Supreme Lord

Chapter 1429

Gu Qingfeng followed Mr. Li to the supervision meeting. He signed and drew, pressed his handprints, and had to smelt with a drop of blood. After tossing for more than an hour, he received a sign, saying that he just took it. With this brand, you can deposit and withdraw the fairy stone at any time in the bank of Fengyue Small World.

“Young Master, please take good care of this fairy card, if it is lost, it will be very troublesome.”

Lord Li looked at Gu Qingfeng and played the fairy card at will, so he endured it. I can’t help but remind.

This kind of fairy card is like a magic weapon. In order to prevent loss, everyone usually blends its tempering with immortal spirit. When using it, take it out again. Seeing that Gu Qingfeng has no cultivation base. Without good luck, for a mortal, the chief Li can only remind him to keep it safe.

If the fairy tiles are really lost, it may be robbed and fall into the hands of other people. It does not mean that anyone can receive the fairy stone.

This fairy card of Fengyue Small World, when claimed, everyone will incorporate their own blood, when tempering, they will also incorporate their own Divine Consciousness, and even their own imprint.

In this way, it falls into the hands of other people and can be retrieved in a short time.

Others can’t activate it for a while.

Of course.

nothing is impossible.

If you fall into the hands of an expert, erase the Divine Consciousness mark, and re-tempering, you can activate and access it.

And Gu Qingfeng has no cultivation base, even tempering, not to mention the Divine Consciousness mark, so Li Da is very worried about him.

“Young Master, there is a saying that the old man still wants to remind you.”


“Young Master won 1.8 billion huge amount The news may have spread. The old man advised Young Master to keep a low profile as much as possible. It is best to stay in our Fengyue Small World for a while, and wait until the limelight passes before leaving.”

“What do you mean, I can still stay here.” Was robbed?”

“This Young Master, don’t worry. So far, no one has dared to snatch other people’s belongings in our Fengyue Small World, and we will not allow this to happen, but… “

Lord Li said: “It’s just that if Young Master leaves Fengyue Small World, it’s hard to say.”

Beside, Prince Ma also said: “Yes, Li Old If you don’t say Master, I almost forgot. There is a way to be harmful to others, and to guard against others. In Fengyue Small World, maybe no one dares to move you, but once you get out of Small World, all those ghosts and monsters will It came out, maybe you are being watched now.”

Li Old Master nodded and said: “That’s why the old man let Young Master stay in our Fengyue Small World. For some days, after the limelight has passed, find a suitable opportunity to leave. Especially in the previous gambling game, Young Master you offended Li Family Young Master. With the old man’s understanding of Li Family Young Master, this matter will definitely not give up. Please also Young Master be very cautious.”

Normally, Li Old Master would not tell gamblers so much, even more how this time Gu Qingfeng still won in his hands 1.8 billion is directly related to his reputation and face. The reason why he was so persuasive to Gu Qingfeng is because Gu Qingfeng wanted to give him 28 million in order to express his gratitude. This really scared Li Old Master. .

Although many gamblers will reward him after winning, but no one has ever made a move.


Li Old Master not at all, never open, because there are rules in the casino, maids can accept rewards, but as the main master of the casino cannot collect rewards.


This is not the reason for Li Old Master to persuade him.

The real reason is that he appreciates and admires Gu Qingfeng’s unrestrained and unrestrained pride.

The most important thing is that although Li Old Master does not know who Gu Qingfeng is, he can see that Gu Qingfeng is definitely not a general.

“Is it so evil?”

Gu Qingfeng looked indifferent and didn’t seem to care at all.

“Young Master, don’t think that the old man is joking.”

“Lord, Li is right. You must not take this matter lightly. , I’m from Golden Crow Secret Realm, and I’m too clear about Li Fengyan’s relationship with him. He was born in a family of immortals and supported by Golden Crow Secret Realm. He has always been tyrannize. I planted such a big somersault in your hands this time, and I will definitely not let you go easily.”

Prince Ma reminded: “I think Mr. Li is right. Let’s find a place. Let’s avoid the limelight first. When the limelight is over, let’s find another chance to leave.”

“Avoid a shame, Lord, I live such a big life. I have always been others who avoid the limelight. I have never avoided the limelight of others.”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, he didn’t take it seriously. Li Old Master shook his head again and sighed. At this time, he found a man dressed in Luo on the other side. Woman in skirt.

Seeing the woman, the principal Li is frowned. She didn’t dare to neglect, so she hurried over and asked: “Ms. Xiaoya, what’s the matter?”

Xiaoya used to be Fengyue Small The maid of World, after becoming a fairy, she not at all chose to leave here and stayed in Fengyue Small World, and not at all, she was still a maid.


She is a maid, but she is not an ordinary maid, even if she is Li, she dare not easily offend her.

Because Xiaoya is a maid next to the president of the Casino Supervision Association.

“Chairman Bai wants to see him.”

“See him?”

Cautiously asked by Chief Li: “Miss Xiaoya, hasn’t passed the review Already? I don’t know why President Bai still needs to see him?”

“Where do I know.”

Leader Li did not ask any more, and went back to tell the matter to Gu Qingfeng .

“What did your president see me for?”

“This…” Master Li really didn’t know how to answer this question, and said: “Young Master is gone I’ll know.”

“It’s not easy to win a little bit of money from you, why are there so many things?”

“What a big tone.” Xiaoya walked over. , Said: “You won 1.8 billion in a single stroke, or a small money?”

“Oh, this little girl is so pretty.” Gu Qingfeng teased: “Who is this? Introduction?”

“You don’t need to know who this Miss is, you only need to know that President Bai wants to see you.”

“He sees me, I have to See him?”

“Ah!” Xiaoya looked at Gu Qingfeng up and down, and said: “I found that you guy is quite crazy!”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged, jokingly said: “No way, I’ve been so mad since I was a child, I’m used to it.”

“No wonder you guys took such a vulgar name as a local tyrant. It’s really vulgar, I tell you, like you This kind of guy who wins big money by luck, this Miss has seen a lot, I warn you, it’s better to converge a little, or you will suffer a big loss. In our Fengyue Small World, there are three Sects dragons and snakes mingle who, in the future. Speak humbly, otherwise you don’t know how you died in our Fengyue Small World.”

“Then I don’t know if your President Bai is considered a Three Sects Nine Stream?”

“Impudent!” Xiaoya immediately shouted angrily: “This Miss sees you really act recklessly, dare to be disrespectful to our president again, I will make you unable to eat.”

Next to him, Li and Prince Ma were both scared to death by Gu Qingfeng’s words. Prince Ma quickly secretly sounded transmission and said: “Lord, since President Bai wants to see you, you go, she is a can’t afford The great character of to offend.”

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