Supreme Lord

Chapter 1479

This day.

Prince Ma drove the nine-headed fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger around in Fengyue Small World.

Thousands of Ling, Chidori and the others are standing inside the big lion, you look at me, I look at you, it seems that no one knows what to say or what to do.

And Gu Qingfeng is as leisurely as ever, lying on his back in the large and comfortable chair, closing his eyes Soul Nurturing, and saying: “What’s the matter, I haven’t seen enough for so long?”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay and did not dare to speak. In the end, the little Chidori mustered up the courage and asked: “Little drunkard, you…” Perhaps the previous scene shocked her too much. As for the voice is a little hoarse, the little Chidori coughed, and then said: “You…when did you become so powerful?”

“What does it mean to become? Lord, I have always been very good, OK? Okay.”

“But…but…I don’t know at all. I never heard you say it.”

“Sister Chidori, I always Tell you, I’m great, you don’t believe it, so you can’t blame me.”

Chidori thought about it carefully, and it really is like this, and said: “You said, I am not I don’t believe it, but what you said, I…I thought you were boasting.”

“That’s what you think.”

“Then you…the who the hell are you!”

“Me?” Gu Qingfeng sat up, looked at her with a smile, and said: “Guess what.”

“I can’t guess. .” Qiandiao stared at Gu Qingfeng, and asked: “Stupefied…what kind of Lord you were before?”

“Of course.”

“But… But even if you were really a great Lord before, you have lost your cultivation base now.”

“So what?”

“So, you Why are you still so powerful? How did you do it? Why did you just say that Li Zhengshi’s immortal spirit was broken, and why did you scream and scared the four Taibai Golden Immortal to death!”

“What do you guess?”

“What Chaos Energy did you really swallow before? You can blow Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow on the top? Can you blow Universe Great Desolate on the bottom?”

Gu Qingfeng grinned and laughed and asked: “Don’t you believe it?”

Qiaodiao shook his head and said: “I don’t believe it!”

“You If you don’t believe me, I can’t do anything about it.”

“You guy!”

Qiandiao looked towards Qianling again and asked: “Sister Ling’er, do you believe it?”

Qian Ling shook her head, she was I don’t believe it, but anyone with a normal IQ will not believe it.

Chidori said: “Little drunkard, just talk about it.”

“Do you want to learn?”

Chidori heavily nodded, said “Are you willing to teach me? Really?”

“Then it depends on your performance.”

“Performance? What performance?”

“Come on, press the shoulder for the uncle first.”

“It’s that simple?”

“Press the button first, let the uncle see your sincerity first.”

If it were before, Little Chidori would definitely swear badly, but seeing Gu Qingfeng being so powerful, she didn’t dare to treat it like before. Not only did she become obedient, she didn’t even dare to speak. Speaking loudly.


The floating island incident soon spread throughout Fengyue Small World.

Ronaldinho Secret Realm is also famous for this.

Everyone knows that Ronaldinho Secret Realm has produced two amazing characters.

An unknown Taibai Golden Immortal, not only possessed the great good fortune, but also defeated more than a hundred people with a magic sword art.

In Shuangji Tianyu, there may be many Taibai Golden Immortal, but there are absolutely very few who can defeat more than a hundred people with a magic sword art, and the possession may come by with luck, but not by searching for It’s such a great good fortune’s Taibai Golden Immortal is even rarer.

The name of Qian Ling is also widely known because of the floating island incident.

However, what everyone is talking about is not Qian Ling, but Ronaldinho Secret Realm’s nouveau riche who won 1.8 billion.

First, the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of Jin Gang, Di Shahu, etc. were blown with a mouthful of smoke.

A casually sentence broke the immortal spirit of a Great Perfection’s Taibai Golden Immortal like Li Zhengshi.

The four Taibai Golden Immortal were frightened to death with a shout.

However, this nouveau riche wants a cultivation base and no good fortune. No one knows how he did it, and no one can guess it. It’s still a mystery. No one knows who the nouveau riche is, and there are different opinions.

Some people say that this upstart may have been the great Lord who dominated the heavens before, but it is not the great Lord of immortal dao, it may be the demon way, the ghost way, or the witch way, or even the demonic path. Great Lord.

However, this speculation was quickly overturned.

Because for thousands of years, the demon way and the ghost way have long been In name only, after belonging to the immortal dao, the so-called demons and ghosts have become Demon Immortal and ghosts, even if there are many cultivated in the great wilderness Tens of thousands of years and even 100,000 years of old monster ghosts, but the spirit of the ghosts on those old monster ghosts are very powerful and cannot be concealed.

even more how the nouveau riche, not at all, has the breath of demons, only human.

As for the witchcraft.

It has always been a symbol of mysterious and strange.

Although in the modern and ancient times, there will occasionally be a few people who claim to be witch immortals, but these witch immortals are mysterious and secretive, not only can fortune telling, but also proficient in the technique of Ghost God, I heard There will be a curse and so on. There was another witch fairy in the Bipolar universe. Many people have witnessed the strange witch fairy. They just read some messy incantation, and then a group of Great Principle Golden Immortal becomes crazy. .

Later, there was a Great Principle Golden Immortal with a cultivation base profound. I heard that he was cursed by Wuxian, and he is still lying in bed and groaning.

The local nouveau riche just said a word, and Li Zhengshi’s immortal spirit collapsed. He just yelled and scared the four Taibai Golden Immortal to death. These methods are incompatible with those witches. The magic of Ghost God is very similar.


Most people suspect that the nouveau riche may be a mysterious wizard.

Of course.

Apart from this, some people suspect that the nouveau riche may be an Old Demon.

The so-called demons in Dahuang are different from those in the secular world.

The so-called demons in the secular world can’t be called demons. At best, they are people who take shortcuts and use bloody cultivation methods. Such people are often called evil in the Great Wilderness. Cents.

The demon of Dahuang is a real demon.

There is no fleshy body, no soul at all, just a touch of demons. It is a great wasteland and is conceived by the nature of Heaven and Earth.

The world with extremely harsh natural environment, especially in dark and secluded places, may conceive demons after thousands of years, and the resulting demons are also extremely powerful terrifying, powerful Not only can the demons swallow people’s souls, but they can also control people’s consciousness, and they can also be possessed on people quietly and without being noticed by ordinary people.

The methods of these demons are more unpredictable than the witches, especially weird. Who would dare to say that the nouveau riche screamed and scared the four Taibai Golden Immortal to death. They were not demons. What?

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