to curse, expressly prohibited the marriage of the demonic path and the demonic path, even if they were married, they could not give birth to children.

In addition to this ancient vulgar legend, Gu Qingfeng has also heard of another version.

It is also an ancient legend, and an ancient curse.

The difference is.

This is not a legend about the two great ancestors of Demon, who killed their sons with bitterness.

On the contrary, it is the legend that the son of Demon defying heaven changing fate in order to change the fate of Demon Two Great Races.

The existence of demons is all formed by collecting muddy qi.

The demon is a cultivation made of wild beasts.

Turbid Qi is Heaven and Earth to Yin.

In other words, whether it is a demon or a demon, it is a ghost.

Since ancient times, only yin and yang can coexist, and yang, yang, yin and yin cannot coexist, just like the union of a woman and a woman, and the union of a man and a man, it is impossible to give birth to offspring.


Heaven and Earth is not at all absolutely.

In history, there was a pair of Demon that combined and gave birth to a son of Demon.

This son of Demon is also strong as an ox since childhood, and possesses extremely terrifying power. Unlike the previous legend, this son of Demon does not at all delusionally merges the two sources of Demon. There is no frantic massacre of Demon Two Great Races Create a Demon race.

Instead of not, he led Demon Two Great Races to battle All Heavens Myriad Realms, opened up territories, and is said to have conquered immortal dao, dominated the great wilderness Heaven and Earth, and said it was a battle of All Heavens Myriad Realms. At that time, causing loss of life, blood flowing into a river, committing heinous crimes.

Finally tried by Heaven and Earth…

Since then, there has been an additional legend between Heaven and Earth.

Once Demon conceives an heir, then this Demon’s son may be the catastrophe between Heaven and Earth, and a great disaster.


What catastrophe, what catastrophe.

All nonsense.

Other people may not know, but Gu Qingfeng has some experience.

This between Heaven and Earth, any threat to the existence of the Immortal Buddha and even Heaven and Earth is a disaster for them and a disaster.

This is the usual trick of the fairy Buddha and Heaven and Earth.

For the uncontrolled and unknown variables, all the avenues always like to give them a big hat as a catastrophe.

He himself is one of the victims.

The demon and the demon are both formed from the turbid breath to the yin. They could not coexist in the first place. If a son of Demon was born, then the son of Demon must be a variable. It is definitely an unknown existence out of control.

Why the son of Demon, named Yi Xingxing, was on this big ship, he didn’t know, he didn’t bother to think about it, let alone care.

Compared with a demon like Yunyan Fairy, and a son of Demon like Yixing, Gu Qingfeng is even more interested in this unruffled and sloppy Old Daoist Priest.

The existence of Taoist priests, whether it is in modern and ancient times, or Ancient Era, even Ancient Era is very rare.

Gu Qingfeng has not seen many Taoist priests in his life, and he can count with one hand.

And in the impression, the Taoist priests he met, without exception, were motherfuckers who were quite evil.

Say it is a fairy, not a fairy, say it is not a fairy, it is also a fairy.

Say it is a human, not a human, say it is not a human, motherfucker is also a human.

That’s how it feels to be immortal and non-human.

Whether the existence of Taoist priests is in immortal dao or humanity, Gu Qingfeng has never figured out this question. It seems that the existence of Taoist priests is not on any avenue, but also on any avenue.

He once met a Taoist priest in the Great Wilderness, and the two had a good relationship.

Gu Qingfeng once asked the Taoist priest a question about what kind of existence a Taoist priest is.

To this day, he still remembers clearly that the Taoist priest responded to him, “The pedestrian avenue is called Taoist, and it is logical in body and mind. It is the only way to follow the Tao, so he is called Taoist.”


Gu Qingfeng didn’t understand it back then, but now I carefully taste this sentence, but I understand something.

He pondered that the existence of the so-called Taoist priests should be traced back to a long, long time ago, perhaps before the Great Desolate Era before the Age of Innocence.

Because there is only the Great Desolate Era, the avenue is just a pure avenue, not at all, there are no demons and ghosts.

In that era of cultivation, the heart of cultivating was the Tao, so it was called the Taoist and Taoist.

Of course.

This is just Gu Qingfeng’s own guess. He really doesn’t know whether the Taoist priests have inherited from Great Desolate Era.

After all, Great Desolate Era is a Mythological Era, which is beyond his reach.

And about the things handed down from Great Desolate Era, apart from some myths, only some Myths and Legends remain.

The Old Daoist Priest in front of him is regarded as a Taoist priest. Gu Qingfeng looked at it and it was similar to the Taoist priest in his impression. The only thing that made Gu Qingfeng curious and puzzled was that he felt that the Old Daoist Priest looked like one. An innocent person.


It’s just an innocent person, not a person of original sin.

The original sinners are the innocent people, but the innocent people are not the original sinners.

It’s just that he doesn’t know whether this Old Daoist Priest is a person who has survived the Innocent Age, or is there any cause and effect with the Innocent Age?

If it’s just that, it won’t be so doubtful to be called ancient zither wind.

But he still felt a familiar feeling from Old Daoist Priest.

It’s as if you have known each other before.

He also couldn’t figure out whether this deja vu was because the existence of Old Daoist Priest was related to the era of innocence, or other reasons.

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