Supreme Lord

Chapter 1425

As the chaos formation of Xiaoqian’s fortune gradually ceased, the glitter of the dice cup gradually dissipated, and everyone’s heart also raised their throats. Perhaps this bet is too big. The Old Master is in charge of the game. A layer of cold sweat appeared on his nervous forehead.


The streamer of the dice cup no longer flickers, and the dice inside it stop spinning.

Li Old Master looked up at the crowd and took a deep breath again. When he raised his hand, his arms trembled a little uncontrollably, took out a towel, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and screened Hold your breath, place your hand on the dice cup, and slowly open it.

When the dice cup opens, time seems to stop and the air seems to freeze.

The first dice, two points.

The second dice is also two points.

The third dice is still two points.

Six o’clock is an even number.

And Li Feng said that he bet is odd.

He lost.

The loss is thorough, not only the more than 10 million celestial stones on his account, but also the cultivation resources that belong to the family worth tens of millions.

This moment.

Li Feng said that his face was gray, his mind was blank, and his eyes were also gray.


He seemed to think of something again, three two points, not only an even number, but also a leopard!

Think of this.

Li Fengyan only felt dizzy, the world was spinning, and couldn’t bear it anymore, and suddenly collapsed on a chair.

He is so.

And Li Old Master is not much better, he also slumped in a chair, his face looked so ugly and ugly, holding the dice cup in his hand, staring at the three two-point dice , Just staring at it, seemingly can’t believe it will be true.

Before this one was turned on, he was still praying, praying not to drive a leopard.


What you are afraid of.

The Leopard was really out again.

this time.

He was completely dumbfounded.

Everyone in the field, whether it is a gambler or a maid, stood there like a statue. They were all frightened by this scene. They looked at the three dice with two points and looked at Looking at the 60 Million stacks of chips on the leopard, when they realized that Gu Qingfeng had won 1.8 billion, everyone felt a sense of suffocation, and they couldn’t stand still.

Prince Ma was screaming when Old Master opened the dice cup, and when he saw three two-point dice, he slumped on the ground and stood no longer does not raise.

After entering this garden, he felt that he had entered Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven.

I fell from heaven to hell, and then rushed from hell to heaven, back and forth, repeated many times.

Each time Gu Qingfeng slid all in, Prince Ma was frightened and frightened. He didn’t even dare to breathe, as if he was dying.

But when Gu Qingfeng won one hand after another, Prince Ma was resurrected again, the feeling is really beyond words.

He has experienced this kind of resurrection feeling three times.

For the first time, Gu Qingfeng won 30,000,000.

For the second time, Gu Qingfeng won 60 Million.

This time, he won 1.8 billion!

Oh heaven!

1.8 billion! ! ! !

At this number, Prince Ma felt that he was about to suffocate just listening, and he had never dreamed so much.

I don’t know how long it took.

I really don’t know.

Everyone has forgotten the time and is completely shocked.

After a long time, everyone gradually came back to his senses from the shock. Looking at Li Fengyan, whose face was as gray as death, sitting on the chair, everyone had a very complicated feeling.

This feeling is not pity, nor sympathy, but more ridicule, irony, and great irony.

Think carefully about it.

They all remember that when this local tyrant Young Master first entered the garden, he directly singled out the leopard with 1,000,000, but the first one lost.

If you lose, you lose, but you Li Feng said that you have to motivate people to continue betting the leopard? The good name is to have fun.

The result.

The fourth one was finally out of the Leopard, winning 30,000,000 with 1,000,000.

Later, this local tyrant Young Master bet 1,000,000 big.

You Li Fengyan jumped out again, and excited others, the excited people pushed all 30,000,000 up, saying that he could afford to lose.

The result.

They won 60 Million.

For the third time, you Li Fengyan once again aroused others, and asked them to bet the leopard, bet you, and you have to fight to the end. As a result, they won 1.8 billion in one go.

Aren’t you Li Fengyan First Young Master very arrogant and domineering? Not supercilious, do you despise this local tyrant Young Master?

What else do you think you can afford to lose, all for fun?

If you Li Fengyan really can afford to lose, how can you sit on the ground with a frightened face and can’t say a word?

Still having fun?

You went bankrupt when you lost, but helped others win 1.8 billion.

Are you looking for fun, or are they looking for you?

A man who spends money for fun, not only loses his fortune in the end, but also helps others win 1.8 billion, but in the end he becomes fun.

Why is this motherfucker not ironic?

Is there anything more ironic than this in the world?

No more.

At least Old Master knows that, looking at the entire casino, there is no other game more ironic than today’s game.

It was ironic to grandma’s house.

In the view of Li Old Master, if it were not for Li Fengyan who kept jumping up and down, it was clamoring, provocative, and aggressive, then the local tyrant Young Master would never win so much, and the gambling would not lose. so much.

Thinking of this, Li Old Master has the heart to kill Li Fengyan, and he can’t wait to chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!


The pain is bleeding.

If possible, Li Old Master really wants to kill Li Fengyan and then commit suicide.

He really feels utterly disillusioned.

Although he lost 1.8 billion, it is a casino.

As the chief executive of this gambling house, he was personally responsible for a gambling game that caused the gambling city to lose 1.8 billion at once. Even if the gambling city does not trouble him, he has no face to stay. It’s shameful to go down.

Looking at the local tyrant Young Master here.

Li Old Master has become increasingly unable to understand where this guy came from.

There is no cultivation base, just trifling a mortal.

The amount of alcohol is amazing, and it is simply shocking to the world. After such a gambling game, I almost drank hundreds of bottles of Bitao wine, which was worth more than ten million.

What surprised Old Master even more is that this guy has been so leaning from beginning to end, sitting in a chair casually, leaning on the table with his legs up, he has always been leisurely and comfortable. Drink a little wine.

He was like this when he won 30,000,000 in the first hand.

He did the same when he won 60 Million in the second hand.

He won a full 1.8 billion this time, and he still did.

This motherfucker is 1.8 billion!

Anyone who wins 1.8 billion will die of excitement and joy, right?

But what about him.

Are you excited?


Are you excited?


Not only you don’t see any excitement on his face, you also don’t even feel happy after winning money. It’s as if it was not him who won 1.8 billion, but someone who had nothing to do with him. Like people.

But even if an unrelated person wins 1.8 billion, at least he will be jealous and hated like other gamblers in the field?



Some are just lazy and casual.

Some are just leisurely.

Some are just leisurely.

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