Supreme Lord

Chapter 1681

The words of the Old Daoist Priest made all the fairies on the deck blush and ashamed. They wanted to refute, but didn’t know how to speak.

In the face of Gu Qingfeng, they did not dare to do anything.

There are three reasons.

One of them.

Because they all heard that in the golden sun universe, Gu Qingfeng once waved his hand gently and wiped out a ringed blue horn beast.

It is said that the ringed blue horned beast is powerful enough to be comparable to the Great Principle Golden Immortal of Jiu Yao Perfection

Even though these immortals are all great wild spirit immortals, they have nine days. The great day is bestowed with light and good fortune, but if you want to kill a ringed blue horned beast, none of them have this ability.

This is just one.

The second is because of Fairy Yunyan.

They all know that the existence of Fairy Yunyan is not trivial, and may even be terrifying than imagined, including Mo Baiyu also thinks so, but this kind of existence not only ignores Mo Baiyu, who inherited the immortal dao order, On the contrary, he is obedient to Gu Qingfeng.

The third.

Because of various legends about the Master.

According to the existence of the Master, all are strong as an ox, possess great magical power, go up to heaven or down to Hades, omnipotent.

The other thing is that Gu Qingfeng always looks like a leisurely and relaxed look, as if there is no fear, which makes them have no foundation in their hearts.

The most important thing is that Mo Baiyu, who inherited the immortal dao, never said a word from beginning to end, not even a word.

They are even more afraid to act blindly without thinking.

Most of these immortals are cultivated tens of thousands of years, they can be described as old and sophisticated. It is clear that the vast wilderness is huge and mysterious, and it is full of endless unknowns. Moreover, the ancient times , Everything is revived, and the Ancient Supreme Experts of all avenues have awakened and returned, and even the ruins of the ruins have collapsed. Ghosts know how many terrifying existences have been born.

They are also afraid of messing with people they shouldn’t mess with.

It is important to maintain the prestige of immortal dao, but if it provokes people who shouldn鈥檛 be offended and loses a little life, it鈥檚 not worth it.

If you don’t make a move, it’s nothing more than losing face.

But if you shoot, if you lose, when the time comes is more than just losing face.

“Old Daoist Priest, you are picking things up!”

On the other side, Gu Qingfeng sat on a chair and looked at Old Daoist Priest with a smile, said with a smile: “What’s the matter, isn’t it a big deal to watch the excitement?”

“Boy, as you said just now, you can drink wine as you like, but you can’t just talk about it. So, when do I pick things up? So, when is it okay to watch the excitement? Old way, I just watched the atmosphere dull, and deliberately made a joke to liven up the atmosphere that’s all, shouldn鈥檛 you take it seriously? Can鈥檛 you take it seriously.”

To say that this Old Daoist Priest is really evil enough, I looked at a group of immortals and said: “Especially you, don’t take seriously. Old Daoist Priest, I was just kidding. There is no other meaning, just want to invigorate the atmosphere, nothing more, so let鈥檚 go, I will punish myself for three cups, even if I am apologetic.”

After all, the old way also learns from Gu Qingfeng to pour himself I had three glasses of wine and continued to drink.

This move seems to imitate Gu Qingfeng, but…More likeness seems to be ironic, both ironic Gu Qingfeng dares to do, but not acknowledge, and ironic the immortals standing on the deck All are a bunch of soft guys.

At this time.

Mo Baiyu, who has been silent for a long time, finally said, “It should be the next to persuade you not to take it seriously. Since you have boarded this Xuantian ship, you are my guests of Mo Baiyu, although I It鈥檚 the immortal immortal dao, but it鈥檚 the owner of this Xuantian ship. Leading you to reach your destination safely is my first task and duty. As for other trivial things, I don鈥檛 It will interfere too much.”

While speaking, he walked to a table next to him, and when he raised his hand, a crystal clear and near-transparent crystal jug appeared in his hand and he poured it for himself. With a glass of wine, he said: “It鈥檚 far from offending immortal dao. At least, in my Mo Baiyu鈥檚 opinion, it鈥檚 not that much. After all, we are neither a Buddha nor a holy. It is impossible to achieve that the four things are all empty. When everyone talks nonsense, even more how, even if it is a Buddha, there is still wine and meat through the intestines, and the Buddha’s heart is left.”

Mo Baiyu looked towards Gu Qingfeng again, lightly saying: “But… I still advise you, don鈥檛 joke about immortal dao, maybe I won鈥檛 account for these trivial things, but it doesn鈥檛 mean that other immortals don鈥檛. , The four words of misfortune come out of the mouth, but they have been handed down since ancient times, even more how, there is always someone who is better than us, don鈥檛 think you鈥檙e great, you don鈥檛 know how big this world is, and you know geometry?”

Say it.

He gently brought the wine glass to his mouth, drank it, looked towards Old Daoist Priest, and said: “Old Senior, to maintain immortal dao respect, although it is my generation鈥檚 responsibility, but to maintain immortal dao respecting prestige is not equal to killing and condemning the heart. This is the act of the devil, not the act of the immortal. In the view of Junior, to maintain the immortal dao prestige, and more importantly, to lead by example, abide by morals, benevolence and righteousness, can teach all beings. In this way, it is the real maintenance of immortal dao respect.”

It should be said that this Mo Baiyu truly deserves to be the immortal dao immortal.

Such words, what they said is a sonorous and awe-inspiring justice.

Not only did you resolve the embarrassment that the immortals were afraid to do, but also took this opportunity to satirize the Old Daoist Priest and make a fuss.

Of course, Gu Qingfeng also warned Gu Qingfeng with the help of misfortune.

His meaning is very simple, and everyone listens to it perfectly clear.

Mo Baiyu is the owner of this Xuantian ship, and his responsibility is to safely escort you to your destination.

As for some trivial things, people don’t know it, and they don’t bother to care about it.

Especially the last words are very convincing.

Maintaining immortal dao does not mean killing people and condemning hearts. This is the act of demons, not the act of immortals.

To truly maintain immortal dao respect, is to lead by example, abide by morals, and benevolence and righteousness, so that all beings can be taught.

That’s pretty exciting.

It’s this remark that sets off Mo Baiyu’s incomparably tall, shining, benevolent gentleman.

At the same time, it also turned Old Daoist Priest into a despicable and sinister villain.

In the context of this remark, Gu Qingfeng has also become an ignorant person who is drunk and not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

After Mo Baiyu finished talking about this remark, there was a warm applause on the deck.

Even Gu Qingfeng couldn鈥檛 help but clap his hands and applaud, looking at the somewhat embarrassing Old Daoist Priest, said with a smile: “Old Daoist Priest, take a good look, listen well, take a look at others here Tolerance, look at you again, don鈥檛 look for trouble in the future, don鈥檛 get scolded.”

Old Daoist Priest fiercely glared at Gu Qingfeng, then looked at Mo Baiyu very uncomfortably, whispered: “Little bastard, motherfucker is quite good!”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng who is taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, Old Daoist Priest said with a sneer: “You brat how happy you are, you can鈥檛 listen. Come out? That bastard is also sarcasm you brat not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.”

“I鈥檓 not wrong, Lord, I鈥檝e lived for most of my life, I really don鈥檛 know the sky is how high the earth is how deep .”

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