Supreme Lord

Chapter 1431

Gu Qingfeng’s vague remarks made Prince Ma, who was already very scared, more restless in his heart, especially Gu Qingfeng’s words that have ears in the air, and the sky is falling, making Prince Ma’s heart more and more bottomless.

What does it mean to have ears?

If there is no fraud, are you afraid that others will hear it?

What else is the sky falling down?

If there is no fraud, can the sky fall down?

Prince Ma is more desperate than he thinks about it.

And Mr. Li kept his head down and frowns deeply, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Only Gu Qingfeng looked indifferent, eating Spirit Fruit and drinking a little wine, and followed Xiaoya into a manor.

Said it is the manor.

In fact, the inside is more like a pavilion in the lake. Gu Qingfeng walks on an exquisite wooden bridge and admires the scenery of the pavilion in the lake. Not to mention, this place is really unique.

“Where are you president?”

“Here, right in the pavilion in front.”

Gu Qingfeng looked around and found the middle of the lake. There is a pavilion. In the pavilion, an old woman holding a cane is standing quietly, and a beautiful and alluring woman with an elegant and beautiful face is throwing fish food into the lake and feeding groups of fish swimming in groups. child.

“Which is your president, the one who feeds the fish or the one on crutches?”

“Guess what.”

“It should be the one who feeds the fish Right? It looks pretty good.”

“Don’t blame this Miss for not warning you. I will see our president later. It’s better to behave and don’t talk nonsense.”


“Otherwise you will regret it.”


Prince Ma follows behind, the atmosphere I didn’t dare to breathe, especially after seeing Bai Susu in the pavilion, Prince Ma felt like seeing Death God. He felt that he couldn’t breathe. He took a few deep breaths in a row, comforting himself in his heart.

Don’t be afraid!

Don’t be afraid!

No matter what Bai Susu interrogates him, he will not admit it!


Don’t admit it!

No! Why don’t you admit it?

I and the local tyrant Lord are not in the same group, let alone cheating, what are you afraid of!

Not afraid!

Just tell the truth, believe that with Bai Susu’s eyesight, It shouldn’t be wrong an innocent person, right?

That’s right!

As long as you obediently and honestly say it clearly, it should be fine!

Prince Ma comforted herself over and over again in her heart, perhaps because she was frightened by Gu Qingfeng’s vagueness just now and lost her senses. After calming down, Prince Ma felt that she was straightforward and upright, but nothing So scared.

In the pavilion.

After Bai Susu finished feeding the fish, he turned around and looked towards Gu Qingfeng, with a pair of charming and moving eyes that swept across, the expression in his eyes changed again.

Curious at first glance.

The second glance is puzzled.

The third eye was surprised.

The fourth eye is puzzled.

The fifth eye is incredible.

The sixth eye is unimaginable.

The seventh eye is incredible.

“Young Lady, people are coming.”

Stepping on the pavilion, when Xiaoya’s voice fell, Li immediately cup hand to hold fist and said: “No. Li Sheng, the chief of the four gambling villagers, paid a visit to President Bai.”

After that, Prince Ma did not dare to neglect, cup hand to hold fist, tremblingly saluted: “Small…small Golden Crow Secret Realm horse monkey, meet Bai…President Bai.”

“A nobody in the next.” Gu Qingfeng is also a cup one fist in the other hand, saluting, saying: “Road number local tyrant, Jianghu people are called local tyrants. Lord.”

When Gu Qingfeng introduced himself in this way, the muscles of the corner of Li’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch twice, and Prince Ma lowered his head, only feeling the sky spinning.

Bai Susu is the nobleman who has been in charge of the Small World for most of Fengyue. His status is as big and big as his status is. The large and small Xuantian Secret Realm of Bipolar Tianyu is both big and small. I dare not disrespect, no one has ever dared to call himself a great Lord in front of Bai Susu.

Xiao Ya just wanted to reprimand Gu Qingfeng for not knowing the rules, but she hadn’t spoken yet, Bai Susu said at first: “It’s really an interesting way name, an interesting nickname, and a more interesting person.”

Bai Susu stretched out his hand, and Gu Qingfeng was not polite. He sat down and asked, “There are so many interesting things between this Heaven and Earth. I don’t know Sir President, what are the interesting things for us? “

“Previously through Profound Light Mirror, I saw the local tyrant Lord drinking more than 400 pots of Bitao wine. I admired it very much. Therefore, I want to get to know the Lord.”

” It turned out to be this. Lord, I thought you were caught by you.”

As soon as Gu Qingfeng said this, the chief Li and Prince Ma almost fell to the ground without standing firm. .

They all can see that Gu Qingfeng is not an ordinary mortal. Maybe it was a master who has seen the world before, but even if you are a master who has seen the world, you are now cultivation The base is lost. It’s fine to call yourself a great Lord in front of such great characters as Bai Susu, but now you still call yourself a Lord? Is this too not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, too act recklessly?

What frightened Mr. Li and Prince Ma even more was the words Gu Qingfeng said.

What did he think he had been caught?

It’s hard to say that this guy really falsified and smoked?


Even if you really smoke, you can’t say it so blatantly. Isn’t this this place without silver three hundred taels?

Mo said that Mr. Li and Prince Ma were horrified. Even Xiaoya and the old woman next to him, including Bai Susu, did not expect that Gu Qingfeng would suddenly say such a sentence.

oh?” Bai Susu looked at Gu Qingfeng with a faint smile, and asked calmly: “Is it true that the Lord is stubborn?”

“My Lord If you don’t get a lot of money, it depends on whether you have caught it.”

“Really? If you didn’t get it?”

“If you didn’t get it, then it means Lord I didn’t smoke the old one.”

“What if I caught it?”

“Caught? I don’t admit it when I caught the Lord.”


Bai Susu laughed blankly, staring at Gu Qingfeng with her charming eyes, as if she wanted to see it through, said with a smile: “You are really an interesting person.”

“Everyone says so.”

Gu Qingfeng glanced at the delicious food on a table, frowned slightly, and said: “This table is delicious food, why is there no wine? ?”

“I was negligent, Xiaoya, what about the wine I asked you to prepare.”

Xiaoya fiercely glared at Gu Qingfeng, she really couldn’t understand why Bai Susu Will tolerate this guy being so impudent in front of her. Impudent people dare to claim to be a master. What makes her even more incomprehensible is that instead of pursuing it, Bai Susu actually calls this great Lord.

Xiao Ya doesn’t understand.

However, as a maid, Bai Susu didn’t mind, she naturally couldn’t say anything.

Turning over the palm of his hand, a beautiful white bottle appeared in his hand, carrying a jug to pour a glass of wine for Gu Qingfeng.


Bai Susu raised his glass, Gu Qingfeng also picked up the glass, smelled the wine, eyesbrows slightly frowned, said with a smile: “This is five Sick wine?”

Bai Susu’s eyes flashed with a flash of brilliance, and said: “Big Lord is really good eyesight.”

Xiao Ya was even more shocked and asked: “You didn’t even drank it, but you just smell it with your nose to know that this is Wusha wine?”

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