Supreme Lord

Chapter 1416

Prince Ma is an old gambler. Although he has lost a lot and won less over the years, he has won a few hundred thousand celestial stones when he wins. It is like winning 4 million celestial stones in one hand. He has never encountered him before. I dare not use eighty thousand immortal stones to stake all on one throw like Gu Qingfeng did.

This is too crazy and too exciting.

In addition to being surprised, the other gamblers at the same table are more envious. Everyone wants to be big, but no one is so bold.

“hehe! Old Huang! Look at our brother, how courageous this is! Use eighty thousand immortal stones, stake all on one throw, single out four points! You can win 4 million immortal stones with one hand, you have this Can you take it? Ha ha ha ha!”

Prince Ma is proud to show off like other gamblers, not to mention how happy he is.

“What are you blind? You brat didn’t win!”

“Look at my brother winning, I’m even more happy than we won!”

Prince Ma walked over, poured a glass of wine for Gu Qingfeng himself, and said, “Brother! You are a good brother to my brother. From the first sight of you, my brother feels that Brother, you are not an ordinary person, you are bold and man-like. !”

Although these words have several points of compliment, in fact, Prince Ma really admires Gu Qingfeng in his heart.

A person who has lost his cultivation base can’t bear such a big blow in his heart. Even if he doesn’t collapse, his spirit will be extremely low. Even if there is nothing on the surface, it is a strong smile.

But when he saw Gu Qingfeng, Prince Ma noticed that this guy was not a strong smile, but was really free and easy, his speech and manners were also very casual, as if he didn’t care about the lost cultivation base. Let Prince Ma admire it in his heart.

“But, brother, listen to what my brother said, don’t bet anymore, use these 4 million immortal stones to buy immortal pills and marvelous medicines, and get your body adjusted first, so that you can stand up again. “

“What’s the rush, this is where it is, 4 million is not enough to stuff your teeth.”

Gu Qingfeng played with the chips in his hand while drinking wine.

Looking at this scene.

Prince Ma was secretly surprised, perhaps because he was too excited just now, until now he calmed down, he realized that Gu Qingfeng’s existence was extraordinary.

If anyone else wins 4 million Celestial Stones, I am afraid they will yell in excitement.

And this guy is still sitting on a chair with Erlang’s legs upright, drinking a little wine leisurely. The serene temperament is incompatible with the atmosphere here, just like a 4 million fairy stone. There is no difference in his eyes with the four immortal stones.

Until this moment, Prince Ma realized that he might have underestimated the brother he had just met, relying on the courage of the stake all on one throw to single out four points, and the attitude of Serene after winning Prince Ma knew that before losing the cultivation base, this brother was definitely a master who had seen the world and experienced wind and rain, even if it was not a great character.

“Brother, do you want to continue to bet?”

“Otherwise? It’s not easy to come here, so I have to play two more.”


After realizing that Gu Qingfeng might be a master who has seen the world, Prince Ma stopped talking to persuade, thinking that Gu Qingfeng must be sure There are counts.

4 million fairy stone is not a small sum, and the maid does not have so many chips to pay Gu Qingfeng, but she has already declared it, and someone will come soon.

Sure enough, after a while, a middle-aged man walked over, and the maid reported the matter immediately. I heard that Gu Qingfeng’s 4 million immortal stone was singled out and won by four points. The aged man glanced at Gu Qingfeng in surprise, and was even more surprised when he found that Gu Qingfeng did not have any cultivation base on his body.

“Under Zhu Guang, it is the deacon of this gambling garden. Congratulations to Young Master.”

After this man named Zhu Guang cup one fist in the other hand, ask Said: “I haven’t consulted Young Master about the name of the surname.”

“The name of the surname!” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and said with a smile: “The surname is the local, the famous, the local tyrant!”


The Tyrant?

Who does anyone call such a tacky name? It sounds like a fake name.


Zhu Guang not at all continues to ask, as the deacon of this garden, everyday all comes into contact with people of various identities and backgrounds. Naturally, the experience is not what other people can mention on equal terms, he is also better than Everyone knows that you should never judge a person by appearance, let alone evaluate a person on the basis of a cultivation base. The great wasteland is a vast and boundless wasteland, a great wasteland that has gone through countless years, and a mysterious and unknown one.

Some people do not have a high cultivation base. Who knows that they do not have a strong identity and a strong background?

Some people may seem ordinary on the surface. Who knows if he is a hermit expert?

“What’s the matter? I won you such a little stone? I have to investigate and investigate the identity?”

“Young Master, don’t misunderstand.” Zhu Guang didn’t dare to neglect, he said immediately: I just want to know if Young Master is going to cash out 4 million, or continue to play?”

“Of course, continue to play.”

“If Young Master continues to play, then Please inside.”

“What’s the matter? Don’t let me continue playing here?”

Faced with Gu Qingfeng’s doubts, Zhu Guang was about to explain, but Prince Ma next to him said first: “brother , Here is a loose table. Generally, the players are relatively small. The minimum bet here is only one hundred. If you play a big one, you have to go to the garden, where the minimum bet starts at 10,000.”

” , Let’s go, let’s go play the big one.”

“Young Master, please.”

Gu Qingfeng followed Zhu Guang to leave, Prince Ma followed closely behind, said with a smile: “Brother, this time my brother has touched you. My brother has been playing here for so many years and he has not been to the garden.”

Prince Ma and a lot of bets Like a disciple, coming here to play is just a little joke. When you come to play, it’s more than a hundred thousand dollars on your body. With such a little fairy stone, you are not qualified to play big ones.

“Why, is there a lot of play in it?”

“I heard that it’s not an average player. People who enter to play are either rich or expensive. Millions and tens of millions are normal, and a kid like my old brother can’t play it at all.”

“Why are you a kid again.” Gu Qingfeng jokingly said: “I But remember that you said that you are an influential figure of Golden Crow Secret Realm, and there are countless brothers under you, and they are majestic everywhere.”

“Oh, brother, don’t you joke We’re here.” Prince Ma blushed and said somewhat sorry: “We haven’t seen the world, and I blame my brother for being blind. I haven’t seen my brother as an extraordinary person for so long.”

“How can I become an extraordinary person?”

“Don’t be humble, brother, just because of the courage of my brother playing dice just now, it is not what ordinary people can compare, even more how I won 4 million, I don’t even blink my eyes. Even if I’m blind, I can see that my brother was definitely a master who has experienced wind and rain and seen the world.”

“Oh, you can see all of this? Not simple.”

“Sure enough!” Prince Ma’s heart was started and cautiously said, “I don’t know if my brother used to be…that lord? Convenient to inform?”

“Before…I used to be the master of go up to heaven or down to Hades call the wind and summon the rain.”

Go up to heaven or down to Hades in the Great Wilderness? call the wind and summon the rain?

My mother.

What a grandfather this must be!

Prince Ma didn’t know what Gu Qingfeng said was true or false, and he didn’t dare to keep asking.

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