Supreme Lord

Chapter 1580

What should be asked, what should be known.

I know what you shouldn’t ask, and what you shouldn’t know.

After Gu Qingfeng and Bai Chou bid farewell, they both left.

The Dadao Mausoleum was lifeless, only the mysterious Elderly was still cleaning a grave with a broomstick.

This tomb, like many tombs here, is like a mountain on which stands a mountain.

The difference is that the mountain tombstones on the other tombs have inscriptions and tomb names. The tombstone is empty and there is nothing.


This strange tomb shook violently.

The mysterious old man remain unmoved, continuing to clean the leaves on the tomb mountain.

The grave shook violently, and it shook more and more. Finally, the mysterious old man stopped cleaning, lifts the head, glanced at the mountain tombstone, shaking his head as if sighing.

“Do you feel it too?”

Elderly’s voice is like his muddy and silent eyes, with a weather-beaten vicissitudes of life.

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a pity that he is not the first, nor will he be the last, let alone the only one.”

Elderly is like talking to this tomb, It’s more like talking to yourself.

Elderly muttered to himself, and began to clean the fallen leaves on the grave. Then, as if he had remembered something again, he looked at where Gu Qingfeng had stayed before and said: “But…old The man felt a familiar feeling in him. Thinking about it, the Junior Brother of old man should be with him, but I don’t know if this is cause and effect, or destiny, or…”

Shaking his head again With a sigh, Elderly said again: “Junior Brother, why are you? You can’t stop it in the past, and you can’t stop it in the future. How can you stop it now.”

“This life is lonely and arrogant. , And bohemian, do as one pleases, unscrupulous, changeable temperament, change is a god and a holy, a devil and a Buddha.”

Elderly’s words are full of many sighs and many more Regretfully, there are countless helplessness, and continue to say: “The Buddha Heart Demon is born, good spirits and evil spirits accompany death, evil spirits and spirits of Heavenspan, original sin sage chaos body, thousands of Thousand Tribulations are difficult to stumble for life, beginning with My original intention is at last, and the mystery of cause and effect is unknown…”

“Variables are worthy of being variables…Such a variable is really the greatest in the past, and I have to be admired.”


The mountain-like grave at Elderly’s foot shook violently again.

“The old man knows that you want to end this, too.”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity.”

Elderly shook his head again regretfully, and said: “It’s a pity There is no end to cause and effect, only reincarnation, endless reincarnation……”


Fengyue Small World.

Gold Jade Island, inside a manor.

Chidori and Prince Ma were laughing and chatting, while Chiling alone sat in a daze in the pavilion.

It has been half a month since the golden tower was captured. Gu Qingfeng has slept for more than 20 days and has not yet woken up.

During this period of time, she didn’t go anywhere. She stayed here all the time, thinking about a question all the time.

That is who Gu Qingfeng is.


Thoughts came and went, but I didn’t think of the answer to this question even when I tried to break my head.

She was originally worried about whether the giants Bai Family, Golden Crow Li Family Liu Family, and Lotus Secret Realm will come to trouble afterwards.

However, it turns out that her worries are unnecessary.

The giant Bai Family and the Golden Crow two immortal families, whether it is the family elder Old Ancestor or the descendants of the family, are all wounded, disabled, disabled, and wasteful. It can be said that the family has suffered heavy losses. Also In name only.

As for the Lotus Secret Realm, although the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal, a natural Golden Immortal of 20-30 people, has been abolished, the Lotus Secret Realm has inherited from ancient times and is expert as clouds. This loss is of course. It’s tragic, of course it’s just tragic, and it’s far from being like the Golden Crow’s two immortal families In name only.

But even so, after the seizure of the golden tower incident, Lotus Secret Realm did not move.

External rumors, after the expert of Lotus Secret Realm learned of this, he was particularly furious, but also because he was particularly jealous of Gu Qingfeng’s mysterious strangeness. Therefore, he did not dare to act blindly without thinking, plus even Bai Susu, the immortal person who is on the top of the table, has a respectful attitude towards Gu Qingfeng, which is even more terribly afraid.

The only thing that worries Qianling right now is Chidori.

Because she clearly remembered that Gu Qingfeng once said to herself that she wanted to leave, and she might not even plan to return to Ronaldinho Secret Realm this time.

Gu Qingfeng has lived in Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm for several decades, and almost grew up with Chidori, and Chidori regards him as a close friend and even relative.

Qianling doesn’t know, and can’t imagine what Qiandiao would be sad if Gu Qingfeng left.

“Sister Ling’er, it’s so boring, why don’t we go out and stroll.”

Perhaps because I was tired with Prince Ma, Chidori came over and wanted to go with Chiling Go outside together.

“You go, I’ll be alone for a while.”

“We? You mean to let me go shopping with Prince Ma? I won’t be with him. Let’s go together. This guy is stupid and boring. If he goes shopping together, he will be suffocated.”

“In that case, let’s cultivation.”

“Heavens! I don’t want cultivation.”

Qian Ling shook his head and said nothing.

“Hey, Sister Ling’er, I see you have been depressed, do you have something on your mind?”

Qiandiao sat down and asked with concern.

“I have nothing to worry about.”

“Don’t lie to me. I have been observing you for many days. You must have something on your mind, Ling’er sister, just tell me Well.”


Qianling looked at Chidori, opened her mouth, hesitant to speak, seemingly very hesitant, after a while, she finally decided Ask first, saying: “I have a question for you.”

“What’s the problem?”

Chidori blinked and looked forward with big eyes.

“If… I mean if, if he doesn’t live in our Ronaldinho Secret Realm in the future.”

“He? Did you say the Great Lord? The Great Lord does not live in We Ronaldinho Secret Realm, where does he live?”

“I don’t know, I mean if one day he leaves, what will you… do?”

“If one day the Great Lord leaves…what will I do?” Chidori tilted his head for a moment and said: “I think I will be reluctant, and I will miss the Great Lord very, very much. “

Qiaodiao’s answer surprised Qian Ling. With her understanding of Qiandiao, she thought that if the Lord left, Qiandiao would definitely not be able to accept it, so she would be stupid. thing.

“Ling’er sister, I know what you are worried about, but I am no longer a child, and I will never play any childish temper, let alone do stupid things, and I know Big Lord is not from Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm. He is impossible to live with Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm all his life. Sooner or later he will leave.”

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