Supreme Lord

Chapter 1422

What to do?

Li Old Master does not know either.

He is also desperate.

Now I can only pray for the local tyrant Young Master to lose 30,000,000 and leave.

Don’t let this guy continue to win. If you continue to win, let’s not say how much he will win for the time being. You can’t afford the bite after bite of Bitao’s wine!

Li Old Master shook his head and said: “Please continue to bet, everyone.”

Gu Qingfeng tapped his finger on the table and said, “What is this bet? “Looking at Prince Ma next to him, said: “Old Ma, what do you think we are betting on.”

“This…” Prince Ma scratched his head and said grimly: “Let us also I don’t know.”

“Choose any one.”

“This…” Prince Ma thought for a moment, and tentatively said: “Would you like to bet on the big?”


“No problem, but how much is the right bet?”

“Brother, we won the last hand, this one first bet less and try to find your luck.”

“Okay, listen to you, bet less and feel lucky.”

Gu Qingfeng put out 1,000,000 chips and bet big directly.

When it was the turn of other gamblers, they mostly stared with big eyes and small eyes, looked at Gu Qingfeng’s 30,000,000 piles of chips in front of him, and looked at this little chip in front of him again. Shaking his head and sighing, they decided to put it aside for the time being.

Others bet less than 1,000,000. If you bet a few tens of thousands, it would be too shameful to bet.

And Li Fengyan was very disdainful of coldly snorted, and said: “It’s nothing more than 1,000,000.” After all, he also introduced 1,000,000 chips, not the size, but the odd number.

Perhaps he intends to challenge Gu Qingfeng, he launched another 1,000,000, a total of 2,000,000 chips bet on the odd number, pressed his hands on the table, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and said: “You won 30,000,000, you It’s only 1,000,000 big bet, just this courage, you dare to call it a local tyrant?”

Gu Qingfeng smiled and said: “Then tell me how much I bet to be called a local tyrant?”

“If there is such a thing, put all 30,000,000 on it!”

Everyone can see that Li Fengyan repeats the same trick again and wants to excite Gu Qingfeng again.

“If I bet on all of you, do you dare?”

“Why not dare again!”

Li Feng said that he was ten thousand zhang proud and directly in front of him A full 5,000,000 chips, all bet on odd numbers.

Obviously, he wants to challenge Gu Qingfeng.

After the bet, I raised my finger at Gu Qingfeng shouted: “What? Persuaded? Don’t you dare?”

“It’s nothing more than 30,000,000. I’m a local tyrant, I’m a gangster. It’s a fame.”

After that, Gu Qingfeng waved his hand, and in an instant, the pile of 30,000,000 chips in front of him was pushed past by him.

Too crazy!

Too exciting!

This is 30,000,000!

This bet is too much!

Other gamblers watched this scene, shaking their heads and sighing, sighing that this local tyrant, Young Master, is too young and energetic. He was agitated by Li Fengyan and was agitated last time. The player has been betting on the leopard, although good luck, he won a big one, but can luck always be good? Even more how, even if it’s a challenge, you don’t have to bet all 30,000,000 chips. After all, Li Feng said that he is only 5,000,000 immortal stones. If he loses, he will only lose 5,000,000. If this local tyrant Young Master loses, he will lose 30,000,000!

“Challenge me with Li Fengyan, you are not qualified yet, I Li Fengyan can afford to lose 5,000,000, can you afford 30,000,000?” Li Fengyan proudly said: “This one, this Young Master depends on you Die!”

Gu Qingfeng just watched with a smile, each minding their own business drinking a little wine.

“place your bets and hands off the table!”

After Li Old Master said, open the Chaos Formation of Xiaoqian Luck.

At the same time, I am also praying psychologically, praying that this one is best opened, so that all the 30,000,000 immortal stones of this local tyrant Young Master will be lost.

To be honest.

Li Old Master feels that even if this one makes the local tyrant Young Master lose, even if this one makes him win, as long as the local tyrant Young Master is willing to leave, Li Old Master can accept it.

This guy is so good at drinking, one bottle after another bottle of fine wine kept drinking, making Li Old Master really feel painful.


He can only pray.

Even if he is the chief of the gambling house, he is also responsible for opening the chaos array of Xiaoqian’s fortune, and he also controls the dice in the left and right dice cups.


Little Thousand Fortune Chaos Formation stopped working, and the dice cup no longer flickered.

When Li Old Master opened the dice cup, one dice was six points, one dice was four points, and one was three points.

Thirteen o’clock, order!

In other words, Li Feng said that he won the odd bet, bet 5,000,000, the odds are one to one, and he wins 10,000,000 directly.

Li Fengyan was very excited, only soon did he realize that 13 o’clock is not only singular, but also big!

In other words, Gu Qingfeng also won with a big bet, and the bet is 30,000,000. If the odds are one to one, it is directly 60 Million!

Good guy!

This Li Fengyan won 10,000,000, and the local tyrant Young Master won 60 Million.

But the dealer lost.

I lost a full 70,000,000!


Li Old Master this time is not as simple as the pain, but the heart is bleeding.

“Oh, Old Ma, that’s okay! Fortunately, this one was a big bet by you, and we won again.”

“My brother, this one I think you should thank Li Fengyan for First Young Master.” Prince Ma didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and said: “If he didn’t excite you, you would only win 2,000,000 at most. Now it’s fine, he excites you, you Directly bet 30,000,000 and win 60 Million, you are really…”

Prince Ma really doesn’t know how to describe his feelings.

He doesn’t know whether Gu Qingfeng’s luck is too good or Li Fengyan’s luck is too bad, why today’s gambling game feels so weird.

“Yes! This is reasonable.” Gu Qingfeng looked at Li Fengyan and said, “Brother, you are really a lucky star, come on, continue playing.”

Although Li Feng said that he won 10,000,000 in this one, he couldn’t be happy anyway, especially seeing Gu Qingfeng’s 60 Million win, which made him unwilling or dissatisfied, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and said every word. : “Who dares to continue playing, who is the grandson!”

“Okay, I will accompany you to the end!”


He just won 10,000,000, Li Fengyan’s confidence is also a lot, he directly bet 5,000,000, this time still betting odd numbers.

Gu Qingfeng drank another jar of wine and asked: “Old Ma, what do you say we bet on this one.”


Prince Ma wanted to cry without tears, shook his head, and said with a sad face: “Brother, you can forgive us.”

Prince Ma really didn’t dare to say anything more.

Gu Qingfeng is always a push. If he wins, it’s okay. If he loses, Prince Ma can’t bear this responsibility, and he can’t bear such a great excitement in his heart.

“Don’t worry, we won the 60 Million anyway. If we lose, we will lose. It doesn’t matter, just pick one.”

“This, my brother! No! Lord, Let’s call you Lord, right? Don’t ask us any more, I can’t bear it.”

“Look at you for what you are doing!”

Gu Qingfeng looked towards the maid next to him, Asked: “Sister, what do you say, what is this charge?”

“Young Master…I…” Since being rewarded by Gu Qingfeng for five 600,000 immortal stones, the maid next to him has been stunned. If it’s the same in a dream, when I heard Gu Qingfeng asking herself, she first startled, then shook her head and said: “I don’t know.”

“Choose any one.”

” Young Master, please…please don’t embarrass me.”

Even Prince Ma dare not choose any size. As a maid, she dare not.

At this time, Li Fengyan said in a cold and arrogant voice: “Why? Don’t you dare to continue playing? I’ll admit it?”

“What’s the hurry? Don’t know what to bet.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Brother, you have won a lot of the two games before, and this time you help him choose one?”

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