Supreme Lord

Chapter 1428

Supervisory Committee.

In a luxurious hall.

A woman in a dark purple dress sits on a large and comfortable bed and chair. Her long hair is curled up, her face is beautiful and alluring, her posture is graceful, and her gestures are open. An elegant temperament.

A maid next to her palm was glowing with a light blue flame, and a delicate white bottle floated in her palm. As the blue flame rose, the white bottle was filled with a faint fragrance of wine.


The maid is making some wine.

Not far away, an elderly woman who looked rather old was standing quietly holding a cane.

In the center of the hall, a Formation is running, and a water mirror floats above the Formation, and there is also light and shadow in the water mirror.

Formation is a Profound Light array.

The water mirror is actually Profound Light Mirror.

The light and shadow in the water mirror are exactly the scene of the casino.

“I have to say, this person is definitely the most drinkable lord the old man has ever seen. After playing a few dice, he drank more than 400 pots of Bitao, and he was not at all drunk. “

The old woman looked at the gambling house scene in the water mirror and exclaimed: “What’s even more weird is that he doesn’t have any cultivation bases on his body, but it’s really incredible for a mortal.”

“Hey, this guy is so good to drink.” The maid also said: “More than four hundred pots of Bitao wine, worth more than ten million, he only costs 4 million to enter the garden. , Even if he loses all of it, he will still make money.”

Speaking, the maid said again: “Why can this guy drink so much Bitao but not get drunk? My cultivation base is Great Principle Golden Immortal, at most I start to get drunk after drinking seven or eight pots.”

Bi Tao wine is brewed from special resources. After entering the body, it will react with immortal spirit, and immortal spirit They are all beating every moment like a heart, so that the continuously celestial element will run again and again within the body.

In the Great Wilderness, any good wine will use a special resource when brewing, it is the mist spirit essence. This mist spirit essence is a great tonic for people of cultivation. Especially tempering immortal spirit, but generally no one will use mist spirit essence to temper immortal spirit, because although this thing is a great supplement, it will make immortal spirit intoxicated.

This is also the fundamental reason why wine is intoxicating.

The more you drink, the more immortal spirit you absorb. The more immortal spirit you absorb, the easier it is to get drunk.

Of course.

If you don’t absorb immortal spirit, you won’t get drunk.

Just drink it without absorbing it. This is not only a waste, but also harmful to the fleshy body.

After all, the resources for brewing fine wine are very special. After refining, it is a big tonic. If you don’t refining and stagnate within the body for a long time, it is not a big tonic, but a big poison.

“Many handyman in our Fengyue Small World, they are just ordinary people of cultivation. They don’t even have immortal spirit. Primordial Spirit alone can’t refining the strength of Bitao’s wine. He can’t drink it. He is a mortal, don’t say that he doesn’t have immortal spirit, Primordial Spirit Nascent Soul, how can he… But if he doesn’t have refining, let alone drink more than 400 pots, he just drinks a pot, his flesh and blood The body can’t bear it.”

The maid kept talking to herself, thinking about this problem, but she couldn’t figure out why she was thinking about it, so she couldn’t help but ask: “Aunt Bai, you What is going on with this guy?”

“The absence of a cultivation base does not mean that he is a mortal.” The elegant and beautiful and alluring woman looked at the Profound Light Mirror scene, indifferently said: “A mortal His flesh and blood body cannot withstand more than four hundred pots of Bitao’s wine. Mortals will not be as calm as him when facing a huge amount of 1.8 billion, let alone serene indifferent.”

“He Not a simple mortal, absolutely not.” The elegant and alluring woman took a glass of wine from the side maid and said: “His fleshy body is definitely not an ordinary flesh and blood body.”

“Aunt Bai, are you saying that this guy’s fleshy body may be a body of good fortune?”

“Perhaps, you can only tell if you see him in person.”

The beautiful and alluring woman took a sip from the wine glass and said, “However, compared to his fleshy body, I want to know how he won the 1.8 billion.”

“How to win 1.8 billion? How else can I win, go with the great dogshit luck.” The maid looked at the scene in the Profound Light Mirror, said with a smile: “I also blame the Young Crow Secret Realm Li Family. Master, he repeatedly provoke others. In the end, not only did he lose his fortune, but he also helped others win 1.8 billion. I have never seen such a fun bet before. It’s funny when I think of it. If I were that one Li For Family Young Master, it would be a shame to find a piece of tofu and kill him. “

“The problem lies here. The more I look at it, the more I feel that this bet is not as simple as the surface. The more I look at it, the more I feel that it is not like Li Family Young Master provoking this self-proclaimed local tyrant. It’s…”

The beautiful and alluring elegant woman, slightly browses knit, thinks for a moment, and shook her head slightly: “I don’t know how to describe it. Anyway, it feels weird. The feeling he gave me As if knowing what to drive next. “

“Young Lady. “The old woman said: “Do you suspect that this self-proclaimed local tyrant is cheating?” It shouldn’t be, Xiaoqian’s fortune is chaotic. There are no rules and no order at all. So far, no one can see through the profound mystery. How could he know what to drive next. “

“There are no rules, it does not mean that there is no law, no order, it does not mean that there is no reason. So far no one has seen the profound mystery, it does not mean that there will never be no Although the Chaos Array of Thousand Fortunes is endless mysterious and endless weight, it is only a Formation when it comes to breaking the big sky. “

Looking at the Profound Light Mirror scene, the beautiful and alluring woman whispered: “World’s All Living Things, there is never absolute. “

After that, the beautiful woman asked again: “Where is the other person now?” “

“Leader Li is taking him through the formalities. It should be done soon. “

“I want to meet this person and arrange for me. “Standing up, the beautiful and alluring woman said again: “Xiaoya, you go and prepare some delicious food, and then… prepare some Wusha wine. “

When I heard Wusha wine, the maid named Xiaoya seemed to realize something and said: “Aunt Bai, do you want to drink Wusha wine for this guy?” “

“How? Can’t it? “

“There is not much left of our five evil spirits. If you give this guy a drink, it is simply reckless waste of natural resources. “Xiaoya said sullenly, “This guy drank more than 400 pots of Bitao wine worth more than 10 million yuan, and won 1.8 billion Celestial Stones. It’s not bad if you didn’t find him to settle the account. Why would you invite him to drink us? The five evil spirits. “

“Wine is originally for drinking. “The beautiful and alluring woman smiled slightly, and said: “Besides, I really want to meet this weird man who claims to be a local tyrant. “

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