Supreme Lord

Chapter 1427

Gu Qingfeng and Prince Ma were chatting, and Li Old Master walked in.

“Is it done so soon?”

“This…” Li Old Master frowned slightly and said: “Excuse me Young Master and follow the old man to the supervision meeting .”

“Go to the Supervision Committee? What do you do?” Gu Qingfeng asked: “What, I suspect that I have falsified and smoked the old man?”

“No, Young Master, don’t Misunderstanding, the old man has handed over the Profound Light Mirror of the casino to the monitoring committee. After seeing the Profound Light Mirror there, the monitoring committee has also passed the review.”

There are many Profound Light Mirrors in Fengyue Small World. , Especially in the casino, there are countless, everywhere.

This thing can not only play a monitoring role through the Profound Light array, but also record the scene monitored by the Profound Light Mirror.

In places like casinos, although there is a small fortune fortune formation, there is no need to worry about gamblers making fraudulent money.

But it can’t hold back the gambler and the waiter who are collaborating directly and secretly, using this method to go to the gambling city.

There are not many such things, but they are definitely not many.

It will appear together every three to five.

So, if you lose money in the casino, it’s fine. If you win, if it exceeds 10 million immortal stones, it must be reported to the supervisory committee for approval.

Only through the review, will you win the funds.

“Since it has passed the review, I have to monitor what the meeting will do.”

“That’s it. After all, 1.8 billion is not a small number. For the sake of safety, it is also for you. For future convenience, temporarily deposit Young Master’s 1.8 billion celestial stones in the bank, and Young Master can pick it up at any time if needed, but there are some procedures that you need to go through in person, so please go to the supervision meeting.”

“So troublesome?”

“We have always been very rigorous in dealing with fairy stone resources. Please Young Master can understand.”

“So…then Okay, let’s go.”

“The old man has prepared the big wheel, please Young Master follow me.”

Gu Qingfeng followed Li Old Master and left the inner hall, just out of the bet At the gate of Zhuang, I found people crowded outside. Looking around, it was densely packed. There were countless people everywhere.

When these people saw Gu Qingfeng coming out, they were all very excited and yelled.

“He is the Young Master who claims to be a local tyrant!”

“That’s right! This guy won 1.8 billion!”

“I heard that when this guy came, he only had dozens of celestial stones in his hand. It was Prince Ma of Golden Crow Secret Realm who lent him a thousand chips.”

“Who would have thought of this guy who claimed to be a local tyrant , With just one thousand chips, he won 1.8 billion, which is really crazy!”

“The name of the local tyrant is not for nothing, do you know? I heard that the local tyrant Young Master, just It was his maid who served and rewarded him, and he rewarded hundreds of thousands of chips!”

“Heavens! You are too lavish to make a shot, no wonder you dare to call yourself a local tyrant, it’s really inhumane! “

“This guy can even give a few hundred thousand rewards to the maid, and I don’t know how much money will be scattered later!”

“People call themselves local tyrants, and the money will be scattered naturally. There are definitely a lot!”


These people have all got the news. Today, a local tyrant, Young Master, won 1.8 billion with 1,000 chips in the casino.

After getting the news, these gamblers are like crazy and no longer gamble. They all want to see if this local tyrant Young Master who has won 1.8 billion is who are you.

Of course, the most important thing is that everyone wants to win a prize.

After all, according to the old casino rules, if you win a large amount of fairy stones, you need to disperse your wealth.

“Local tyrant Young Master, I heard that you won 1.8 billion. If you don’t lose your wealth today, you can’t go out!”

“Yes! Local tyrant Young Master , Everyone is not trying to make your money, just want to win a lot of money, you don’t mind!”

“Local tyrant Young Master! You are a local tyrant! I heard that you are rewarding maids. I have rewarded hundreds of thousands. This time you can be more scattered, otherwise I’m sorry for your majestic and mighty name!”

Everyone clamored for Gu Qingfeng to disperse his wealth. .

“How much is it usually scattered?” Gu Qingfeng asked.

Prince Ma responded: “Lord, there are no rules about this. It depends on the mood. They just want to ask for a lot of money. They can do as much as they want, just let them scatter.”

” That’s it.” Gu Qingfeng looked towards Li Old Master again and asked: “You should carry a lot of chips with you, right?”

“I wonder how much Young Master needs?”

As the principal of the gambling house, Li Old Master naturally has a bargaining chip, and it is an old gambling rule to disperse money. He has seen this a lot and is also numb.

“It will cost tens of millions no matter what.”


Li Old Master was shocked, and Prince Ma next to him was also very frightened. He choked his throat and said, “Lord, are you always going to spend tens of millions of dollars?”

“Is there any problem?”

“That’s too much, right? Usually people spend tens of thousands of money, but more than hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands. Thousand, how can there be tens of millions in one shot like your old one, this is too ruthless!” Next, Old Master Li is nodded very much in agreement, he has done a lot in this casino Thousands of years, as Prince Ma said, no matter how much gamblers win, most of the money scattered is tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands, and the maximum is no more than a million. After all, they are all about winning. It doesn’t matter how many. Fortune would dare to disperse tens of millions.

“Disperse a few hundred thousand, that is also called dispersal of money? How about sending beggars.” Gu Qingfeng hooked his hand and motioned to Li Old Master to take the chips, and Li Old Master shook his head. After all, the money belongs to others. He didn’t have much to say. He opened the storage bag and was about to count his chips. At this time, Gu Qingfeng snatched his storage bag back.

“Don’t count it. Anything less later will count as mine.”

After all, Gu Qingfeng opened the storage bag, grabbed a handful of chips and threw it into the sky.

oh la la!

Another one!

oh la la!

Another one!

One after another.

While walking and spreading, the lowest amount of these chips is 10,000. At this time, everyone is crazy and immediately robbed them. Originally, they only wanted to come over to ask for a prize, but no one thought This local tyrant, Young Master, is really so headstrong. The lowest chip to disperse money is 10,000, which is really crazy!

“Slowly grab, don’t worry, everyone has it!”

oh la la!

Gu Qingfeng is thrown into the sky again.

“I am happy today as a local tyrant, so I am self-willed.”

Gu Qingfeng holding more than ten million chips, suddenly thrown into the sky, the chips are like heavy rain Like pouring down.

What is a local tyrant!

This is called a local tyrant!

What is willfulness!

This is called willfulness!

What is moat inhumanity? This is called moat inhumanity.

The extravagance of the trench is extremely luxurious, and the madness of the trench!

Looking at this scene.

Prince Ma grinned, stared, and didn’t even respond to a few chips on his head.

Li Old Master is also like seeing the sky, staring there, watching the raining chips and the many gamblers, his heart is trembling and trembling!

Where is this motherfucker distributing wealth? This is simply distributing wealth!

Previously, Li Old Master thought that the local tyrant was just a pseudonym for this guy, and now he increasingly feels that this may not be a pseudonym, I am afraid that the local tyrant is the real name of this guy!

In the past, Li Old Master could not understand the true meaning of spending money like dirt, until this moment, he finally understood what it means to spend money like dirt!

While everyone is looting for chips.

Gu Qingfeng patted the storage bag to Li Old Master. Ha laughed heartily sitting on the big wheel that Li Old Master had already prepared.

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