Supreme Lord

Chapter 1421

This scene is crazy!

The madness made everyone in the field feel at a loss.

In Fengyue Small World, tipping maids is a very common thing in casinos, and even an unwritten rule. Usually, gamblers will basically tip tips after winning here.

Like the scattered tables outside, rewards range from hundreds of rewards, while the bigger gambling games inside usually start at one thousand and range from several thousand.

Li Fengyan only rewarded 10,000 chips, which is too much.

No one has ever been like this local tyrant Young Master. I don’t look at it, grabbing a handful of chips and rewarding the maid.

He has five 600,000 celestial chips!

Are there many?

Absolutely enough!

Be aware that the maids in the casino are not paid, and they rely on tips to survive. If it is good luck, the gambler who is waiting for wins, they can still get a tip, but in this casino, most people It’s all about losing more and winning less, like serving Gu Qingfeng. This maid only got seven or eight thousand tips for more than half a year. This already makes her very happy. After all, she is not as relaxed as other maids, nor She would betray her fleshy body, just serve tea and drink, she is content to get these tips.


She never expected that she would be rewarded with five 600,000 celestial stones today.

This number is too much for her, too many makes her dare not accept it, nor can she believe it is true.

Don’t say it’s her.

Prince Ma couldn’t believe it either. He worked so hard to risk the mortal danger outside for more than half a year, but he managed to get a hundred thousand immortal stones. This is still good luck. If it’s bad luck, two or three It was normal that the pot could not be opened in the first year. He did not expect that Gu Qingfeng would be so rich and imposing. He directly grabbed a handful of five 600,000 immortal stones to reward the maid.

Prince Ma so.

All the gamblers present are no exception. They may be Small Secret Realm Elder, may be Great Secret Realm’s deacon, or may be the expensive Young Master from the fairy family. However, five 600,000 fairy stone pairs For them, it’s definitely not a small amount. Don’t talk about giving a reward to a maid or lending it to a friend, so you have to think about it.


The Old Master standing in the ring table frowns deeply and stares at Gu Qingfeng closely.

As the chief executive of this gambling house, Li Old Master can be said to have read countless people, and his eyesight is naturally very vicious. As long as he is a person, even if he doesn’t know him, he can tell him Family background guesses almost.


Today, Li Old Master is completely confused.

He has no idea what the identity of this local tyrant Young Master is and what family background he has.

You want to say that he is the kind of little upstart who won a little fairy stone outside, but he is not like him.

If he is the kind of nouveau riche who meets heavenly materials and earthly treasures outside, he is not like him.

Li Old Master knows very well that whether it is a small upstart or a big upstart, this kind of person’s fairy stones are easy to come, and they will not cherish it at all. Moreover, after they have money, they will squander freely. There is a hundred thousand eighty thousand and I don’t even bother to bend over to pick it up, losing face, but Li Fengyan just now has a hundred thousand chips on the ground, this local tyrant Young Master picks it up personally, not only picks it up, but also uses it after picking it up. Wipe the sleeves clean.

Nouveau riche will never do this kind of dishonesty, especially the hundreds of thousands of chips are still on the ground, and nouveau riche will not pick it up.

But you have to say that he is not a nouveau riche, just grabbed a handful of chips and rewarded the maid.

This kind of lavish, splurge, I am afraid that only upstarts can do it.

This local tyrant Young Master is who after all.

Li Old Master really can’t tell.

At this time, Zhu Guang also brought Bitao wine from outside, and the maid hurriedly offered it. When it came over, it turned out to be another pot of wine.

“Didn’t I tell you, use that kind of big jar, why is it such a small jug.”

The jug in the casino is made from Gold Jade. It has a very beautiful appearance. It is about the size of a slap and can pour a dozen cups. Such a hip flask is not small. At least, it is definitely not small for ordinary gamblers, but it is only for ordinary gamblers. It’s just a pity that Gu Qingfeng is not an ordinary gambler. Ordinary gamblers like wine tasting, while Gu Qingfeng doesn’t like wine tasting. He likes the kind of indulgent booze.

Zhu Guang wanted to cry without tears and explained: “Young Master, all the casinos in the entire casino city have such flagons, there is no wine jar!”

“Forget it, there is no wine jar, there is no wine bowl, the bigger one, the bigger the better.”


Zhu Guang frowned, he I really don’t know what to do.

These days, everyone is pursuing an elegant quality of life. If otherwise, the great wilderness would not be popular for elegant immortals. The age of drinking big bowls and eating meat has long passed, and now there are only those rateless ones. Wild and rough people will drink with a large bowl of wine jars.

Gu Qingfeng’s request really made gambling very difficult.

“This…brother.” At this time, Prince Ma, who had been silent, spoke, cautiously said: “We still have half a wine jar here, or else, you will do it first?”

“What are you doing in a daze, take it out!”


Prince Ma flipped his palm and took out a wine jar. Not to mention, this thing is really not small, it is a foot high, after taking out the wine jar, Prince Ma quickly poured out half of the jar of wine inside.

“What did you pour out for?”

“Brother, this wine is not so good, Hah!”

This jar of Prince Ma’s wine is ordinary Tong, the market price is only a hundred cents, and Gu Qingfeng now drinks 30,000 yuan per pot of Bitao, which is naturally impossible to compare.

Gu Qingfeng is not a particular person. He can drink good wines. Of course, if conditions permit, he still prefers good wines, and Prince Ma has already been poured out, so he did not say What, put the empty wine jar at the feet of the maid, pointed and said, “Pour it in until it is full.”

The maid did not hesitate, she poured it in while carrying the jug. Then a pot was poured, seven or eight pots were poured, and there was no half of the pot, until twenty pots of Bitao wine were poured, and then one pot was filled.

Gu Qingfeng lifted the wine jar, raised his head and started drinking.

Everyone in the field just watched and watched.

The staring eyes are one bigger than the other, and the look is more shocked. The expression and the look are just like seeing a monster swallowing the world. It’s kind of like to have one’s hair stand on. end, there is also a feeling of scalp tingling.

Such an unrestrained and crazy drinking method, let alone Old Master, let alone the rich and noble masters in the field, even the old and rough Prince Ma who was born in poverty and often wandered outside. .

After a while, Gu Qingfeng finally put down the wine jar, everyone took a closer look, good guy, this guy just drank a jar of wine in one breath!

There are twenty jugs of Bitao wine in this jar!

One pot of Bitao wine is worth 30,000, and one jar of 20 pots is 600,000!

This means that this local tyrant Young Master drank 600,000 immortal stones in one breath!

What is frenzy!

This is frantic!

What’s more terrifying is that after drinking a jar of Bitao wine in one breath, the boy was not flushed or panting, and was not half drunk.

Looking at this scene, Li Old Master suddenly realized a very serious problem, that is, this kid is not a way to drink like this. He drank twenty pots of Bitao wine 600,000 in one breath, and continued to drink like this. Gamblers can lose money.

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