Supreme Lord

Chapter 1424

In the Great Wilderness, there are many ways to play gambling, but three are the most popular.

One is to bet on Heaven and Earth, also known as Tai Chi change.

One is gambling on Xuanhuang, also known as Great Desolate.

The other is to bet on fate, also known as chaotic change, that is, playing investment, betting on odds and even.

Whether it is a bet on Heaven and Earth or a gambling on Xuanhuang, these two gameplays are relatively high-end, relying on 30% fortune, 30% fortune, and 30% fortune. Therefore, gambling is often very big, and most people play Sorry, I don’t dare to play, let alone play.

Playing dice, betting big or small, there is no technical content, all rely on a face to fight luck, so the most people play.

Because there is no technical content, anyone can participate, so the stakes in this kind of gambling are generally not very high.

A handful of tens of millions of bets may be very common in the big bets on Heaven and Earth and Xuanhuang, but there are not many bets on investment bets, and it can be said that they are very rare. .

No one thought that Li Fengyan would bet tens of millions of dollars in an investment with this local tyrant Young Master.

Are they crazy?

Absolutely crazy.

At least, everyone in the court felt that these two people must be crazy.

In order to kill the local tyrant Young Master, Li Fengyan did not hesitate to bet more than 70 million chips.



He is singular, and the odds of winning and losing are equal to half.

And that local tyrant Young Master?

He actually bet a full 60 Million chips to single out the leopard!

Can this motherfucker win?

What is even more unacceptable to everyone is that this leopard was ordered by Li Fengyan.

As long as your mind is normal, I’m afraid you will not do it, right?

Even if you want to challenge Li Feng and bet on an odd or even double, you can at least have a half chance to single out a leopard. This…

is not normal!

Absolutely abnormal.

This local tyrant, Young Master, either has an abnormal brain or a mental problem.

Otherwise, how can you do such a stupid thing?

Next to it.

Prince Ma stood there, just looking at it, looking at the mountain of 60 Million chips on the leopard, he couldn’t believe his eyes, he couldn’t think of it, Gu Qingfeng would ask Li Feng said what to bet, and did not expect that Li Fengyan would let the leopard bet, this guy really bet the leopard, not to mention that the motherfucker bet 60 Million.

Prince Ma didn’t speak, and he didn’t know what to say. When Gu Qingfeng bet the 60 Million chip directly on the leopard, he basically lost the ability to think freely, and his mind was blank. The whole person is groggy.

Don’t say it is him.

Even if it is the chief executive of this gambling house, the Old Master who has presided over countless gambling games is in a mess at the moment. If you say that you are playing dice, it is rare to bet tens of millions, but it is not nothing. Almost all of them are big and small singles and doubles. Like this local tyrant Young Master singles out the leopard with 60 Million chips, this kind of weird thing, Li Old Master is also the big girl once in the sedan chair. Have not heard.

Is your brain abnormal?

Have mental problems?

Prince Ma has been observing the local tyrant Young Master. How he looks at the local tyrant Young Master does not look like his brain is abnormal, no matter how he looks at his spirit.

Is it difficult to be drunk?

This is not like it!

This guy has been sitting on a chair slantingly from beginning to end, leaning on the gambling table with Erlang’s legs, and drinking a little wine in a leisurely manner. It is more comfortable and comfortable. To be more comfortable, how comfortable.

How can the brain be abnormal, and how can it be mentally problematic?


Li Old Master feels that he is almost drunk by smelling alcohol, but this guy is not drunk at all.

“Play with this Young Master? hmph! overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Li Fengyan held up the wine glass, drank all the wine in the glass, and then sat back on the chair. It’s a proud and mighty shouted: “Today this Young Master can’t kill you, I won’t be named Li!”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head helplessly said with a smile: “You may not win if you play to death. .”

“Win? Hahaha! Don’t use your entire net worth to challenge this Young Master’s pocket money. Tell you, it’s nothing more than 70 million that’s all. If this Young Master can afford to lose, just take it. It’s nothing more than having fun.”

Gu Qingfeng asked puzzledly: “Then what are you drawing?”

“What is the picture? What not, this Young The Master wants to kill you! Playing until you collapse, playing until you ruin your fortune, playing until you kneel down on this Young Master!”

Li Fengyan’s meaning is very clear, as he said, he doesn’t care about winning or losing. Just want to play Gu Qingfeng, even if both sides suffer in the end, both sides lose, it doesn’t matter to him, because he can afford to lose!

“These years are really the poor who died of the poor, the rich who died of the rich, this is a long experience!”

Gu Qingfeng stood up, fiercely stretched out Waist, twisted his neck, looked at Li Old Master, and said: “Let’s start.”

“Place your bets and hands off the table!”

Li Old Master nodded, took a deep breath and calmed down some trembling heart.


Some trembling.

This tremor is excitement and worry.

The excitement is because I have not seen such a big bet for hundreds of years.

It is precisely because the stakes are too large that he is very worried.

If the number of points offered is odd, the gambling bank will pay Li Fengyan 140 million immortal stones, although there are many, but fortunately, it is within the acceptable range.

But if this one is really out of the Leopard, the Leopard’s odds are one to 30. The local tyrant Young Master bet 60 Million. In other words, the gambling motherfucker will pay He is 1.8 billion celestial stones!

140 million immortal stones may still be accepted by the gambling house, but if it is 1.8 billion immortal stones, this is definitely not something the gambling house can afford.

After all, it is not 1.8 billion spiritual head, but 1.8 billion fairy stone!

This motherfucker is too terrifying.

Just thinking about it is enough to suffocate.

Although the probability of driving a leopard is very low, it is only a low probability and does not mean that it is impossible.

Little Thousand Fortune Formation, there are no rules, no order, and no reason at all. Everything is unknown.

Aren’t the first two out of leopards?

Who can guarantee that this one will not produce a leopard?

In the casino, three consecutive leopards are not unheard of.

The more I think about it, the more scared Li Old Master is, and the more scared he is, the more he shakes.

I took a few deep breaths in a row, but it was still useless.

You can only start the Chaos Formation of Xiaoqian Luck with a feeling of anxiety.

When the dice cup bloomed with brilliance, Li Old Master also held his breath.

He is so, everyone in the field, whether it is the gambler or the maid, is holding their breath and staring at it.

Even Li Fengyan is no exception.

Although he said he didn’t care about winning or losing, and he could afford to lose 70,000,000, he just said nothing serious.

70,000,000 is not a small number for anyone, especially for him Li Fengyan, not only is it not a small number, but also his entire wealth, and many of the treasures previously taken out do not belong to him. Human, but belonging to the family, if this one loses, he does not know how to explain to the family.

So, he already regrets a bit now, regretting that he shouldn’t be so impulsive.

It is useless to regret it, because place your bets and hands off the table, Li Old Master has also opened Formation.

The only thing Li Fengyan can do now is to pray, pray that he can win this one! !

Must win! !

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