Supreme Lord

Chapter 1426


Gu Qingfeng looked at Li Old Master and asked: “Old Master, do I win this hand?”

Li Old Master nodded.

“Since you have won, hurry up.”

Hurry up?

Perhaps the excitement that this brought to Li Old Master was too great, making him a little unable to understand Gu Qingfeng’s meaning of hurrying, and asked: “I don’t know, what Young Master means?”

“What do you mean, if I win, I will continue to play.”


I heard that Gu Qingfeng won 1.8 billion and he was still planning to continue playing. The Old Master was so scared that he almost spewed out old blood and said: “You…you want to continue playing?”

“What’s the matter? Can’t it? Lord, I haven’t had this hand addiction yet.”


I’ve won 1.8 billion, and you haven’t had a hand addiction?

Li Old Master wanted to cry without tears, and said: “Young Master, it’s not that the old man refuses to let you continue to play, but the gambling house has rules. Anyone, regardless of winning or losing, only needs to exceed 100 million. Even if this bet is over, if Young Master wants to bet, he can wait for the next bet or go to another casino.”

“There is still this rule?” Gu Qingfeng didn’t say anything. Said: “Okay, if that’s the case, let’s do it first, 1.8 billion should be able to squander for a while.”

I heard Gu Qingfeng said 1.8 billion squandered for a while, Li Old Master has a kind of scalp. Hemp feeling.

1.8 billion!

More than enough to splurge for a while.

Even if you feed a Secret Realm, it is more than enough.

“Then exchange all of them into immortal stones.”

“Young Master, we don’t have so many gambling houses… immortal stones!”

“What should I do? is it possible that you are still going to owe you Lord?”

“Young Master, don’t misunderstand, 1.8 billion is not a small number. Old man needs to be reported to the Supervisory Committee of Casino. Only after obtaining the approval of the supervision committee, will 1.8 billion Celestial Stone be given to you.”

“So much trouble?”

“No…no trouble, soon, please Young The Master will go to the inner hall to rest for a while, and the old man will go and return.”

After Li Old Master explained other things, he took the Profound Light Mirror and left in a hurry.

“Young Master, let me take you to the inner hall to rest first.”

Under the leadership of Zhu Guang deacon, Gu Qingfeng and Prince Ma went to the inner hall.

The so-called inner hall is used by the gambling house to entertain VIPs and rest.

If the big gamblers are tired from playing, they can come to the inner hall, soak in a hot spring, listen to music, eat some fruit, drink a little wine, if you want, you can also play It is not impossible to play mandarin ducks in the water, even the joy of fish and water.

Perhaps sitting for too long, or drinking too much, Gu Qingfeng is really tired, and I don’t even bother to toss about it any more, so he just lay on his back on an Old Zhang chair while listening While enjoying the small song, while enjoying the massage of three or four maids.

Don’t say, these maid’s techniques are really good, whether it’s moxibustion skin, loosening bones, or Tongqiao acupoints, living meridian, and caring for internal organs, all kinds of techniques really emerge in endlessly and powerfully. The handle is also just right, coupled with the special Formation conditioning tempering, coupled with the spirit of a small song to guide the warmth and mind, this set continues, whether it is the fleshy body or the spirit, it is very happy.

Next to it.

Prince Ma is also lying on the Lord chair, enjoying the massage of three or five maids.

If you can enjoy this kind of service in an ordinary time, Prince Ma will definitely be happy.

But now.

He is not at all in this mood.

Because up to this moment, he is still invaded by the 1.8 billion wealth, unable to extricate himself, as if he were dreaming, he couldn’t believe it was true.

Prince Ma can be regarded as an old gambler.

Over the years, it has been losing more than losing.

If you win, splurge, obediently and honestly, if you lose, go outside to take risks, and then come to gamble.

This time I went out for more than half a year. I was lucky. I made a small fortune and made a hundred thousand celestial stones. I wanted to go to the casino and try my luck.

I just didn’t expect to meet Gu Qingfeng on the way.

Looking at the loss of Gu Qingfeng’s cultivation base, there are only dozens of celestial stones all over his body, which is very pitiful. Prince Ma was generous once and threw a thousand chips over.

But in any case, he did not expect that Gu Qingfeng would use trifling 1,000 chips to win a full 1.8 billion.

Prince Ma originally thought that Gu Qingfeng was just a lunatic who could not bear the loss of his cultivation base and caused a mental disorder, especially when he heard Gu Qingfeng say that he has never lost gambling in his life, what he claims to be When Paragon gambled, Prince Ma even thought it must be a lunatic.

Is Gu Qingfeng really a lunatic who has lost his cultivation base and always has his spirit?


Absolutely not.

A mentally madman, perhaps by luck, playing dice can win 4 million, 30,000,000, 60 Million, or even 1.8 billion.

However, after winning 4 million, 30,000,000, or even 1.8 billion, a mentally insane lunatic is a calm like impossible, impossible, and even more impossible.

Who is Gu Qingfeng?

Prince Ma doesn’t know and can’t imagine it.

Just as he was thinking, Gu Qingfeng’s voice came: “Prince Ma, why did you brat suddenly become so silent, what are you thinking? Do you want to play a bit of meat?”

“This, the local tyrant Lord…Please don’t call me Prince Ma when you are old, I can’t afford it.” Prince Ma said with a bitter smile: “You will call us Xiaoma from now on. Horses and monkeys can do.”

“Big Lord?”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “How can I become a big Lord in the blink of an eye?”

“Dissatisfied with the Great Lord, although our horse monkeys have no great ability, we have been in the wild for thousands of years. Although we have not seen any great world for so many years, all kinds of people have come into contact with a lot of people at all levels. , I still have a bit of eye-sight. At first I saw that you were old, but we were clumsy, but I didn’t see it. Later, the more I looked, the more I felt that you were old and unusual. I must have been a great Lord who has seen the world before.”

Great Lord is a respectable name in the Great Wilderness.

Usually only those cultivation base profound, powerful, and powerful, can they afford the honorific title of the Great Lord.

In the eyes of Prince Ma, the master who won 1.8 billion and can be so indifferent, he used to be the great Lord of the Megatron side.

“Oh, I have to say, you brat really has some eyesight.” After Gu Qingfeng sent away the four or five maids who were massaging, he stood up, fiercely stretched his waist, feeling very Shu Tan said: “However, even if I was a great Lord before, I am just a mortal now.”

Prince Ma will also send away his maid, he doesn’t know Gu Qingfeng. What happened to the Lord before and what caused the loss of the cultivation base. He didn’t dare to ask more. He just said, “Lord, don’t be discouraged. We believe that as long as you don’t give up, one day I can stand up again.”

“Stand up again?”

Gu Qingfeng laughed dumbly, shook his head, and said: “Lord, I stood for too long before, tired I’m exhausted physically and mentally. Even if God kneel down for me, I don’t want to stand up anymore… What do you do when you stand up, how easy it is to lie down.”

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