Supreme Lord

Chapter 1430

“Great character? What a big character? Isn’t it the president of the Supervisory Committee of this casino?”

“Lord, the chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the casino is not big enough? even more how Bai Susu is not only the president of the supervision committee, she is also the Vice-City Lord of this casino, and the big owner of the money house, apart from this, she also serves as the resource management committee, auction and more than ten Elders. At the same time, Elder is also the discussion of the entire Fengyue Small World…The power is very powerful, almost in charge of the Fengyue Small World for half a year.”

“So powerful?”

“No, Moreover, this Bai Susu is also the immortal dao canonized nine-day immortal, not only in charge of the small world for half a wind and moon, but even in the huge bipolar universe, it is also a great character that plays an important role in our bipolar universe, whether it is Heavenly Paradise , Or Xuantian Secret Realm, will give her a bit of face, do you think it’s a great character.”

“It’s also called a great character, but… why is the name Bai Susu so familiar? “

Gu Qingfeng thought for a while, and vaguely remembered that on the way here, Qian Ling took out a token to scare away Li Fengyan. The owner of that token seemed to be Bai Susu.

“Familiar? Lord, it should be like thunder piercing the ear, go and ask, who of us in Bipolar Tianyu doesn’t know the name of Bai Susu, it’s amazing.”

Prince Ma persuaded: “So, when you see Bai Susu later, you must understand the etiquette and don’t mess around. Bai Susu is not what Li Fengyan can mention on equal terms. If it provokes anger It’s an unknown number whether she can stay in the bipolar universe, and whether she can leave Fengyue Small World alive.”

“Is it so exaggerated?”

“My great Lord, what we said is not an exaggeration. Bai Susu is definitely a Demon Immortal with profound mystery. I don’t know how powerful it is, but I heard someone said that someone was in Fengyue Small back then. The World is making trouble, while Bai Susu waved his hand, those Great Principle Golden Immortal scattered ashes and smoke dispersed on the spot. I heard that even some Great Wilderness immortals were seriously injured.”

“Listen to you. , Lord, can’t I see her?”

“That’s not good, see, you have to see, can you not see? For such a big person, let’s not afford to offend.”


Prince Ma guessed that Gu Qingfeng might have been the Great Lord of Megatron before, but it was just a guess. Let’s not talk about whether the guess is right or not, even if Gu Qingfeng was really the Great Lord of Megatron before, that’s also It’s just that’s all, in the place where the powerhouse is respected in the Great Wilderness, don’t say you used to be the great Lord of the Megatron side, even if you used to be the king of heaven, if your cultivation base is lost, you can only pretend to be a grandson.

“It’s true, such a big person, you have to pay a visit no matter what.”

“That’s OK, Lord, you go, let’s wait outside.”


“Aren’t you going?”

“I dare not go.”

“What’s not to dare to do.”

” Lord, you can always forgive me. We are courageous. I might be scared to pee when I see a great character like Bai Susu.”

Prince Ma really dare not go.

I really didn’t dare to see a great character like Bai Susu.

“Okay, wait here, wait for the Lord to come out and take you to drink wine.”

Gu Qingfeng is going to follow Xiaoya to meet and meet the legendary Bai Susu, only Xiaoya who was walking in the front stopped suddenly, looked at the same Prince Ma, and said: “Hey, stupid big fellow, what are you doing in a daze, are you still going to let this Miss find someone to carry you?”


Prince Ma pointed at himself, a little bit unbelievable.

“Chairman Bai will also see you, and Mr. Li, come with you.”

When Bai Susu wants to see not only Gu Qingfeng, but also When I was myself, both Prince Ma and Li were shocked, and then my heart began to panic, especially Prince Ma, his face changed from shock, opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, but he dared not say a word.

He glanced at Mr. Li, and Mr. Li also glanced at him, both of them seemed to have a problem in their minds.

That’s Bai Susu, the chairman of the Supervision Committee. Could it be that the Profound Light Mirror found some problems?


Why does the good supervisory chairman want to see the three of them?

Is it an interrogation?


How can this be good?

Prince Ma used to hear that some gamblers secretly colluded with gambling people, tried to falsify, deceived the supervisory committee, and defrauded bets. After hearing that these people were caught, they were all caught Going to a black prison, not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death.

Think of this.

Prince Ma’s heart was pounding, and his scared legs were soft.

He glanced at Mr. Li and then at Gu Qingfeng, as if he was speculating whether they were secretly colluding.

Just think about it right away, this is unlikely.

Leader Li is very prestigious in the casino, and he is also known for his fairness and justice, and he never succumbed to the law for personal gain.

Furthermore, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t look like a fraudster at all. If he wins so many frauds, he will inevitably act in a low-key manner. How can he be so high-profile that he even dares to throw tens of millions of prizes.

But if the two of them didn’t collude secretly, why did Bai Susu want to see the three of them?

Mo said he didn’t know, even the principal Li was worried. He didn’t know why the good-looking supervisory chairman wanted to see the three of them.

Prince Ma is afraid, and he is also afraid.

Although he is straightforward and upright, he has never secretly colluded with outsiders, but when Bai Susu wanted to see himself, he was still scared.

“This…Lord Li, do you know why President Bai wants to see us?”

Perhaps he was too scared, Prince Ma kept sweating on his forehead, Even the voice of speaking was a bit unfavorable and became stammered.

Master Li shook his head, he didn’t know.

“Then what do you think will happen?”

Mr Li shook his head again.

“Will President Bai suspect anything and want to interrogate us?”

Master Li took a look and shook his head silently.


Prince Ma swallowed and caught up with Gu Qingfeng in front of him, and sound transmission asked in a whisper: “Big Lord, you always see if we give you a thousand chips. Shall we explain the truth?”

“What is the truth?”

“You are always…you won 1.8 billion in one go. Have you been…falsified?”

Gu Qingfeng stopped, glanced at him, laughed, and said: “You guessed it.”

“Big Lord! It’s all at this stall. Don’t let you get old. I guessed it.” Prince Ma was so scared that he almost cried, and said: “We are timid, don’t scare us, can you?”

“What would happen if we falsified?”

“Six bowels, refine immortal spirits, burn souls…The legendary black hell methods will let us try a lot.”

“So cruel? “

“So!” Prince Ma choked his throat and said: “If you always cheat, then the two of us are dead!”

“If you cheat, That’s my own death. I’ll take care of you.”

“You said lightly, but we gave you a thousand chips at the time! People will definitely suspect that we are in the same group!”

“You can just say that we are not in the same group.”

“People have to believe it!”

“Don’t worry, God Come down, Lord will help you with it.”

“You said it nicely, when the sky falls, I’m afraid you can’t stand it!” Prince Ma cried and asked, “Lord, do you have No falsification!”

Gu Qingfeng hissed, pointed to Xiaoya in front of him, and said: “Be careful there are ears in the air.”

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