Supreme Lord

Chapter 1480

The loss of the Golden Crow Li Family this time can be described as extremely heavy. The Li Family has more than a dozen children and grandchildren, dead, wounded, waste, and all magic weapons have been looted. If it is the usual time, Li Family will Will gather people and horses to smash Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm people into pieces.

It’s just that this time, the Golden Crow Li Family looked extremely quiet, with no movement at all.

Many people have speculated that Golden Crow Li Family must be the identity of the nouveau riche of Ronaldinho Secret Realm.

Think about it.

Leave aside the identity of the nouveau riche, but he was not a great Lord before, and he could scare the four Taibai Golden Immortal to death with just a shout. This mysterious and strange strength is enough Let Golden Crow Li Family endlessly afraid to act blindly without thinking.

After leaving the floating island, Gu Qingfeng was enjoying the massage of the little bird while thinking about finding a place to have a big meal first. After all, after coming to Fengyue Small World, he drank it. I have a stomach of wine, but I haven’t tasted the special food here.

Speaking of delicious food, the little Chidori suddenly got excited and insisted on clamoring for the Babaozhuang Babao Banquet.

It is said that this eight-treasure banquet is made of eight heavenly materials, earthly treasures, such as purple heart lotus, shaking flower stamen, and water cloud essence. After eating, it can not only strengthen the internal organs of the bones and bones. It makes the fleshy body stronger, and can also purify the immortal spirit, making the immortal strength cultivation base more refined. The most important thing is that the Eight Treasure Banquet is delicious and fragrant.

The little Chidori talked more and more vigorously, and the more talked, the more greedy, even the saliva was almost flowing down.

“I said, sister, it’s just a meal. As for the halazi, it’s gone.”

Little Chidori wiped his mouth in embarrassment and said: “Little drunkard, don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand, do you know who made the Eight Treasure Banquet?”


“It’s the Royal Chef Mother.”

“Yu Chu Niang? I haven’t heard of it.”

“He is the most famous food fairy in Bipolar Tianyu. You have not heard of this but you can only explain you Ignorant and inexperienced.”

“It turned out to be Shixian.”

Gu Qingfeng is not too unfamiliar with the word Shixian.

Although food fairy began to prevail in the modern and ancient times, it is not uncommon in Ancient Era.

In the secular world where he was born, Shixian Town at the foot of Shangqing Sect Mountain is the Shixian Town. The Old Master Luo Xuan inside is exactly an Shixian.

The so-called food fairy has a long history.

It is said that a long, long time ago, maybe it was ancient, maybe it was ancient, or maybe it was ridiculous. An ordinary mountain man, by chance, came into Immortal Sect by chance, because aptitude is not Anyway, I don’t have much hope of becoming immortal, but I am practicing Pill Recipe, but my talent is extremely high. I am immersed in refining medicine pill all day, which leads to the ruin of the cultivation base. Later, because I tried my pill, not only my cultivation base was lost. He almost lost his life.

In order to regulate his fleshy body, this mountain man once again refined medicine pill, but medicine pill is good, but it can’t be eaten as a meal. The most important thing is that medicine pill is just eaten. Not yet, you have to refining the medicine pill contained in the medicine pill. If you can’t refining the medicine pill, don’t talk about wasting resources, the key is that things go on forever. The medicine pill stays within the body, not only Tonic, it is still poisonous.

Finally, the man of the mountains and wilds broke new ground, gave up refining medicine pill, and started refining spiritual medicine to condition his fleshy body.

Don’t say it.

In the end, he not only used refined spiritual medicine delicacies to condition his fleshy body, but after eating these spiritual medicine delicacies, he finally ate it forcibly.

Later, this person established the sect and received a wide range of disciplines, and he was even called the ancestor of the immortal eaters by the later worlds.

Since ancient times, the Shixian faction has inherited. Although there has been a decline in the middle, it has not been lost. Not only has it not been lost. When the inheritance reached Ancient Era, it was still very popular. It is said that the Shixian Sect was even more colorful. The limelight even surpassed spirit pill and marvelous medicine.

Inheritance so far, there are all kinds of spiritual medicine delicacies, including the spiritual cigarette smoked by Gu Qingfeng, which is actually a kind of spiritual medicine delicacy. It is no different from those fine wines. The only difference is that one The one used for drinking is for eating.

I want to come in Gu Qingfeng.

Spiritual medicine has advantages and disadvantages compared with spirit pill and marvelous medicine.

spirit pill and marvelous medicine, the medicine is powerful, and the effect is quick, whether it is the damage of the fleshy body or immortal spirit, taking spirit pill and marvelous medicine, you can get treatment in time, and usually open acupuncture points , Chong a meridian, breakthrough cultivation base, etc., all use spirit pill and marvelous medicine to fight.

While spiritual medicine is delicious, the medicine is small in strength, and it is slow to take effect, so it is suitable for slow conditioning.

Especially for some serious injuries, after taking spirit pill and marvelous medicine to stabilize the injury, and then using spiritual medicine for conditioning, the effect is very good, and after the mind is frustrated, this thing is very I am fragile and cannot use medicine pill. I can only use spiritual medicine to slowly cultivate and recuperate.

spirit pill and marvelous medicine, if you are not ill or injured, you can’t eat randomly, while spiritual medicine is different. This stuff can be eaten as a meal. If you eat too much, there is no harm. There are also benefits. Not to mention purifying the impurities of the Fleshy body, it can also warm up the immortal spirit. One or two days may not have any effect, but if it is ten or a hundred years, there will be unexpected results.

Like the descendants of the fairy family, they have been taking spiritual medicine since childhood to remove impurities from the fleshy body and warm up the immortal spirit. As time goes by, the fleshy body will become purer and the immortal spirit The more powerful they are, the more pure their immortal strength will naturally become.

Of course.

They are only descendants of the family of immortals. Fans of poor origin like Prince Ma can’t afford to eat them. Some fine spiritual medicine delicacies are worth tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. There are even millions of them.

Don’t say that he can’t afford to eat, it’s Chi Ling and Chidori, who are supported by Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm resources. He is usually a worry-free person. At most, he only occasionally eats when he goes out to practice. After that, like Chidori cultivated, there have been several decades, and the spiritual medicine delicacies she has eaten can be counted.

As for the Eight Treasure Banquet she said, Little Thousand Birds had never eaten it before, and only heard people say that the Eight Treasure Banquet is known as Fengyue Small World’s No. 1 delicacy, and she has long coveted it. It’s a pity that the value is too expensive. One meal costs a million and a few meals are enough to buy a Heavenly Grade magic weapon. At this price, she can only think about it. .

I thought I might not be able to enjoy the legendary first gourmet eight-treasure feast in this life.

didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng won 1.8 billion in one go, and now he can be regarded as a local tyrant no matter what, eating an eight treasure banquet is definitely more than enough.

In order to have the Eight Treasure Banquet, Little Chidori acted like a baby and massaged, very hard.

Gu Qingfeng was in a good mood and said: “I am a bit greedy after hearing what you say. It’s just the Eight Treasure Banquet. Walking, Lord Lord is happy today. I will treat you and eat whatever you want. , Eat hard until you die!”

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