Supreme Lord

Chapter 1578


Gu Qingfeng once asked for the Nine Nether throne, and he also clearly knows how much old Demon in Nine Nether desire for powerful power.

Since it is a demon.

So it is certain that there is no humanity anymore.

As long as there is a little humanity, it will not degenerate into a demon.

If you don’t even have human nature, there will be no benevolence and morality.

This is just an ordinary demon.

Ordinary demons can only mess around in the corner of the Great Wilderness, and they don’t dare to enter Nine Nether, because Nine Nether is full of old Demons.

These Old Demons don’t know how many years they are cultivated. They don’t have human nature, but they will only grow stronger in the end.

What is magic?

do as one pleases also, release the desire in the heart, in order to achieve the goal, no compromise.

The so-called causal fate of original sin?

Those Old Demon will not think about these problems, as long as they can achieve their goals and satisfy their own desires, let alone the causal destiny that bears original sin is called causal incarnation, the eternal and unknown destiny messenger has gone to Nine Nether, they dare to rape.

The fundamental difference between humans and demons is that humans have a human nature and have a moral bottom line, but demons do not. Therefore, demons do not care about the so-called causal fate.

Gu Qingfeng asked: “Have many people invaded the Breath of Original Sin in the Great Wilderness?”

“Many, many.”

“They are How did it infect? ​​What is the breath of original sin? Why haven’t I seen it?”

“Your cultivation is only 500 years, and you have been fighting for most of the 500 years. Later, after sleeping for thousands of years, how can you see the breath of original sin?”

Bai Chou went on saying that Gu Qingfeng was speechless, trifling 500 years, in the midst of the great famine For those Old Guys who are tens of thousands or even 100,000 years old, the right is a little bit less, at best it can only be regarded as a small ass child.

“Original sin is not only the blood of original sin, but also the breath of original sin, the light of original sin, the crystal of original sin, etc., as long as the soul is infected, all belong to the acquired original sin.”

Bai Chou sighed: “These people are really too many. These people may be passively affected by original sin, but more of them are actively infected by the power of pursuing original sin, alas.” /p>

“I am curious, will these acquired original sins bear the causal destiny of the innocent age?”

“Original sin itself is a curse, but everything is related to original sin , Will be cursed, no matter if you have infected the breath of original sin, or the light of original sin, or tempered the crystal of original sin, all will be involved in the black hole of cause and effect in the age of innocence, and no one can escape.”

“Well, what’s the matter with those who are born with original sin?”

“The so-called original sin refers to people born from original sin. For example, your existence is caused by original sin. Birth.”

“Are there many people who are born with original sin?”

“The blood of original sin in the northwestern part of the country gave birth to many people with original sin, although most Empress has killed… But All Heavens Myriad Realms is not just a drop of original sin blood. The drop of the Great Northwest has conceived many people of original sin, and other blood of original sin will also conceive many people of original sin.”

“What about Zhoutian’s original sin? What’s the matter?”

“The so-called Zhoutian’s original sin means that within the body the original sin bloodline has been conceived, and the blood of the original sin is already there. It began to flow within the body.”

“What do you mean?” Gu Qingfeng asked: “You mean those who are born with the original sin within the body may also conceive the original sin bloodline?”

“Although the probability is small, it is not impossible. Of course, more Zhoutian original sins are combined with the blood of original sin.”

“Are there many such people?”

“Not too much, I have only seen more than 30.”

“Isn’t this too many?”

Gu Qingfeng was surprised and asked: “These people you see are all born within the body of the original sin bloodline, or are they fused with the blood of the original sin?”

“Among them, six of them are within the body born of the original sin bloodline. , The others are almost all fused with the blood of original sin.”

“This is not a lot.” Gu Qingfeng raised his eyebrows and asked: “Are all the blood of original sin from the age of innocence? ?”

“Some are, some are accumulated Over a long period of time gradually conceived, and some may be artificially nurtured. “

Gu Qingfeng was an eye-opener today, and asked: “Can motherfucker grow up with this stuff?” “

“At first, I didn’t believe it, but it turns out that someone is really warming the blood of the original sin, and there is more than one person. The breath of the original sin was used to cultivate a drop of the original sin after countless years. blood. “

“The forest is really big, there are all kinds of birds, but… if you want to say that other people warm up the blood of the original sin, that’s all, but why this little lady who has never been named also warms up the original sin blood? “

“How can you be so disrespectful to the ancient nameless?” “

“Why, is she your friend?” “

“She is my life saving benefactor. “

“Oh, don’t you tell me, I forgot, she gave the white cloth on you, right. “

“Furthermore, she only wanted to observe the blood of original sin, so as to understand the blood of original sin. It was also because she warmed up the blood of original sin and understood the blood of original sin. Think of a way to restrain the blood of original sin. If not, I may have lost myself and become the incarnation of original sin. “

“Okay! What is the original sin of the whole world? “

“The original sin of the chaotic sky means fuse together with the original sin, just like resembles nature itself, which is the so-called incarnation of the original sin! “

“Have you seen the original sin incarnation?” “

“No, but I have heard of original sin incarnation in history, and there is more than one. “

“It really does! Who are they? “

“Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​Shen Tu, Hou Qing, Jiang Chen…”

Listening to Bai Chou chanting one name after another, Gu Qingfeng was frightened, Chi You , Xing Tian, ​​Hou Qing, these are all the masters of the great avenues that have run rampant in the great wilderness in history, each of them is evil, and they are the legendary ten evil masters.

“Don’t tell me these few Lord is the incarnation of original sin. “

“You are right, they are indeed the incarnation of original sin! “

“Good fellow! “

Gu Qingfeng is only the masters of Chi You and Xingtian who are the overlords of the great roads. He really does not know that these masters are all original sin incarnations, and exclaimed: “I said these Ye Ye was finally beaten into Guixu, dare to believe that they are the original sin incarnation. “

“I can also tell you a bad news. “

“What bad news? “

“The Guixu collapsed. “

hearing this, Gu Qingfeng’s heart slammed and asked: “Guixu really collapsed? “

“Yes. “

Gu Qingfeng had only heard about it before. Didn’t expect the return to the market to really collapse. For some reason, he suddenly wanted to laugh and said: “This great wasteland will be lively, ha ha ha ha! “

“You seem to be taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune? “

“Should I take pleasure in other people’s misfortune stumped?” “

“The Guixu collapsed, Chi You, these original sin incarnations were born, is there any benefit to you?” “

“I don’t know Chi You. He is not born and has a relationship with me. What can I do? “

“Then why are you taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune? “

“Maybe it’s me who likes to watch fun. “

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