Supreme Lord

Chapter 1423

For the first time, Gu Qingfeng bet the Leopard, and he won 30,000,000.

For the second time, Gu Qingfeng pushed Gu Qingfeng big, and he won 60 Million.

This has already made Li Fengyan feel angry, but he didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng now boldly let himself help him choose which bet to bet.

The angry Li Fengyan’s face is blue, gnashing teeth, and shouted: “This Young Master dare to choose for you, do you dare to bet?”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said indifferently: “There’s nothing I dare not do.”


Li Feng said hideously said with a sneer: “Don’t you like to single out leopards the most? If there is a kind, Just continue to single out the leopard, don’t let this Young Master look down on you and bet on me!”

“Don’t say, brother, your eyesight is really good. Lord, I play dice. He has a special liking for leopards.”

Gu Qingfeng smiled and launched 5,000,000 chips to single out leopards.

Looking at this scene.

Other gamblers in the venue have a feeling of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, including Li Old Master.

In this casino, it is not uncommon for others to choose which bet to bet on. However, most of them are the kind of losers who want to transfer to other people. Others choose which one to bet on for themselves. If they win consecutively, they rarely let others choose.

Of course.

Not without.

But most of them are also selected by friends or maids around them.

Now Li Fengyan is obviously not pleasing to the local tyrant Young Master, but the local tyrant Young Master still let Li Fengyan help him choose.

What makes everyone even more incredible is that Li Fengyan chose Leopard on his behalf.

In exchange for anyone who will not hold the leopard.

After all, the probability of a leopard is too low, too low, even more how, I have already drove one just now, how can there be a second leopard for you?

But what everyone didn’t expect was that this local tyrant Young Master would really continue to single out the leopard.

This can’t help but make people wonder, is this local tyrant Young Master mentally or mentally abnormal? Or is it that the consciousness of drinking so much Bitao wine has been blurred, otherwise, how could it be so stupid?

Li Feng said fiercely provocatively: “Only bet 5,000,000, is that also called bet?”

“Didn’t you also only bet 5,000,000?”

Gu Qingfeng finished another jar of fine wine and signaled the maid to continue filling.

“Today this Young Master bet as much, do you dare to bet as much?”

“Master said, I will definitely stay with you to the end!”

“Good! See clearly!”

Li Fengyan once again bet the remaining 5,000,000 on the singular ten thousand zhang again, and again provocatively said: “this Young Master raises 5,000,000 again!”

” Isn’t it 5,000,000? Yeah, I followed.”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t look at it, and still passed 5,000,000. He continued to single out the leopards, looked at Li Fengyan, and said, “What? There’s no bargaining chips? “

“Will this Young Master have no chips?”

Li Fengyan stood up, loosened his collar, flipped his palm, and took out a token, saying: “this Young Master still has 12 million celestial stones on his account. Old Master will help me take them out and exchange them into chips!”

Fengyue Small World is the largest trading center in Bipolar Universe, and naturally it has The bank is available for everyone to access the fairy stone.

Li Old Master nodded, took Li Fengyan’s identity token, and then handed it to Zhu Guang deacon to handle it.

“This is the essence of ten innate spirits, one is worth one million, ten are worth ten million!”

Speaking, Li Fengyan took out ten from the storage ring The brocade box, the brocade box contains the essence of innate spirit worth millions.

Are you finished?

It’s not over.

Then Li Fengyan took out a dark-green spar and said: “This is the ancient jade essence, worth 5,000,000!”

Are you done?

It’s still not over.

“This is the primary grade fairy soldier sword embryo, one bing is worth 5,000,000, this Young Master has three handles, the total value is 15,000,000!”

Are you done?



Looking at Li Fengyan taking out the treasures in the storage value one after another one after another, everyone in the field was amazed, marveling that Li Fengyan deserves to be one of the Golden Crow Secret Realm family of nine immortals Gui Young Master, he has so many precious treasures in his hands.

Besides being amazed, everyone finally realized that Li Feng said that he was going to fight the local tyrant Young Master to the end!

In the casino, it is not uncommon for the two sides to fight, what is the fight? What is fighting for is face, what is fighting for? Who can afford to fight!

Li Fengyan took out all ten-twenty valuable treasures, the lowest are in the millions, the high value is more than 5,000,000, Li Old Master liquidated it, Li Fengyan took out these Baby, it’s worth 311,000,000 in total.

At this time, Zhu Guang also exchanged the 12 million actuals on Li Feng’s account into chips and brought them, plus 31,000,000, for a total of 43 million chips.

Li Fengyan bet all 43 million chips on the odd number, plus the 10,000,000 chips he previously bet, a total of five thousand 3,000,000 chips. After all of them, both of his hands pressed the table and sneered. , Staring at Gu Qingfeng, said: “Playing with this Young Master, you can’t afford it!”

Gu Qingfeng smiled without saying a word, and added five thousand 3,000,000 chips, and said: “Hey, I pay There are 7,000,000 chips.”

Li Fengyan can’t get any valuable baby anymore. He said, “Old Master, can you help me ten million for the time being.”

“Fengyan Young Master, you should know the rules of the casino.”

“This Young Master won’t work for the time being?”

“Sorry, this is the rules of the casino.”

Li Fengyan looked towards the other gamblers again: “Everyone, can this Young Master be ten million for the time being?”

“This, Fengyan Young Master, is not an old man and I don’t want to lend you, you know, Borrowing money at the casino will be bad luck.”


Casino gamblers rarely lend money to others. Once borrowed, it is equivalent to lending their luck to others. Most gamblers believe in this.

“Brother, forget it, don’t toss, Lord, I let you get 7,000,000 immortal stones.”

Speaking, Gu Qingfeng bet all the remaining 7,000,000 immortal stones. Go up.

“Let? What a joke, what thing are you! What qualifications do you have to make this Young Master?” Li Fengyan was furious, and when he raised his hand, he directly took out a black jade fairy sword, fiercely smashing the bet On the stage, shouted: “This Young Master is betting on this black jade Quick Wind Sword, is it enough! Can you make it?”

When Li Fengyan took out the black jade Quick Wind Sword, everything in the field People were shocked.

Everyone knows that an entry-level fairy sword embryo is worth 5,000,000 on the market.

And this black jade Quick Wind Sword of Li Fengyan is not a fairy soldier sword embryo, but belongs to the tempering success grade fairy soldier, the value is high, at least above 20 million, generally speaking, bet Even if the guests are gambling red, they will not bet on their tempering magic weapon, because tempering a fairy war weapon costs not only a lot of fairy stones, but also countless efforts.

Now, in order to smash the local tyrant, Young Master, Li Fengyan has directly pushed his tempering black jade Quick Wind Sword directly.

“Fengyan Young Master, this black jade Quick Wind Sword is a fairy soldier made by your hard tempering. Are you sure you want to bet it?”

The voice of Li Old Master came , Li Feng said: “This Young Master is sure.”

“Can I exchange it for you into chips?”

“No need!”

Good guy !

It seems that Li Fengyan not only wants to smash the local tyrant Young Master, but also puts one end of the stake on the bet. As he said, Li Fengyan is not something anyone can make.

You have to know that he had already pressed a full 50 million chips, and this fairy weapon was worth at least 20 million upwards. In other words, he had bet more than 70 million in total.

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