Supreme Lord

Chapter 1579

“I advise you not to take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, let alone look at it with a lively mentality.”

“What happened?”

” It’s not just you and me who have been fused with the blood of the original sin of Wudaozun, there are other people, since I can feel that you are still alive, so can other people, maybe not many people know about it, but this matter After all, you can’t hide it. Once the news that you are still alive leaks out, I think Three Thousand Great Daos will definitely not let you go.”

“Even the ruins are broken, the masters of Chi You They are all born one after another, and each of them is the original sin incarnation. Each of them is a taboo that threatens Heaven and Earth.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “I think Three Thousand Great Daos has no time to talk to me now. nobody .”

“Chiyou and the others have indeed been born, but they have been suppressed in Guixu for so long. After being born, they are bound to be weak and will not show up in a short time.”

Bai Chou shook his head and said: “And you underestimate yourself, do you think your existence is less threatening than Chiyou and others? No, not at all, at least, I can tell you very responsibly, in the eyes of those avenues, if they Knowing that you are still alive, you are still the number one threat they need to eradicate.”

“Will you sway me?” Gu Qingfeng said: “I am timid, don’t scare me. No matter how you say it, I have not become an original sin incarnation. If you talk about threats, it is far inferior to Chi You’s masters.”

“The problem lies here, because you have not become an original sin incarnation. , So, for Three Thousand Great Daos, your existence is more threatening than Chi You and others?”

“How to say?”

“For all avenues, Chi You Their original sin incarnation is certainly a big threat, but in the end they are only original sin incarnation. No matter how much they toss, they will always be original sin incarnation, but you are different.”

“How am I different? .”

“In the eyes of all avenues, whether you are the original sin incarnation or not, no one knows. If so, your existence is very terrifying, if not, it will be more terrifying.”

Gu Qingfeng sounded a little confused and said, “Why don’t I understand what you mean.”

“It’s not that you don’t understand, you just don’t want to understand. “

“I really don’t understand. “

“Don’t forget, the drop of your fusion belongs to the blood of original sin on Wudaozun. “

“Aren’t you the same.” “

“It’s not just me, but Chiyou and others are the same. We are all the blood of original sin fused with Wudaozun. The difference is that we did not resist this drop of blood of original sin. In the end, we all became original sin incarnation. Of course, I was able to make an exception and not become an incarnation of the original sin because of an unnamed shot in the past, and you. “

“You have ignited the original sin karma. Instead of becoming an original sin incarnation, you have turned the blood of original sin into your own. If you don’t say anything else, just about this, Three Thousand Great Daos will also take you Regarded as the number one threat, what is more terrifying is that you have also realized the four supreme states of mind, and almost become a saint. “

“A person who incorporates the blood of original sin on the Wudao Zun, who has not become an incarnation of original sin, but has turned the blood of original sin into his own, can also ignite the fire of original sin karma, and then almost succeeded Holy, do you think you are less threatening than Chi You and others now? “

Gu Qingfeng said indifferently: “You also said that I was just a little sanctified. Isn’t it impossible? “

“Does it matter whether you are sanctified or not?” No, it’s not important at all. What’s important is that you have realized the four supreme states of mind. You have this ability, this qualification, and this ability to be sanctified. You are not sanctified now. Who can guarantee that you will not be sanctified in the future? You can even ignite the fire of original sin karma, and you can dominate the blood of the original sin, who can guarantee that you will not be the future godless? “

“It seems really a bit troublesome to hear you say that. “

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, thought about it carefully, and felt that this matter is really not an ordinary trouble.

“Three Thousand Great Daos has never been afraid of threats, no matter how strong it is They are not afraid of the threat of terror. What really scares them is the mysterious, weird, unknown, and variable threat. “

Bai Chou stared at Gu Qingfeng, said solemnly: “I think you know this better than anyone else.” “


Gu Qingfeng really knows it better than anyone else.

Because he has almost come here in his life.

When he was in the Great Wilderness, he was regarded as a threat by Three Thousand Great Daos because he had a mysterious good fortune. No matter how he explained or proved it, it still didn’t help, as long as he was marked by Three Thousand Great Daos. The label of threat, you can’t stand up in this life.

Later after the ancient calamity, Three Thousand Great Daos knew that he was still alive, even though he had been honest in his duty, and repeatedly stated that he did not want to toss, even willing to commit the original sin The blood was handed over to Three Thousand Great Daos, but as a result, it was still useless. As soon as the blood of original sin was handed over, Three Thousand Great Daos in turn wanted to obliterate him.

Later, it merged with the original sin. After the blood, he could hide or escape, even when Wudao Mountain came, he publicly promised that even if he died, he would never become an incarnation of original sin. As a result, Three Thousand Great Daos was still a big deal to him. Fight, even the incarnation of motherfucker Heavenly Father and Earth Mother is invited out.

Even if Gu Qingfeng doesn’t want to, he still has to admit that what Bai Chou said is true.

If you let Three If Thousand Great Daos knows that he is still alive, with the virtues of Three Thousand Great Daos, 80% still can’t tolerate himself.

“This is really a troublesome thing, what should I do? is it possible that I now find a place to live in seclusion? “

“It’s too late, I said, if I can feel your presence, other people can do it, even I suspect that some avenues may have discovered that you are still alive, even if those avenues are not found, Chi You They will also find out, and, I’m sure, they will find you first. “

“What did Chi You do with me?” “

“You fuse together with the blood of original sin. Not only did you not become an incarnation of original sin, you also ignited the fire of original sin karma. Now you are turning the blood of original sin into your own. “Bai Chou’s deep eyes stared at Gu Qingfeng, his eyes seemed to contain a smile, and said: “I think they must be very interested in your existence, and they will definitely find you to’please ask one or two’.” “

“Really? “Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “It’s good to dare, but I have long admired Chi You these uncles, and I have long wanted to meet them.” “

“But…” As soon as the conversation turned, Bai Chou said again: “Before Chi You and the others find you, someone will definitely find you in advance.” “

“Who? “

“Mystery Old Person is never known. Bai Chou said indifferently: “Ancient Wuming must have known that you are still alive. You can hide it from everyone, but you can’t hide it. If she knows you are still alive, no matter where you hide in the wilderness, it won’t help. “

“The ancient and unknown little lady, who knows the past and the future, controls the cause and effect of fate, deduces the Universe Great Desolate, clearly understood Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow. “Gu Qingfeng said with a smile silently: “Don’t say this world, even if I jump out of Heaven and Earth, I am afraid I can’t hide it from her. “

“Since you know, just wait. I think it won’t be long before the ancient unknown will find it. “

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