Supreme Lord

Chapter 1581

Qiaodiao looked at a house in the manor. Gu Qingfeng was sleeping in it. She said quietly, “I even have a feeling that the Great Lord will leave us soon.”

Qian Ling was secretly startled and asked: “Why do you… why do you feel this way?”

“Although I don’t know who the Great Lord is, I know that the existence of the Great Lord must not be possible for us. Imagine that he must have many things to do that we cannot understand. We and the Great Lord are not people of the world at all. Although the Great Lord leaves, I will be reluctant, but I will not selfishly ask the Great Lord to stay. Come down.”

Qianling looked at Chidori in disbelief. She never thought that Chidori could say this remark. At this moment, she finally realized that Chidori was no longer the same. The innocent little girl is now, but she has grown up and become a reasonable girl.

“Chidori, you have finally grown up.”

“Of course, it has been so long, can I not grow up, but…” Chidori asked : “Sister Ling’er, is the Great Lord…really going to leave?”

Qiandiao suddenly asked, making Qianling not knowing what to do and a little bit unwilling to speak.

“Actually, Sister Ling’er, even if you don’t tell me, I know that the Lord will definitely leave. I wasn’t sure at first, but if you suddenly said these things to me, I knew the Lord. I will definitely leave.”

Looking at Chidori, who was obviously a little bit lost, Qianling wanted to say a few words of comfort, but he just reached his lips, and really didn’t know how to speak.

After a while, Chidori lowered his head and asked: “Did Lord tell you when will he leave?”

“He said…maybe not with this time We are back to Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm together.”


Qiaodiao gave a cry of loss, and tears couldn’t help but drip.

Although Chidori is no longer the arrogant little girl back then.

Although she also thought about having this day, she was even mentally prepared.

But when he learned that Gu Qingfeng was really leaving, Chidori couldn’t help crying.

After all, Gu Qingfeng has lived in Ronaldinho Secret Realm for decades.

After all, Gu Qingfeng accompanied her to grow up.

When Gu Qingfeng was still in a lethargic state, Little Chidori started to confide in him.

Back when she provokes the Golden Crow Li Family outside, she was reprimanded by Old Ancestor, and she was accompanied by Gu Qingfeng, which made her less lonely.

Back then, she followed Qian Ling to practice outside. Every time she came back, she would share with Gu Qingfeng the fun and interesting things she encountered outside.

In these years, Chidori has long regarded Gu Qingfeng as a relative, even closer than his relatives, and has developed a spiritual dependence on Gu Qingfeng.

Now that Gu Qingfeng is leaving, how can the little girl not be sad.

The more I think about the little Chidori, the more sad, the more sad the more painful, and finally can’t help crying completely.

“Chidori, don’t be like this…”

Looking at Chidori who was crying bitterly, Qianling felt secretly self-blaming, very regretful and guilty, regretting that he should not take Gu The news of Qingfeng’s leaving was announced.

“Yo! Little Chidori, who is so indifferent, made you cry. Tell me who it is. Master will help you out.”


A familiar voice came.

The voice is particularly lazy, with a sense of ridicule.

Hearing this sound, Qian Ling looked up and saw a person standing in front of the house.

That was a young man.

Wearing a white single, with long hair like Mo dangled casually, on the plain face, a pair of eyes seemed to be not awake, and there was still a trace of sleepiness.

Who is it if it is not Gu Qingfeng?

When she saw Gu Qingfeng, Qian Ling was completely confused.

And when Chidori saw Gu Qingfeng, he rushed forward desperately and plunged into Gu Qingfeng’s arms, crying bitterly: “wu wu wu! Little drunkard, don’t go, okay, me! Please! Don’t go, okay…wu wu wu…I can’t bear you, wu wu wu…Don’t leave me, okay! I beg you!”

“Go? Where to go Go? Who told you that I am going to come?”

“wu wu wu! Don’t lie to me, Ling’er sister told me everything, she said…wu wu! You will be will not… come back to Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm with us, wu wu …”

“You said?”

Gu Qingfeng looked over, Qian Ling felt very self-blame. Don’t even dare to look into Gu Qingfeng’s eyes.

“Okay! Don’t cry, I am amused by Qianling, I will not leave, I will not go anywhere.”

Qiaodiao looked tearfully Gu Qingfeng asked: “Really?”

“Of course, when did I lie to you.”

“Then you swear.”

Gu Qingfeng raised his right hand, stretched out three fingers, and said: “Okay, I swear, I won’t walk anymore.”

After Gu Qingfeng finished the oath, Chidori stopped crying. Gu Qingfeng wiped her tears for her, and said: “I’m such a big girl, why are she still crying like this.”

“Actually…actually, little drunkard, no! Lord, I am not Let you go, I know you have a lot of things to do, I just… I just hope you can stay with me for a while, and then go… OK.”

“Okay, no problem, you Say that I will stay with you for as long as I want, even if I stay with you until the end of time.”

“I know you are coaxing me, but…I am still very happy!”

This sentence may be Gu Qingfeng is coaxing Chidori, but Gu Qingfeng said just now that he would not leave, not coaxing her.

Because previously, although he said to Qian Ling that he wanted to leave, he also said that he might not return to Ronaldinho Secret Realm this time, but it is only possible. He not at all decided to really Want to leave.

He is a grateful and seeking to repay the kindness, he has always been.

Until Ronaldinho Secret Realm’s kindness is repaid, he will not leave.

Moreover, even if he is leaving now, he really doesn’t know where to go.

This is not important.

The important thing is that when he woke up just now, he checked his fleshy body, the original fleshy body that was decayed, chaotic and lifeless, most recently there are signs of recovery. Originally, he also looked at his fleshy body. I don’t want to talk about it, how love recovers how to recover, but after chatting with Bai Chou, he found that this is quite serious and troublesome.

What is the acquired original sin, what is the original sin, what is the original sin of the week, the original sin of the chaotic sky.

Even the masters of Chiyou and Xingtian who had motherfucker suppressed in Guixu were born, and they were all incarnation of the original sin that merged with the blood of the original sin of Wudaozun.

What’s more terrifying is that Bai Chou said that besides all kinds of destiny, all kinds of true fate, all kinds of catastrophes, all kinds of luck, all kinds of people who dance, and people of original sin. , There are motherfucker and other sacred clansman, Maha clansman, false clansman, dragon Phoenix Clan, plus a Kunlun clansman.

This damn is a legendary legend, and it is the existence of the descendants of the Great Desolate.

Although Gu Qingfeng said that he had resigned to revenge, it was nothing serious.

He may not know if he accepts his fate or not, but he will never sit back and wait.

So, Gu Qingfeng is going to return to Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm for a period of retreat, carefully pondering about his current situation, apart from this, and by the way also point out the two sisters, Qianling and Qiandiao, as a reward for their kindness. .

“Okay, you guys talk first, I guess the time I slept for this time is not short, I have to take a bath and wake up.”

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