Supreme Lord

Chapter 1432

At first, when Bai Susu said that Gu Qingfeng was definitely not an ordinary mortal, Xiao Ya didn’t believe it very much, until when Gu Qingfeng just smelled the name of Wusha wine, Xiao Ya finally believed it, not only I believe that Gu Qingfeng is not an ordinary mortal, and even believe that Gu Qingfeng is a mortal with extraordinary experience.

Xiao Ya once heard Bai Susu say that Wusha wine is a very rare and very small wine. There are definitely not many immortals who know Wusha wine in the wilderness.

No one can brew the five evil spirits in modern times and ancient times. It was made by an Old Senior who collected five evil spirit spirits in a small world that was just conceived in Ancient Era.

At the beginning of ten thousand years in the ancient times, the five Evil Spirit spirits have never appeared.

This is not important. The important thing is that the Old Senior who makes Wusha wine is an Old Demon who is in the wild.

And Wusha wine is not a good wine that can temper immortal spirit. Not only can it not be tempered, but if it is absorbed, Wusha will corrode immortal spirit and corrupt the fleshy body.

For this reason, not many people know Wusha wine in the great wilderness.

Because Wusha wine is not for the immortals to drink at all, but for those demons and monsters.

The immortal cultivation pursues the great light and pays attention to the great purity.

The five evil spirits are profound yin, and they are opposed to the great purity of the great light that the immortal pursues.

However, what the heretical path of the devils pursues is the great darkness, but the turbidity.

The five evil spirits are highly toxic to immortals, but they are a big supplement to the heretical path of the devils.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng here.

Xiaoya finally understands why Bai Susu would let herself prepare five evil spirits.

With this glass of five evil spirits, he has already tested out that this local tyrant Lord is definitely not a mortal without world affairs, but a master who has outstanding experience and experienced wind and rain, at least before Yes, if not, it is absolutely impossible. Just smell it and tell the name of the five evil spirits, which means he has drunk it.

Dare to drink the five evil spirits, this guy used to be either the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth, or the immortal Dao Lord of the Megatron.

Think of this.

Xiao Ya admires Bai Susu more and more, and her heart is still powerful as Young Lady. She has already seen that this guy is not simple, so she asks herself to prepare five evil spirits.

“We don’t have much success, and I usually like to drink wine. This five evil spirit wine is brewed from the five evil spirits of Xuanyin. It can be described as full of baleful qi and unique wine aroma. Once you have drunk it, you will never forget it.”

Speaking, Gu Qingfeng raised his head slightly and drank the wine in one cup, nodded, and said: “Yes, not bad, to talk about the ability of winemaking, heretical The path of the devils is definitely the originator. Is the wine made from immortal dao? It’s more boiled than plain water, or the wine made from Old Demon is enough.”

Look at Gu Qingfeng. After drinking a glass of Wusha wine, Xiao Ya was stunned, and the old woman with a cane next to her was also deeply frowns.

When they think about it, even if this guy was really a big Lord of the Megatron party before, but now there is no cultivation base, he is completely flesh and blood, and it is nothing to drink a glass of five evil spirits. No? This is Wusha wine, don’t say it’s not the Great Principle Golden Immortal of old fart, even the spirit and body unification of spirit and body unification also have to quickly refining, slower can not withstand the erosion of Wusha.

But why is this guy like a okay person.

It’s really as difficult as Bai Susu said, this guy’s fleshy body is definitely not the flesh and blood it looks like on the surface? But what kind of body?

This is unlikely.

As long as the body of good fortune, whether it is a polar body, a dead body, a respectable body, a hegemonic body, Saint Physique has obvious aura of good fortune, but this guy has nothing but basic human breath. No, not even spiritual breath.

What the hell is going on?

I don’t know.

Xiao Ya doesn’t know.

Old woman don’t know.

Bai Susu also didn’t know.

Gu Qingfeng put down the wine glass and said with a smile: “Big sister, what do you want to do, give me another cup.”


Realizing that Gu Qingfeng might have been the big Lord of the Megatron party before, plus the weird Fleshy body, Xiao Ya didn’t dare to say anything, obediently and honestly pours another glass of five evil spirits for Gu Qingfeng.

Bai Susu lightly saying: “It seems that Lord Lord has drunk a lot of heretical path of the devils wine before.”

“Of course.” Gu Qingfeng took another glass of five I drank the bad wine in one go, said with a smile: “I dare not say anything else. If you want to talk about drinking, I drink more wine than you have seen in your life.”

“Is that right? ……” Bai Susu has always been on the chair like that from beginning to end, a beautiful and alluring face with too many expressions, not at all, his expression is a bit cold, but a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Gu Qingfeng, blooming from time to time , Said: “Speaking of which, the Great Lord must have had a past that is unbearable to look back.”

“Who hasn’t had a past that is unbearable to look back.”

Gu Qingfeng followed by a cup One cup, just for a while, I have drunk seven or eight cups of Wusha wine in a row, and there is not much Wusha wine in the white bottle. At Bai Susu’s signal, Xiao Ya took out another bottle and continued to pour it.

“When I want to come to the Great Lord, I was also a giant in the wild.”

“I have to say that the big girl really has good eyesight.” The rise of drinking, Gu Qingfeng raised his legs. , Jokingly said: “Thinking that when we crossed the wilderness, it was definitely sweeping the wilderness. Megatron land was unbeatable. I stomped my feet, and the Three Thousand Great Daos was shaking three times. What is the Light Dao? What is the Demon? Darkness Dao, even if it is Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, I still did it right back then.”

Beside, Mr. Li and Prince Ma have been standing obediently and honestly.

Especially Prince Ma, since he entered the waterside pavilion in the lake, he has always kept his head low, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

He originally thought that the monitor would suspect that the 1.8 billion won by the local tyrant Lord was not right. Therefore, Bai Susu will come out in person today, but now it seems that it is not like this. , If the trial is true, things about the gambling game in so long have not been mentioned.

Prince Ma is not a fool. After listening to him for so long, he naturally saw something. He thought that Bai Susu should be interested in the Great Lord, and he seemed to see that the Great Lord was not an ordinary mortal. So want to take this opportunity to probe a thing or two?

The more Prince Ma listened, the more so.


What makes him more embarrassed is that what the local tyrant Lord said is too exaggerated?

Even if your local tyrant Lord wants to fool Bai Susu, you can at least say it reliably. How can you talk about it.

Sweep the famine?

Megatron land?

No one can rival?

Stomping your feet, Three Thousand Great Daos is shaking three times?

Heaven and Earth Grand Dao are correct?


I have seen boasting, but I have never seen such an outrageous one.

Such words can’t even fool a ghost, and want to fool Bai Susu who has been in charge of Small World for more than half of Fengyue?

Lord, is this drunk after drinking the five evil spirits, or is it?

I had already believed that Gu Qingfeng might have been the great Lord of Megatron before, but after hearing him brag, Xiao Ya couldn’t help it, and said: “Hey, you guy, I think we are all Is it a fool? You swept the wilderness, Megatron land, no one can beat, stomping, Three Thousand Great Daos was shaking three times? I yeah! You think you are the emperor.”

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