Supreme Lord

Chapter 1478


Deathly quiet.

Everyone at the scene looked at Gu Qingfeng sitting on the chair, and looked at Li Zhengshi who was kneeling on the ground. Perhaps this scene was too weird. It was weird that everyone could not keep up with their thinking and consciousness. There was no reaction, all of them looked stupid, and were stunned.

They couldn’t figure it out. The upstart just casually said a word, and then Li Zhengshi suddenly flew out and knelt on the ground.

And it doesn’t seem to be as simple as kneeling on the ground. Li Zhengshi didn’t react at all. Everyone took out Divine Consciousness to investigate the past. This investigation didn’t matter. The complexion was greatly changed because they found that Li Zhengshi was gone. Conscious, fainted.


It’s more than just fainting.

Because they found that Li Zhengshi’s mouth, ears, and eyes, and the seven orifices all over his body began to overflow.

Not only the complexion greatly changed, but the scalp began to numb, and the standing was a little unstable.

Soon, Li Zhengshi began to have a faint mist all over his body.

How could there be fairy fog?

Is it hard to say?

Everyone took out Divine Consciousness in a restless and terrified mood, and penetrated into Li Zhengshi’s within the body probe. Not to mention that other people, Qianling and Xuanyun, were also a little scared. Can’t stand still.

Because they discovered that Li Zhengshi’s immortal spirit had collapsed, those fairy mists were nothing but Li Zhengshi’s collapsed immortal spirit!


How could this happen!

The nouveau riche just said a word. Not only did Li Zhengshi kneel on the ground, his consciousness disappeared, and the bleeding of the seven orifices was eliminated. How could even the unfathomable mystery within the body immortal spirit collapse?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

I have never heard of this kind of thing. I have never heard of it. It’s unheard-of. It’s more evil than a dream!

If it was said that Gu Qingfeng had just blown the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of Vajra with a sip of smoke, and everyone was shocked.

At this moment, he casually said that Li Zhengshi himself shook the seven orifices bleeding, and the immortal spirit collapsed. It has already made everyone no longer shocked, no longer shocked, but afraid of fear, have one’s hair stand on end stand up!

In the field.

The four Taibai Golden Immortal are all face as gray, scared not knowing what to do.

More than a thousand people who are loyal to the Golden Crow Li Family are also scared back after seeing Ghost God.

And Xuanyun’s complexion also changed again and again, pale and iron blue, staring at Gu Qingfeng in horror.

“What’s the matter, now I think my master is boasting, am I teasing you? My master said that when I swallowed Chaos Energy, I can play Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow on the top, and Universe on the bottom. Great Desolate, kill you little ants, just like playing, go back and tell the Golden Crow Li Family, let them rest, this one is to teach them a lesson, and then motherfucker will be screaming, be careful to treat them Golden Crow Li Family The scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of the Crow Li Family’s ancestral graves are blown away.”

More than a thousand people in the Golden Crow Li Family, look at me and I see you, and then left one after another, no one Dare to stay.

They are really scared.


Faced with a mysterious and weird guy, a breath of smoke can blow away an immortal martial arts, and a word of casually can make a Golden Immortal of the Great Perfection of Taibai collapse the immortal spirit.

Who is not afraid?

Everyone is afraid!

even more how these more than a thousand people just follow the Golden Crow Li Family to have a meal. Usually, it’s okay to wave the flag and shout for a group fight. There is no need to take their own life for the Golden Crow Li Family. .

It is the other four Taibai Golden Immortal. Although they were also afraid to die, they did not leave at all. Instead of leaving, they still sent out a letter, seeming to inform the other members of the Golden Crow Li Family. .

“Oh, there are people who are not afraid of death.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the four Taibai Golden Immortal and said: “It seems that I will not kill a few people today. You still can’t shake you guys, right? Believing or not, if you’re afraid, you can be scared to death if you’re believing or not!”

Four Golden Immortal Taibai stared at Gu Qingfeng, took out the 9th layer of Taibai, holding the Flying Sword, and kept backing away.


Gu Qingfeng laughed, looking at the four Taibai Golden Immortal who kept backing away, suddenly shouted.

This prestige was like thunder. The thunder was too fast to conceal the ears. The others didn’t feel anything. At least Qianling didn’t. But when she looked over again, the four Taibai Golden Immortal who were backing away , Stood there like a statue, staring at both eyes, opening his mouth, with a look of horror, and then all four Taibai Golden Immortal stiffly fell to the ground.

What happened to them?

Qian Ling’s trembling took out Divine Consciousness explored the past and found that all four Taibai Golden Immortal had no life.





How did you die?

There are no wounds on the whole body, the immortal spirit has not collapsed, and the internal organs are all in good condition, but why do people die of unfathomable mystery?


Qian Ling found that the four Taibai Golden Immortal were all intact, but their minds were broken.

In an instant, she remembered what Gu Qingfeng had said just now. He said a threat, and scared these people to death.

It is difficult to say…Are these four Taibai Golden Immortal really scared to death by Gu Qingfeng’s mighty voice?

Oh my God!

Qian Ling couldn’t bear it anymore, and suddenly sat on the big wheel.

In the venue, everyone found that four Taibai Golden Immortal were scared to death by Gu Qingfeng. Not only did more than 1,000 people from the Golden Crow Li Family flee wildly, they even gathered on the floating island to watch the excitement. People don’t dare to stay anymore and flee here desperately.

On the floating island, densely packed people originally gathered. It took less than a few breaths before and after, all of them ran thoroughly, only the nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger was left.

On the big wheel, more than a dozen people from Prince Ma, Chidori and Ronaldinho Secret Realm were already there, and their bodies were shaking uncontrollably. They didn’t even dare to breathe.

They do.

And Qian Ling was also scared and paralyzed sitting on the big wheel, a beautiful face, without a trace of blood, looking at Gu Qingfeng like a monster.

She knows that Gu Qingfeng is not an ordinary person.

Always know.

I also know that Gu Qingfeng is not afraid of Golden Crow Li Family, and he is definitely not pretentious.


She doesn’t know what Gu Qingfeng’s ability is, nor what Gu Qingfeng’s so-called deterrence is.

She wanted to break through the sky, but she didn’t expect that Gu Qingfeng would be able to blow the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of Jin Gang Di Sha Hu with a mouthful of smoke, let alone Gu Qingfeng casually said. It was able to disperse the bleeding immortal spirit of a Great Perfection Taibai Golden Immortal like Li Zhengshi. What she didn’t expect most was that Gu Qingfeng’s shout of might actually scared the four Taibai Golden Immortal to death.

Who is he?

Qian Ling’s mind is blank.

Gu Qingfeng may be tired from sitting, stood up and stretched fiercely, looking at Qian Ling who was paralyzed on the big lion, shook his head and said nothing.

I looked at Xuanyun, who was not knowing what to do, and said with a smile, looking far away, not knowing what to do, said with a smile: “Xuanyun Young Master, how about it? Isn’t this a good play? Let you down?”

Xuan Yun stared at Gu Qingfeng, his eyes were full of horror. He didn’t even dare to breathe a word, so how could he dare to say a word.

“Xiao Liuli, I will leave first, and I will meet my master as an affair, please drink.”

Gu Qingfeng raised the fire cloud whip in his hand and threw it in the air, nine The head of the fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger uttered tigers roars, and rushed into the air with one pounce, and flew away.

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